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Making A Killer Video

Now this is where you can either join the ranks of the thousands of suppliers that

are without a single order days, weeks or even months later, or you can kick ass

and start your road to major fiverr success.

It’s a fact that gigs with videos for whatever reason get up to 220% more sales on

average than those that don’t! Staggering but true, that’s fiverr’s data not mine!

But before you ever go near that video camera, fiverr has some golden rules you

need to follow. Speed read and skip these at your peril, this is very important as

guess what? Sometimes if fiverr rejects your video they deny the whole gig!

So ignore these rules at your peril!

The golden rules are: -‐

• Your video must be between 10 seconds and up to 30 seconds – although

note you will find many videos on fiverr that run to several minutes, I

think they are older or allowed by Top Rated Sellers.

• Use only original videos made by yourself – Slightly questionable as it

conflicts with the next rule, whereby many people clearly buy in such

editing services on fiverr for their fiverr visitors. Follow the rule when

you are starting out.

• Upload a video of yourself presenting your own gig. This I would question

as I’ve seen dozens of videos where there’s a PowerPoint presentation or

on screen demo with no sign of the sell presenting the video at all. You

may include samples of your work, editing effects etc. as long as the

presentation remains personal and made by you

• YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST mention that your gig is offered exclusively on – fail to do this and it’s instantly rejected

• Do not use the same video for more than one gig

• Your video must be in reasonable quality, your voice has to be clear and

easy to understand

• Promotion of third party services, websites or brands (in writing or

narration) or providing direct means of communication will not be

allowed – As I’ve found out this means you have to be careful when

mentioning any third party such as clickbank, BBC (TV) and Google. You

can mention them but must not do so excessively. I had one gig related to

the BBC rejected, I wasn’t promoting them at all just describing my gig,

but it was rejected for mentioning them more than twice. It’s designed to

stop you promoting your own site but applies to anything.

• Offering a service for any price other than $5 is not allowed

• Make sure your video and gig adheres with fiverr’s Terms of Service –

Read these if in doubt. As a general guideline think nudity, swearing,

bombs, drugs, violence etc. basically if you wouldn’t be happy with kids

seeing it then it shouldn’t be in your video

• Videos related to self improvement, getting rich methods, black hat

marketing and similar are not permitted at this time – This means a lot of

restrictions on guides on making money online.

Now you know the rules so it’s on to making your video!

Well to make sales you need to make a video, now these days most people have a

web cam or a video camera. If you’ve not got either of these then use a mobile

phone camera to record one.

When first starting out I would recommend the use of a good web cam, point and

shoot camera set to video mode, or a video camera with a friend to stop and start

the recording in each case.

The reason for having a friend to help is that your video needs to be at least 10

secs long but no more than 30 secs. So basically if you have to walk to the PC to

start the recording, then walk back, get composed and in position you can find

you’ve lost 5 secs each way to and from your PC. This also means keeping track

of the 30 sec maximum is much harder. Far better to have some else shout

“Action!” and show you a timer than you try and keep track of time yourself. This

will also cut out the need for editing. Might sound a minor point, but whilst many

of us have access to cameras we don’t all have editing software….

You can, given time, setup a video camera on a tripod or invest in a HD web cam

but at the start I wouldn’t waste the money and I’d use a simple webcam, hand

held video camera or digital camera in video mode. Beg or borrow one off a


One other option that I use is to use an ipad to record your videos on, this is ideal

as with the front facing camera you can control the pad easily and at the same

time see an on screen timer. Highly recommended and a great confidence


Now whilst fiverr has changed the wording slightly on it’s video requirements to

state that it wants to see you presenting then this doesn’t seem religiously

enforced, which can be good news if you are a bit nervous (But just remember if

someone laughs at your video, it’s not like youtube – they can’t comment on it,

and you can’t hear them laugh. Think of that and you will soon be in front of the


Indeed there are many, many videos where no one is seen on camera, and for

many gigs you may well demonstrate things best by an on screen presentation be

it PowerPoint, a visual example of your work etc, etc. Now you may search high

and low for a free screen recording tool. I know I did, and for the Mac or PC good

free ones are virtually impossible to find, many offer free trials but then you pay.

I didn’t want this guide to have you reaching in your pocket every five minutes to

buy something else just to implement my teaching. So here’s my secret

“Quicktime Player”. You probably may well have it on your machine already! If

you have Mac OSX it’s built in

Now you maybe thinking well okay… that but doesn’t it just play videos?

Well as after hours of searching for a Mac solution I found out that it also records

on screen video capture. Once you have installed it open it up and at the top of

the screen click on “File” and you will see “New Screen Recording” – click this

and you can then start and on screen recording and it allows you to select the

portion of the screen you wish to record, prior to recording. When you’ve

finished and stopped the recording click “File” again and then click “Export” and

save the movie to your desktop. It’s now ready to upload to fiverr. Besides

recording on screen it allows you to record audio at the same time. So you can

talk through your gig, make your pitch and don’t forget to say it’s exclusive to


This tip will save you $$$’s and hours surfing for a 100% free screen recorder.

A bonus tip is that you can use it to record your PowerPoint presentation, you

can flip through slides whilst it records them on screen.

Now what makes a killer video?

You! That’s what! This is because nothing builds a better rapport with your

customers than seeing you talking about your service. It doesn’t matter what you

look like, it took me a while to get over that worry, but think about it, if they

don’t like the look of you, you can’t hear any comments they might make so why


The best videos I’ve seen are where the person gets the passion they have for

their gig across. The other powerful gig videos are ones with good humour in

them. Make a buyer laugh and they’re already opening their wallet!

A script really does help particularly if you are camera shy as it gives you a

structure to work on and focus on. Also with a script it helps make sure you don’t

leave key points out. If not you might post a video and wonder why you’ve got no

sales a week later only to find you’ve missed something major off the video.

TIP: Make sure you replay your video before submitting it. Don’t worry if you are

not quite 100% happy with it, as you’ll find that you could record it ten times and

still not be happy. Just make sure you’ve got your key points across.

Do good looking video get more sales? Well yes I’m guessing they do, as many of

the Top Rated Sellers now have very good, professionally edited videos, but I

wouldn’t worry so much at the start as you can always re-‐submit new videos at

anytime. There are many people selling video editing services on fiverr who will

gladly make your video sexy!

The more videos you record the better they will be.

TIP: Consider recording complimentary gigs to promote your gig on youtube.

This will give you more experience in recording videos, and improve the quality

of them as well as boosting sales.

Under Fiverr V2 though the essential thing is that the image your video first

shows is the good one that you want appearing in fiverrs image gallery, this may

take several submissions until the video shows an image you are happy with at

the start. This is a downside to fiverr videos.
