The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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The Gig Duration

This can be any length that you want but shorter timescales sell more product

and if you pick 1 day duration for your gigs and deliver consistently on time then

you will get a little “Express” wording highlighted in orange alongside them. This

is worth doing as “Express” gigs not only sell better but can also be selected as a

search option e.g. a user can just opt to search on “Express” gigs.

The orange highlight makes those express gigs stand out and so more people

click on them and order them as a result. Also many people want the gig

delivering as fast as possible. Graphics/headers are one good example of this.

A word of warning though! If you fail to deliver on time then you will lose your

express gig rating, and whilst you can win it back it can take forever to do so.

Also pick realistic timescales – Many people pick 1 day durations to get more

sales but then forget fiverr is a global site and you could get an order from a time

zone that’s very different to yours and this could mean that you get an order in

overnight, you wake up, see that you need to ask the buyer for more information

only to find due to the time difference he is now asleep! This can easily mean you

losing a day waiting for the details due to the time difference. This can see you

being late on an express gig and losing its status very easily. This happened to

me and it’s why I now select realistic timescales.

Express gigs are great to get orders in to start with but as you expand your fiverr

empire you may find that your daily life prevents you from handling them well,

and you want to avoid negative feedback for late delivery, and being scored

down by fiverr for being late – do this a few times and your gig will disappear

into a black hole along with potential orders.

Express gigs are good but be aware of the pressures on you to deliver and your

own abilities to do so. E.g. take your home/work situation in to account when

setting the times.

An example of this is I sell website services and sometimes people buy new sites

for me to upload to, but any new site takes 24-‐72 hours for the DNS to resolve

and me to be able to upload, therefore my gig timescale takes this factor in to

account. This is as good example of where this guide helps you avoid mistakes

I’ve made!

TIP: Shorter gig timescales in general will mean more sales, but most important

is picking ones that you can deliver on time, if not then your gigs will be scored

down and drop in the rankings. ‘Express’ gigs sell more.