The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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The World Beyond Fiverr

First of all note that everything contained in this guide can pretty much be

applied to the World beyond fiverr.

Whilst fiverr is still at the top of the tree. There’s a whole world of clone sites out

there that you should consider registering your gigs with, as the more exposure

you get the more you will sell. Some of them are gaining on fiverr faster than

you’d think, as many offer advantages such as auto content delivery and higher

pricing. Whatever you do though make sure that you register with all of them

with an email you check daily! If not you could find you get an order, miss it, and

then get marked down – just the same as in fiverr.

Fiverr has some limitations – firstly as the name suggests you can only charge $5

for that initial gig, and fiverr takes 20% of that! So you may want to consider

other sites that let you charge more at the front end as ones exist that let you

charge $10, $20 or even $50.

Fiverr also lets you only have 20 gigs – for some people this is more than enough,

but for others it’s not.

The sites I’d recommend signing up with in addition to fiverr are: -‐

1.) SEO Clerks – IM related but great as you can ask form $1 to $999

2.) Gigs45Bucks – Up and coming site and highly recommended.

3.) GigBucks – You can post unlimited gigs and charge from $5 to $50

4.) TwentyVille – You post gigs at $10 or $20. Commission 20%

5.) Tenrr – Post anything for $10 or less.


Look out for my TIPS highlighted just like that throughout the guide, and here’s a

few more besides.

TIP5: Get rid of stressful gigs. Sometimes it’s just not worth it for $5. I actually

deleted one of my top selling gigs, as the stress outweighed the monetary

benefits. Remember it’s $4 you actually get paid, so if you wake up at night or

worry about a gig whilst driving then drop that gig! I took a dip in sales but then

had time to re-‐focus my efforts on less time consuming/higher profit gigs. At the

end of the day they are $5 gigs, not $50 or $500 worth of high stress!

TIPS: Choose a family of complimentary products to sell

TIPS: Tell people about your other gigs in your thank you letter that you send out

with the order delivery

TIPS: Tell people about the extras you offer in your gig, and where they are


TIPS: Avoid cancellations and word your gigs description to minimise them

TIPS: Carve out your own niche and try not to follow the herd

TIPS: Promoting your gigs outside of fiverr using the ideas in the “Promoting

your gigs” section.

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