Learn 'Mobile First' Web Design Using Bootstrap 3 by Rahul A. Sakla - HTML preview

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Chapter 1.2 Download And Configure Bootstrap

First Way: Download Zip for minified version(Recommended)

1. Go to http://getbootstrap.com/ and click on Download Bootstrap




2. After opening this page click on Download Bootstrap



3.After Download Open Download Location and Extratct zip and open and copy all extracted/unziped folder, from it.



4. Paste That Copied Folder in any new folder or in root of your websites folder.

Second Way: Use CDN

Just add this CDN link to your code

Or copy CDN from http://www.bootstrapcdn.com/

What is CDN?

A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers (network) that deliver webpages and other Web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the webpage and a content delivery server.

img4.pngYou Must be connected to internet while using this CDN otherwisyour code will not work.

Always use CDN while you are developing real website which will be hosted on server because it will load faster.

Why site will be load faster?

The answer is simple if any user explored site which required bootstrap, the bootstrap JavaScript will be stored in cache and cookies of browser and while loading your site it will be previously available there for you.




Third Way: Install with Bower

What is Bower?

Bower is a package manager for Javascript libraries that allows you to define, version, and retrieve your dependencies.

$ bower install bootstrap

Fourth Way: Install with npm

What is npm?

Npm is a package manager for JavaScript, and is the default for Node.js. As of Node.js version 0.6.3, npm is bundled and installed automatically with the environment. Npm runs through the command line and manages dependencies for an application.

$ npm install bootstrap


5. You Successfuly Downloaded and configured Bootstrap 3


6. Now you have to download and install any code editor such as Sublime Text. Or Adobe's Dreamweaver.


img4.pngWe will use Sublime Text Editor for entire tutorials in this book.


7. To download Sublime Text goto http://www.sublimetext.com/2

And download compatible version.

img4.pngPlease, do not use beta version of Sublime as it may be unstable


8. Download JQuery v1.11.2 from JQuery.com and place it in js folder of Bootstrap.

Please, always use JQuery CDN link if internet connection is available while Developing. Oth