The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Instructions To Buyers

This is the bit where you need to idiot proof your gig, but it can be tricky if you

have a lot to ask your buyer as you only have 450 characters to use.

I say idiot proof your gig as you are going to have to spell things out to your

buyer exactly what you need, then spell it out again to be sure.

To give you an example of this I have a gig that requires people to give me their

hosting control panel details, so my instructions specifically ask for this. To idiot

proof it I also people NOT to send me their wordpress login details. Even doing

this I still repeatedly get people sending their wordpress details. I once had to

ask one person nine times to stop sending his wordpress details and send the

hosting control panel details as requested. Each time he replied, “Once again

here are my wordpress details”. In the end I spelt it out in capital letters to him –

No guesses for what he sent! Yup! He sent the wordpress details again. Only

when I cancelled the order did he send the right ones.

This is what you need to prevent happening. Note though that even when you’ve

spelt it out some people simply won’t read it or respond to it. Spelling things out

as clearly as possible though saves a lot of time. Also bear in mind (As I learnt

along the way) that someone could well be buying your gig who’s main language

isn’t English and the fact they don’t send what you want or send the wrong thing

could be down to that. If in doubt ask them, never assume anything when it

comes to a buyer, particularly never think “How can they have misread that?” as

they can and do.

You need to make the instructions to buyers polite but firm to avoid running in

to the above kind of time wasting problem, which can turn a stress less fiverr gig

in to a major hassle.

It’s best to keep the instructions to buyer to small, succinct phrases.

Note: If requesting login information for a website. Request they send the login

URL AND check the username and password works/has been tested by them

before they send them to you. I only started doing this recently, so it shows me

you never stop learning with fiverr.

450 characters is all you have so use them wisely!