The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Dealing With Cancellations

Cancellations – why would you or your buyer need to cancel an order? Well

reasons can be long, varied and most often truly bizarre! Welcome to the World

of Five Dollar Gigs!

Effect of cancellations on your status

Well fiverr say that mutual cancellations will not affect your level status or your

general status within fiverr. However they also say that too many cancellations

can affect your levels and status. So how many is too many?

Well 100 might sound a lot but is it out of 2,000 orders? Not really, so you need

to understand that it is all relative.

So avoid them if you can and ideally always get the buyer to request a mutual

cancellation as whilst I don’t know for sure, logic would dictate that will be held

less against you than if it’s you cancelling all of the time.

The one thing I would say is that if you end up with several mutual cancellations

in a short period of time then your orders seem to slow up dramatically. So

whilst publically they state it has no impact, in reality it does seem to have an

effect on your search visibility and hence the number of orders that you get. So

do what you can to minimise them, re-‐word your gigs if people keep miss-‐

interpreting what you are offering.

You want or need to cancel the order

Typical reasons include: -‐

You could be sick/unable to physically complete the order.

The buyer has misinterpreted your gig and placed an order for something you

don’t supply. If this happens a lot consider re-‐wording your gig. I had one that

people kept ordering thinking it was a wordpress site when it wasn’t. Re-‐

wording too cancellations down to zero.

The buyer has given you incorrect info and you can’t complete the order.

The buyer is un-‐cooperative.

The buyer can’t supply what you need to process the gig in time e.g. buyer buys a

service that needs a website for you to carry out the work, yet has no website!

(Yes that’s happened to me…)

I could list endless examples some of which are so ridiculous that they are barely


The buyers wants to cancel the order

Typical reasons include: -‐

Buyer orders twice by accident

Buyer orders a service that they’ve misinterpreted

Buyer is not happy with what you’ve delivered

Buyer simply changes their mind – most often this will happen within minutes of

the order being placed.

The Problematic “Killer Cancellation”

The one thing that can effect your status is the ‘Killer cancellation’ – this is where

you can cancel the order at any time, and not mutually. In principle this sounds a

great idea and basically if things have got so bad you have no other choice you

can kill any order, but be aware it may affect your rating, including loss of levels.

Avoid them unless you absolutely have no other choice.

Brainstorming – Finding Ideas To Sell

Okay now here is the part where you will either have ideas to sell or you will

need to give your brain a nudge. I highly recommend doing this with pen and


The key thing is to remember that on fiverr, within reason, you can sell


The one thing I would say is keep an open mind, if you think of something totally

crazy to sell on fiverr then you probably have a winning gig on your hands. Mad

and crazy can sell very well. But also what sells best of all is fulfilling a need.

Avoid putting up a gig that sells something that’s just “Nice to have”. This is

because people come to buy on fiverr in general, to buy specific things.

You can look at fiverr for inspiration but the best results will be in carving out

your own niche. Why compete if you don’t have to? Unique gigs make money!


First of all write down a list of things that you like doing that are task based that

you currently do, and do very well, either just for yourself or for others, be it at

home or work. The bigger the list and the more diverse the list the better for

generating those initial gig ideas.

Now I mentioned that for the long term you will sell better if you offer a family of

related products and you will get to be seen as an industry expert as well e.g. a

series of gigs all related to wordpress will generate more sales compared to lots

of totally different unrelated gigs. However, if you do not have a set expertise in

mind then you will need a diverse list of ideas to get you started, as some will fly

and do well (And be able to be developed) and some won’t.

Next put a tick or cross next to them depending on whether you like doing them

or not. You can be good at something and not like doing it. Ideally we want to

shortlist ones that you are both good at doing and like doing. An example could

be proofreading, you might be good at it but not like doing it. Or you may like

designing logos and be good at it.

Begin to eliminate the services with a cross against them.

Now to move on to the second stage. Out of the tasks that you written down, that

you are both good at carrying out and like doing, select the ones which you can

do in 10-‐15 mins. Eliminate anything that is longer than this timeframe. If you

are going to do a $5 gig then you want to do it in less than 15 mins for a good

pro-‐rata hourly rate. Doing them in the time frame suggested makes your hourly

rate $20-‐30 an hour.

Now personally I only have two gigs that take longer than 5 mins! Now that’s a

pro-‐rata rate of $60 an hour or more. Over 6 of my gigs take me under a minute

to do – and people love them.

The thing that sells best of all is knowledge – You don’t necessarily need to know

how to make anything or design anything to make a good living on fiverr. Many

people come to fiverr wanting a solution to a problem and so think about not just

what you can sell that’s task based, but also what can you sell that’s knowledge

based? E.g. You might work in a supermarket and think you have no skills. But

couldn’t you write a book on how to save money on food shopping? Keep

shopping bills lower? Coupon tricks and best times/things to buy?

This is why I said at the start that everyone has a fiverr gig in them.

The chances are you will have one or two gig ideas in mind when you first sit

down to brainstorm, ideally focus on ones that you can build in to a group of

similar products. E.g. Gig No.1 -‐ I will write your press releases for you. Gig No.2

– I will distribute your press releases for you. Gig No.3 – I will proof read your

press releases for you. You can see how one idea leads to another gig.

Just one small idea can end up turning in to a full time fiverr business, or a

serious part time income.

One very good thing to sell and that sells well on fiverr are your own eBooks – I

can probably hear some groans from existing fiverr sellers, but note I said “Your

own”. I don’t mean get hold of a load of books other people have written such as

“How to make money on e-‐bay” and try and sell the same book on fiverr as ten

thousand other people are doing.

If you’ve got a good idea then write an eBook yourself. Don’t worry if it’s short as

long as it provides the user with the solution they are after. I didn’t aim to make

this book big. Indeed I made it to do the job it was intended for and start making

you money quickly. Anyone can write and it’s said we all have an idea for a book

in us. Writing costs you nothing but time.

EBooks you’ve written yourself sell well, other ones don’t tend to. Some of the

wealthiest individuals online have made their fortune writing and selling eBooks.