The ABCs of Technology: Good & Bad by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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Devra Davis – Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation,  What The Industry Has Done To Hide It, And How To           Protect Your Family (2010: Dutton)


Devra Davis – The Secret History Of The War On Cancer (2009:      Basic Books)


John De Graaf – Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork And       Time Poverty in America (2003: Berrett-Koehler            Publishers)


Barbara Ehrenreich – Bait And Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit Of          The American Dream (2005: Metropolitan Books)


Barbara Ehrenreich – Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In       America (2003: Wheeler Pub.)


Lee Eisenberg – Shoptimism: Why The American Consumer Will      Keep On Buying No Matter What (2009: Free Press)


Rafe Esquith – There Are No Shortcuts (2003: Pantheon Books)


Tom Fenton – Bad News: The Decline Of Reporting, The Business                Of News, And The Danger To Us All (2005: Regan Books)


Timothy Ferriss – The 4-hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live    Anywhere, Join The New Rich (2007: Crown Publishers)


Antwone Quenton Fisher – Finding Fish: A Memoir (2003:    Thorndike Press)


Noel Riley Fitch – Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child     (1997: Doubleday)


Martha Frankel – Hats & Eyeglasses: A Family Love Affair With      Gambling (2008: Penguin)


Harold Gilliam – Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Bay:            The Struggle To Save San Francisco Bay (1969: Chronicle          Books)


Amy Goodman & David Goodman – Standing Up To The      Madness: Ordinary Heroes In Extraordinary Times (2008: Hyperion)


Kevin Graham – Ralph Nader: Battling For Democracy (2000:          Windom)


Charlotte Gray – Gold Diggers:  Striking It  Rich  In  The Klondike

            (2010: Counterpoint)


Anna Jane Grossman – Obsolete: An Encyclopedia Of Once- Common Things Passing Us By (2009: Abrams Image)


Jane Hammerslough – Dematerializing: Taming The Power Of          Possessions (2001: Perseus Publishing)


Anders Henriksson – Non Campus Mentis: World History      According To College Students (2001: Workman Pub.)


Jim Hightower with Susan DeMarco – Swim Against The Current:     Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow (2008: J. Wiley            & Sons)


Thomas Hine – I Want That!: How We All Became Shoppers (2002: HarperCollins)


Sanford D. Horwitt – Feingold: A New Democratic Party (2007:       Simon & Schuster)


Susan Jacoby – The Age of American Unreason (2008: Pantheon       Books)


David Kay Johnston – Fine Print: How Big Companies Use “Plain   English” To Rob You Blind (2012: Portfolio)


David Kay Johnston – Free Lunch: How The Wealthiest        Americans Enrich Themselves At Government Expense             (And Stick You With The Bill)  (2007: Portfolio)


Rachel Kaplan with K. Ruby Blume – Urban Homesteading:  Heirloom Skills For Sustainable Living (2011: Skyhorse            Pub.)


Terry Kay – Taking Lottie Home: A Novel (2000: William      Morrow)


Caroline Kennedy – Profiles In Courage For Our Time (2002:           Hyperion)


Barbara Kingsolver – Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year Of Food Life (2007: Harper Collins)  


Naomi Klein – Shock Doctrine: The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism       (2007: Metropolitan Books)


David C. Korten – The Great Turning: From Empire To Earth         Community (2006: Berrett-Koehler)


Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenthiel – Blur: How To Know What’s           True In The Age Of Information Overload (2010:             Bloomsbury)


Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn – Half The Sky [Turning  Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide]              (2009: Highbridge)


Joseph Wood Krutch –  The  Voice  Of  The  Desert, A Naturalist’s              Interpretation (1955: W. Sloane Associates)


Martin Lindstrom – Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use To            Manipulate Our Minds & Persuade Us To Buy (2011:  Crown Business)


Jerry Mander – Four Arguments For The Elimination Of      Television (1978: Morrow)


Howard Mansfield – The Same Ax, Twice: Restoration And   Renewal In A Throwaway Age (2000: University Press of            New England)


Malcolm Margolin – The Earth Manual (1975: Houghton Mifflin)


Justin Martin – Nader: Crusader, Spoiler, Icon (2002: Perseus            Pub.)


Eric Mataxas – 7 Men And The Secret Of Their Greatness (2013:      Thomas Nelson)


Frank McCourt – Teacher Man: A Memoir (2005: Scribner)


William McDonough and Michael Braungart – Cradle To Cradle:        Remaking The Way We Make Things (2002: North Point      Press)    


Bill McKibben – The Age Of Missing Information (1992: Random     House)


Milton Meltzer – Bread And Roses: The Struggle Of American           Labor 1865-1915 (1967: Knopf)


Jessica Mitford – A Fine Old Conflict (1977: M. Joseph)


Michael Moore – Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life           (2011: Grand Central Publishing)


Walter Mosley - Life Out Of Context (2005: Nation Books)


Farley Mowat – Woman In The Mists: The Story Of Dian Fossey      And The Mountain Gorillas Of Africa (1987: Warner Books)


Helen Nearing – Loving And Leaving The Good Life (1992:  Chelsea Green Pub.)


Katherine S. Newman – The Missing Class: Portraits Of The Near    Poor In America (2007: Beacon Press)


Barack Obama – The Audacity Of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming   The American Dream (2006: Crown Publishers)


Soledad O’Brien – The Next Big Story: My Journey Through The     Land Of Possibilities (2010: New American Library)


Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway – Merchants of Doubt: How     A Handful Of Scientists Obscured The Truth On Issues   From   Tobacco Smoke To Global Warming  (2009:  Bloomsbury Press)


Vance Packard – The Hidden Persuaders (1981: Pocket Books)


Vance Packard – The Ultra Rich: How Much Is Too Much (1989:     Little, Brown)


Greg Palast – The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An        Investigative Reporter Exposes The Truth About            Globalization, Corporate Cons, And High Finance   Fraudsters (2002: Pluto Press)


Eli Pariser – The Filter Bubble: What The Internet Is Hiding From    You (2011: Penguin)