The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Delivering The Order

The day every fiverr seller first dreams of is getting your first order ready to

deliver. So just attach your work to the delivery mail, type, “Thanks, here’s your

order” and click on ‘deliver’. Easy right?

Well yes and no, but if you want future sales of the same gig or to make

additional sales of your other gigs to them then you are going to have to do a

little customer service work along the way.

Firstly when delivering the gig make sure you click the “Deliver Your Order”

button, this is located in the top right of the order screen. Do not just send them a

message with the file attached instead of actually delivering the order. It is very

easy to do this and simply fill out the ‘normal’ message screen located at the

bottom of the order, attach your file and hit the green “Send” button and think

that you’ve sent them the order. Except if you’ve done that then you’ve not,

you’ve in actual fact just sent them a normal message and left the order

countdown clock still ticking.

Don’t worry when this happens, as trust me we all do it, even when my orders

are now well into four figures in numbers I still do it the odd time late at night.

If you do the above by mistake when you are starting out it can be a disaster as

you will be sitting there thinking you’ve delivered the order and you will have

and the buyer will be happy – But you won’t as the clock will continue ticking

and if it overruns then you get marked down automatically for being late.

Therefore as you want a clean record to move up the levels as fast as possible it’s

essential that you don’t make this mistake when delivering orders.

I’ve illustrated it below: -‐