The ABCs of Technology: Good & Bad by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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Noel Perrin – First Person Rural: Essays Of A Sometime Farmer     (1979: J. Curley)


Ilene Philipson – Married To The Job: Why We Live To Work And     What We Can Do About It (2002: Free Press)


Kevin Phillips – Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics,          And The Global Crisis Of American Capitalism (2009:  Penguin)   


Michael Pollan – The Botany Of Desire: A Plant’s Eye View Of         The World (2001: Random House)


Odette Pollar – Take Back Your Life: Smart Ways To Simplify          Daily Living (1999: Conari Press)


Steven Pratt and Kathy Matthews – SuperFoods RX: Fourteen           Foods That Will Change Your Life (2006: Harper)


Alexander Prioleau You Want Fries With That: A White-Collar        Burnout Experiences Life At Minimum Wage (2008: Arcade Pub.)


Robert D. Putnam – Bowling Alone: The Collapse And Revival Of     American Community (2000: Simon & Schuster)


Jeremy Rifkin – The End Of Work: Decline Of The Global Labor Force & The Dawn Of The Post-Market Era (2004: Penguin)


Robin Roberts – Everybody’s Got Something (2014: Grand Central   Publishing)


Paul Robeson, Jr. – A Black Way of Seeing: From “Liberty” To        Freedom (2006: Seven Stories Press) 


Ed and Carolyn Robinson – The “Have-more” Plan  (1973: Storey



Arne Ross – The Leaderless Revolution: How Ordinary People Will 

                Take Power And Change Politics (2011: Blue Rider Press)


George Saunders – Congratulations, By The Way: Some Thoughts    On Kindness (2014: Random House)


Karenna Goree Schiff – Lighting The Way: Nine Women Who            Changed Modern America (2005: Hyperion)


Juliet Schor, Josh Cohen and Joel Rogers – Do Americans Shop          Too Much? (2000: Beacon Press)


Beth Shilman – The Betrayal Of Work: How Low-wage Jobs Fail      30 Million Americans And Their Families (2003: New     Press)


Daniel Sieberg – The Digital Diet: The 4-Step Plan To Break Your    Tech Addiction And Regain Balance In Your Life (2011:  Three Rivers Press)


David Sirota – Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption       Conquered Our Government – And How We Take It Back    (2007: Three Rivers Press)


B. F. Skinner – Walden Two (1976: Macmillan)


Don J. Snyder – The Cliff Walk: A Memoir Of A Job Lost And A      Life Found (1997: Little, Brown and Co.)


Doug Sosnik, Matthew J. Dowd and Ron Fournier – Applebee’s          America: How Successful Political, Business, And      Religious Leaders Connect With The New American             Community (2006: Simon & Schuster)


Elizabeth Stuckey-French – The First Paper Girl In Red Oak, Iowa   (2000: Random House)


Samuel Thayer – Nature’s Garden: Guide To Identifying,      Harvesting And Preparing Edible Wild Plants (2010:            Forager’s Harvest Press)


Stewart L. Udall – The Quiet Crisis (1963: Holt, Rinehart and  Winston)


Cornell West – Democracy Matters: Winning The Fight Against       Imperialism (2005: Penguin)


James Wolcott – Attack Poodle And Other Media Mutants: The       Looting Of The News In A Time Of Terror (2004: Miramax           Books)


Benjamin and Rosamund Stone Zander – The Art Of Possibility:         Transforming Professional And Personal Life (2002:  Penguin)


Howard Zinn – A People’s History Of The United States: 1492 –      Present (2005: HarperPerennial)


Michael Zweig – The Working Class Majority: America’s Best          Kept Secret (2000: ILR Press)












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