The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Choosing An Image

Under the old version of fiverr then selecting the image for your gig, prior to

making a video was important, now under the new fiverr version two (V2) it is

absolutely essential!

Your image must be a maximum of 682 px wide and 489 px high, and no more

than 2Mb in size.

The new Fiverr V2 is far more visual and “Pinterest like” in it’s layout, this means

eye catching images are now absolutely essential to getting the buyers attention,

and don’t think that just because you are offering a great service everyone’s

going to rush and buy your gig. You can have ‘the’ best gig on fiverr on a $ for $

basis, BUT if your image choice is poor then no one will ever click on it to read

about the fantastic service that you are offering! It’s a fact that your gig will live

and die by the image you choose for it, particularly if you choose not to upload a

video initially – although note gigs with videos sell up to 220% more than those

that don’t! So to my mind it’s crazy not to record a video (More on this coming


This leads me to one big problem that fiverr has yet to address. When you upload

your video then this is what shows up instead of your image to prospective

buyers. The problem with this is that fiverr does not display the first image from

your video – so you may stand there with your best smile, grin like a Cheshire

Cat for the first five seconds, only to find that once you’ve uploaded your video

that the picture now shown on fiverr, is you part way in to your video with your

mouth wide open looking awful.

There seems no answer to this problem, and it can make a video image look

awful. Answers on a postcard to that one?

Also unlike many sites then whilst fiverr request that you use an original image,

that you own the copyright to, and it requests that you do, then it doesn’t seem to

enforce this copyright rule at all and you will see images/logos from major

companies being used simply everywhere on the site. Just note that if a company

complained to fiverr over your use of a copyrighted image then they or their ISP

would be forced to remove it. That said there appears no sign of that happening,

otherwise fiverr would be rejecting gigs wholesale. Although that doesn’t mean

I’m condoning the use of copyright images in any way. So if you possibly can use

an original image. Note though that quite a few companies permit the use of their

images under certain conditions.

One option to create a good image is to use an image from Google images

(Checking it is free of copyright) and then modify it by placing text over the top

of it. This can be done very easily using most image editors, although I use

“Gimp” for editing mine as it’s a great fully functional image editor, indeed

people use it for carrying out gigs with, yet it’s 100% free – nothing to upgrade to

the whole of it’s free to download. Get it free for Mac or PC at – loads

of free tutorials on youtube.

Another option is to take your own photo reflecting the service you offer and

then use Gimp or a similar image editor to add text if required

Make sure your image reflects your service as best you can – whether people

click on your gig will depend 100% on what this image looks like, so spend some

time to create a good one, or buy a gig on fiverr and get someone to create one

for you.

The “Description” - Sales Pitch

Okay so you’ve set the hooks with your image and your gig title. Now it’s time to

reel the buyer in.

You have just 1,200 characters (not words) to do set out what you are offering

under your gig. There will be occasions when this seems more than enough. On

other gigs you will hit the 1,200 limit before you know it.

You also need to be aware that whilst it’s vital to incorporate your keywords and

keyword phrases in to the description, you have to be careful not to use too

many or fiverr will stop you from saving the gig and you will see warning

messages appear on the gig. Don’t forget to incorporate your keywords though!

Under the new fiverr V2 you can now fully format your gigs and change the size

of the text, make it bold or italic, and add in bullet points, or numbered points.

I would strongly suggest you do this and make your gigs look as good as possible

visually, whilst some people may still switch to the old version of fiverr the fact is

the new V2 version is here to stay, and any new potential buyer only sees the

new version. So it clearly makes sense to format the look of your gigs to the ‘New


When it comes to the actual text the sales pitch itself will be down to you, writing

with a passion will help you to come over better.

I recommend the use of bullet points as they can be very effectively used to

highlight your key points.

The buyer doesn’t want or need you to write an essay in the description, writing

short sentences with tight descriptions can and will pay dividends.

Highlight the key benefits of your gig early on and then re-‐iterate them again in a


Aim to get the gist of your gig across in the first paragraph.

Keep your description as clear as possible and avoid any unwanted fluff, funny

anecdotes etc. as all the buyer really wants to know is exactly what he’s getting

for his money.

Also you may think it obvious what is in the gig and what is not, but after a

month on fiverr you will realise that just the opposite may apply. Even when you

state, “This gig doesn’t come with XYZ” you will still get people ordering it and

then querying it when you deliver it without XYZ included.

Also if you want to minimise ‘cancellations’ (There is a whole section on

cancellations later on) then I would use part of your gig to specifically state was

is not included in the gig.

I am not being negative by focussing on these latter two items but ensuring that

you weed out problem buyers is just as important as closing sales is. You want

good buyers, for $5 you want low stress and not demanding buyers. Use your

description to help you do this in a positive way.

Whilst fiverr has actually upped the number of characters that you can use from

500 to 1,200 it is still a good idea to aim to get the point across as fast as possible

as to what your gig offers.

If you are struggling for words for your sales pitch then take a look at the

wording of some of the gigs that “Top Rated Sellers” use for inspiration. Often

you will find some great words that can be easily adapted to your own gigs.

One tip I picked up was to close the description with “Click order and let’s do

this” – Conversion rates more than doubled from 5% to 12% or more.

One thing to consider if you have a little money to invest is to employ a

copywriter in fiverr to help write your sales pitch. Initially though I would say

write your own, and re-‐invest in some good copy as your sales come in.

1,200 Characters – Use them wisely and don’t be afraid to re-‐write as required.

TIP: Make sure you copy and paste the gig title, description, tags and

instructions to buyers and save them in a word document. This way you can not

only keep an original copy but also have them to hand if anything goes wrong in

the process of saving the gig.

TIP: The use of the “Free gig” to boost sales. If your gigs are quick to do then you

may want to opt to add wording to your gigs description that allows you to offer

people another one of your gigs for free if they buy this one. This works well with

just about any gig, but care needs to be taken so as not to double your workload.

It is best suited to gigs that can be processed very quickly. I cover this at more

length in the chapter “Boosting & Promoting Your Gigs”

Selecting Your Tags/Keywords

Fiverr refers to its keywords as “Tags”, and the good news is that you can choose

short ones or long tail keywords. The bad news is that you can only choose five

of them.

If you are entering a market with high competition then try using some long tail

keyword tags rather than shorts ones such as “youtube”.

Also avoid innocuous or non-‐buying keywords such as “Free”, and do not use any

that are not relevant to your gig. Think of fiverr SEO as being like Google, if you

select a keyword just because it gets large numbers of searches but it’s irrelevant

to your gig then your will get marked down for this. So don’t do it. Keep all tags

highly relevant.

Much has been said that under fiverr V2 you should not use long tail keywords,

so I experimented and found that when I changed from my long tail keywords

such as “clickbank site” to “clickbank”,”site” as the tags my sales went down. So I

would advise sticking with long tail keywords for best results.

You can change them at any time in the future, although note any changes may

affect your gigs rankings in fiverr and they could go up or down in the rankings

as a result, or they could take a dip down before going back up.

You can’t guess these keywords in the same way you can with Google SEO, as

nobody knows how fiverr uses these to rank your gigs.

TIP: Make them relevant and choose your top five – think like a buyer when

selecting them.