The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Getting Paid

This won’t happen overnight as you only get paid 14 days after a completed sale,

so if you want to make a lot of money then you are going to have to be patient.

But once you have started making sales within a month you won’t even be

worrying about that 14 day period as if you are making sales daily then you will

have a constant stream of income coming in.

Once you have cleared funds you can request a withdrawal with one click. There

are two options – paypal or fiverr’s own revenue card.

Withdrawing with paypal

You then get an email sent to the email address that you registered with and then

click on the link in the email they sent you to confirm the withdrawal, and within

a couple of minutes or less your money is in your paypal account.

A couple of points – You can’t change the paypal email address once you’ve

registered. Also you can only get money sent to that paypal email address and

none other. Lastly you can only withdraw all of your existing cleared fiverr

balance e.g. no partial withdrawal available.

Fiver also charges you 2% of your sales to withdraw your money and this comes

out of the paypal amount. This is up to a maximum of $1 per withdrawal so it’s

not the big deal it first seems, as any withdrawal beyond $50 only incurs a $1 fee

($50 x 25 = $1) regardless of whether you take out $50 or $500 – So it makes

sense to leave it in there until you have at least $50. In fact many people only

withdraw it in large amounts for this reason. It won’t be earning you interest

when you move it in to paypal either will it?

Withdrawing to Fiverr’s Revenue Card -‐ You can apply for the fiverr revenue

card Worldwide, the good news is most people get accepted as after all whilst it’s

a MasterCard you can only use up the amount you’ve moved on to it from your

fiverr card. You can also use the fiverr revenue card wherever in the World you

see the MasterCard symbol, or simply withdraw cash from an ATM Worldwide.

Note that all fees associated with the card are charged by MasterCard and not


Boosting Sales & Promoting Your Gigs

Well if you want to move quickly up the “levels” and then on to be a “Top Rated

Seller” you will need to think about promoting your gigs, as there will reach a

point when you’ve optimised your images, gig titles and descriptions and have

videos that you’re totally happy with. At this point there is little more that you

can do on fiverr alone to increase orders. Or is there?

So how do you boost your order numbers?

The Free Gig? – Well this one will work for a lot of people but not everyone, and

it works by you offering to do another one of your gigs for free if they buy gig

xyz. This works best if you have gigs that require minimal effort. E.g. a file to

send, or a piece of software to sell. It can then incentivise the buyer to purchase

your gig. You will need to add wording to your gig description to reflect this.

Note: There are areas where it won’t work and as an example if you are doing a

gig such as writing an article it’s not going to work in your favour as you’ve got to

put in double the effort, it doesn’t work for every persons gigs but works best

when you can carry out the gig task in a couple of minutes.

Express Gigs – It’s a fact that even on fiverr people like and want fast delivery. If

you select a 1 day /24 hour delivery period for your gig timescale and deliver to

it consistently you will soon get an ‘express’ icon appearing next to your gig, not

only will this make it stand out more, but people can search on ‘express’ gigs and

so for both these reasons they will sell more. BUT! Only opt to offer express gigs

if you can deliver in a day or less. Time differences can mean that a 24 hour gig is

actually more like a 4-‐6 hour one! (Learnt that the hard way!)

Forums – find relevant forums to join and post meaningful content, and reply to

threads, making sure you have a link to your fiverr gig(s) in your forum

signature. Don’t spam though or you’ll get banned. Forums when used well can

be a great source of free traffic.

Paid advertising? Well personally I’d say no to PPC (Pay Per Click), as it’s very

high risk. However banner advertising can work well on the right site at the right

price. You can easily get banners made on fiverr.

Join the fiverr forum – You can’t have a signature but if you post a lot you will

get people clicking on your name to see what gigs you have. – I can’t recommend this enough, it’s free to join, free to record a

video and you get FREE traffic back to your gig. Not only that you can record as

many videos as you like, and place a hyperlink back to your gig in the description

(Although I recommend using a url shrinker such as tinyurl)

Also this has the added benefit that you get better and more confident at making


Start your own blog -‐ Got no technical knowledge? Well provided you can buy a

website and hosting (I recommend and use hostgator), then you can employ

someone on fiverr to build you a Wordpress blog. Wordpress is easy to learn to

post to and you will be building traffic back to your gigs in no time at all. – Probably the best source of free traffic besides youtube and if

used well you can drive huge amounts of free traffic back to your gigs. Free to

register and create multiple pages. There is more information online about using

this site than I could ever attempt to summarise here. However posting your gig

on other peoples pages can bring traffic if done in a non-‐spam way, but the best

way to get traffic to your gig is to start your own facebook page. – this can be used very effectively for gigs that are image related

such as designs, pictures, logos etc. basically anything graphical. It will take a

little research on line to set this up well in conjunction with fiverr though, but

the work can be worth it.

Use other Fiverr gigs! – I use social bookmarking services sold on fiverr to help

boost my gigs SEO in Google.