Cyber Hunting by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Three


November 13, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“I have given all of the ideas some thought,” Tonya begins. “The modifications on the chat function should proceed immediately. The listserv should also move forward. However, before we start hacking businesses and international relief organizations we need to plan and prioritize that work.”

“I can work with Randy and Ken on compiling the list of international relief organizations,” Spinx says. “We should be able to have that by tomorrow morning.”

“We can have the listserv set up in a few hours,” Germ says. “Lucy and Lulu can help promote it and build some traffic.”

“I will start dumping company names,” Rabbit says. “Lucy and Lulu can also help me sort through them. We should be able to identify some good targets within a few days.”

“Very good,” Tonya replies. “Let’s go to it. But remember, Henry is going to be planning some training and I want you to make sure you slot time for it.”

As the team leaves the conference room Brandon smiles at Tonya, “I am going to paint for a while.”

Henry and Tonya remain in the conference room.

“How are you doing Henry?” Tonya asks.

“I am doing pretty well,” Henry replies. “Thank you for asking. I did want to talk with you about a few things.”

“Certainly,” Tonya replies. “How can I help you?”

“I would like to move into the apartment above the garage at Hunter House,” Henry says. “I like the way it feels. It is also close to the house and I can monitor the security system from there because Germ and Rabbit wired in a control console.”

“That will work out just fine,” Tonya says.

“There is one other thing,” Henry says. “This is rather embarrassing really.”

“Please, Henry, I want to be as supportive as I can,” Tonya replies.

“Well, the ladies here are pretty aggressive,” Henry continues. “Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx have already offered, well not offered, more like requested to have sex with me.”

“What happened?” Tonya asks. “I mean how did you respond?”

“I declined,” Henry says. “For the time anyway.”

“They will never be ill-mannered or try to trap you,” Tonya says. “Brandon would not be happy if they did.”

“I just need time to settle in,” Henry says. “Maybe later.”

“Henry,” Tonya continues. “Don’t worry. Focus on your training efforts and everything that happens will come natural. If you ever need anything while you are here, all you need to do is say so. We take care of each very well.”

Henry smiles and nods.

As they are walking out of the conference room Tonya gives Henry a hug, “They have good taste Henry, you are a gentleman, a friend, and one hell of a good looking man.”

Tonya smacks Henry on the butt and leaves.


November 13, 7:00 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

Randy, Ken, Germ, Rabbit, Lucy and Lulu decide to spend the night in B7. Lucy and Germ come to hunter House and raid the refrigerator of left over food and leave quickly. Henry moved into the apartment above the garage at Hunter House. Brandon, Tonya, and Spinx have a snack and open a bottle of wine.

“I think everything went very well,” Tonya says. “The dinners were great and everybody seemed to have a great time.”

“It was marvelous,” Spinx says. “They brides all looked very happy. Their parents were proud of them and wonderfully supportive.”

“It did go well,” Brandon says. “Credit needs to be spread around though. I had no idea Lucy and Lulu could play the piano.”

“Do you think things will change?” Spinx asks. “Do you think that Blaster, Razer, Brenda, and Sharon are going to be less playful?”

“I doubt that they will be less playful in Hawaii,” Tonya replies. “But Blaster and Razer were already spending more time with each other after we moved into the house in Carlsbad.”

“Everything will run it’s own course,” Brandon says. “Randy and Ken will help to bring a different balance to the group anyway.”

“They already have,” Spinx replies. “They have certainly helped me with my balance and I needed it.”

“Good, they seem like nice fellows.” Tonya says laughing. “I can just see it now. Brenda ambushing them in an alley.”

“Good snacks,” Spinx says. “May I be so bold to pursue dessert?”

“Of course,” Tonya replies. “That is what you said you wanted.”

“I want so much I can’t think of how to begin,” Spinx says. “Sometimes my drive overwhelms me.”

“Let’s go to bed,” Tonya replies. “And see if we can channel some of that drive.”


November 15, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“The conversion on the chat room set up has gone smoothly,” Lulu reports. “Traffic is rising but more slowly than before and we have not had many new sign-ups for any type of subscriptions.”

“The web site may have run its course,” Lucy says. “I think we should give it another week and see how things go. We could have a burst.”

“The listserv is up and running and we are mining email addresses and tracing them back to their origin,” Germ reports. “For the most part, we already have the aliases and email addresses in the database.”

“We have the names of some of the international relief agencies that are suspect,” Spinx says. “Germ and Rabbit ran the first hack last night. We did get some new information but again, we seemed to have most of those names from other sources.”

“The business operations may generate better information,” Germ says. “We can try to do one a day for a while, but the list is in the hundreds.”

“Can we start with the largest?” Brandon asks. “Or come up with another criteria to narrow the list down?’

“We can profile them in several ways,” Rabbit says. “But we selected them based on the exchange of email with a list of suspect addresses.”

“I can work with Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx to devise a way to sort them again,” Tonya says.

“Randy, Ken,” Brandon begins. “Where do you think there are stock piles of information that can yield large list of names to run against our database?”

“I am not sure exactly how the data mining process works,” Ken replies. “But if you want large lists of names I would look at government or police computers in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Singapore, and Malaysia for starters.”

“I agree,” Randy says. “Although we do have fairly good anti terrorism relationships going with these countries they are usually not very cooperative in providing us these lists.”

“Part of it involves local privacy laws,” Ken says. “Buy that is more of a cover than a reality.”

“How familiar are you with the agencies?” Brandon asks.

“Between the two of us we probably know most of them,” Ken replies. “At least the biggest ones.”

“If we are going that far we should also consider the immigration and customs computers in those countries,” Lucy says.

“Work on a list of agencies and their locations,” Tonya directs Randy and Ken. “Then we can profile their computer systems and decide if a raid is worth the risks. Let’s all meet back here in three hours to decide how to move forward.”


November 15, 1:00 P.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“We have identified fifteen international relief organizations that may have terrorists relationships or terrorists working among their ranks,” Spinx reports. “They are all centered in the Middle East or Asia and have little if any ties to the international community. We have found evidence that a few of them have received some United Nations or World Health Organization funding. That funding is nominal.”

“We ran the known email addresses used by the selected international relief organizations against those already in the database,” Germ reports. “The results are interesting. Twelve of the organizations have exchanged email with four of the universities in which we have found staff, faculty, or students which we suspect have terrorist ties.”

“Even more interesting,” Rabbit explains. “Is that of the list of hundreds of suspect businesses we have developed, all fifteen of the relief organizations have exchanged email with the same businesses. There are about twenty businesses in that group.”

“How soon can you get into the computers or email servers used by the relief organizations and the suspect businesses?” Tonya asks. “Safely in and out.”

“If you and Lucy help us we should be able to do one per hour,” Germ replies. “Certainly we can be done in three days.”

“What about the chat room staffing?” Spinx asks.

“We can outsource it to the ASP in minutes,” Lulu replies. “We only handled because we wanted to gather information.”

“Can you take care of that Lulu?” Tonya asks. “And can we get electronic copy of the chat room conversations?”

“Yes, I am a primary contact person on the account,” Lulu replies. “We pay for the server and the chat logs are stored there for 48 hours or so. I can download them once a day without any problem.”

“Germ, Rabbit, Lucy, and Tonya will start the hits on the relief organizations and the suspect businesses,” Brandon directs. “I will work with Lulu, Spinx, Randy, Ken on cataloguing the government agencies to hit. Let’s meet again tomorrow morning at to see where we are.”


November 16, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“Of the fifteen relief organizations,” Germ begins. “We hit nine yesterday. It was very easy. We found a few significant emails but the major find was to solidify the connection between the organizations and specific university faculty and students that are likely to be involved in terrorist activities.”

“Note however,” Lucy explains. “That the other six relief organizations are using Yahoo email or email that we can identify nor do they have any significant websites. It looks like we are done with the relief organizations at this time.”

“I did leave bugs behind,” Germ says. “And I am duplicating all of the emails and sending them to our server in France. We will not have to go back into the systems any time soon.”

“We hit five of the top twenty suspect business and accomplished the same thing,” Rabbit reports. “We did find more documents that are of interest and have stored those for future analysis. And we left the bugs and an email duplication process in place.”

“Of the twenty businesses,” Tonya begins. “We can eliminate the possibility of getting much from three or four of them. That leaves eight more to go. We can do that today.”

“Chat room functions were successfully transferred to the ASP within in thirty minutes after our meeting broke yesterday.” Lulu reports. “I downloaded the transcripts for later analysis. I will continue to do that until further notice.”

“We have about half of the government agencies identified,” Spinx reports. “We also know where their web servers, gateways, and email servers are. We can probably get the rest done by the end of the day.”

“Germ, Rabbit, Lucy, and Tonya will finish the hits on the suspect businesses,” Brandon directs. “Spinx and Randy will start compiling the report for Madison. We need an overview so he can follow the data patterns. Lulu and Ken will keep cataloguing the government agencies to hit. Let’s meet again tomorrow morning to see where we stand.”


November 17, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“We finished all of the top suspect business hits,” Germ reports. “We came away with lots of documents. The trails between the universities, the relief organizations, and these businesses are unmistakable. We found that there was an increase in email activity just before several incidents occurred. We can hand the documents over to Madison for decoding.”

“I have the report drafted,” Spinx reports. “Tonya said she would review it today.”

“We need a few hours to put the data and documents in order,” Rabbit reports.

“We have finished the list of government agencies to hit,” Spinx reports. “Both Ken and Lucy reviewed it and we made a few additions based on their input.”

“Let me know when you are ready to send things to Madison,” Brandon directs. “Then it is time to start planning hits on the non-cooperative government agencies. Anything on the lsitserv effort?”

“I have been mining the names and email addresses,” Lulu reports. “The same old people keep showing up. After the next batch goes to Madison we can spend some time putting together the another list starting with new website and listserv data.”


November 17, 3:00 P.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“The report, the list, and the documents are ready to go to Madison,” Tonya reports. “Germ is ready to send them to Madison.”

“Very good,” Brandon says. “I will call him after we are done here and I will give you the okay after that.”

“I have a concern about the government agency hits,” Tonya says. “Although government agencies outside this country usually lack adequate security, we still face a problem. We may have to move large data sets. This often leaves a trail.”

“I agree,” Rabbit says. “We need to do a lot of research before we strike.”

“I think we should examine them and go for the weakest first,” Lucy says.

“That makes a lot of sense,” Randy says. “The people we are looking for will probably be in the systems of several countries. There is no reason to take extraordinary risks early in the process.”

“These are all very good points,” Brandon says. “Besides, Madison can only handle so much work a one time and this batch should keep him buys for a few weeks.”


November 17, 7:30 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

It has been a busy five days, but finally everybody was back at Hunter House for dinner. Brandon and Tonya opened wine and kept everybody’s glasses filled during the preparation and serving. Henry was in charge of the fireplace and kept the fire roaring.

Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx prepared dinner (with a bit of inspiration from Germ, Rabbit, Randy, and Ken.) Dishes include the house field greens salad, three roasted ducks, three roasted pheasants, glazed carrots, sautéed squash, caramelized onions, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, apple pie, and ice cream.

As they sit down to eat Brandon says, “I am impressed. It seems that inspiration results in incredible food.”

“I am more than impressed,” Henry says. “I am really hungry.”

“Hey,” Lucy says. “I am the one that gets to say that.”

“But you have been eating the entire time you have been cooking,” Henry teases her back.

“But cooking always makes me hungry,” Lucy says as she gives Henry a big hug. “And by the way, boss man, when are we going out for dinner?”

“I have a dinner planned this weekend at a restaurant downtown,” Brandon quickly replies. “Are you getting cabin fever Lucy?”

“Not really,” Lucy says. “But if you don’t mind Lulu and I would like to go to Hawaii for a week when the brides get back.”

“That is fine with me,” Brandon says. “But be forewarned you must leave me either Germ or Rabbit.”

“Rodents,” Lulu says. “It’s time for plan B.”


November 20, 11:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“We are getting a steady trickle of usable data from the website and from the listserv,” Lulu reports. “Every now and then we get a few new visitors that help connect a few dots, but not much.”

“In that we are not putting much effort into it I would let it be for the time,” Tonya says.

“I think we are ready to hit government computers in Spain and Portugal,” Rabbit reports. “In a few hours we will have a third shift taking over there. Traffic in and out of both systems seems to be nominal at night. We will have no problem getting in.”

“It is not the getting in that we need to be concerned about,” Germ adds. “We have checked out the size of the databases and they are to large to move all at once.”

“Can we start with just first, middle, and last names?” Tonya asks. “Or just take pieces?”

“Let’s look into other options,” Brandon says. “Do you know if there is an off-site back up procedure in place for either of these two systems?”

“We are still checking on that,” Rabbit replies. “But it is a good alternative. If they send data to a back up site we might be able to copy the stream to our server in France.”

“It is still a lot of data,” Tonya says. “I know you are anxious to move ahead. But do some more research and see what you come up with. Meanwhile the hits are on hold.”

“We are fairly caught up on reviewing profiles,” Spinx says. “Would you mind if Lucy, Lulu, and I spent sometime rethinking the porn trap approach?”

“You can do that,” Tonya replies. “But Henry wants some training time during the next few days.”


November 21, 11:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“We are still getting a steady trickle of usable data from the website and from the listserv,” Lulu reports. “But it is not yielding much.”

“Lucy, Lulu, and I have some ideas about the website,” Spinx reports. “We would like to add a dating service element. We would use the contacts that Lucy has with the networks of brothels to set up a rendezvous. We do not think this would take much effort and me maybe be able to attract a few people that way.”

“Who would manage the chat side of that?” Tonya asks.

“Lucy and Lulu,” Spinx replied. “I can work with them if we get a catch, but I would not directly be involved in the chat.”

“How will it work?” Tonya asks.

“We would require an email inquiry,” Lucy replies. “We would enter into a dialogue and see if we could convince them to have a rendezvous. If we profile them before we set up a meeting we apprehend them on the spot. If not we send them to one of the contract brothels.”

“It sounds okay to me,” Tonya says. “Any questions or comments?”

“We may need Lucy’s help on some of the hacks,” Germ replies. “We certainly want her present while the hacks or in progress in case we need help.”

“I don’t see a problem with scheduling,” Lucy replies. “If we get some traffic on the matching service which turns into a real prospect it may take several days to work it.”

“Anything to report on Spain or Portugal?” Tonya asks.

“We are still researching those systems,” Rabbit replies. “But we can get data from Singapore very easily. Our contact there has informed us that there is a weekly off-site back up done from the two systems we are interested in. She can duplicate the back up stream and route it to our Asian server. We will be moving about 40 GB. We can download it from there via a few servers. There will be a trail but we will shut down our services along the way and corrupt the logs. It will take weeks to track if the ISPs can even muster up the expertise to do it.”

“We have found one item of interest on the system in Portugal,” Germ says. “There is an off-site back up but it is facilitated through the transfer of moving tapes into a storage vault. It may be easy to steal one of those tapes.”

“I can look into that,” Lucy says. “I will get back to you in a few days.”

“When do we do the Singapore snatch?” Tonya asks.

“If you approve it,” Rabbit replies. “We can do it this weekend, Singapore time.”

“I have one concern about Ms. Singapore,” Brandon says. “We need to be prepared to get her out of there if something goes wrong. Before you start make sure you know how to do that.”

“I can get her out as long as the police don’t pick her up first,” Lucy says. “Once the police have her it may take a major operation to rescue her.”

“There is enough data moving in and out of Singapore that this traffic will be go unnoticed anytime of the day,” Germ says. “The one thing we will need to do is just receive data, not verify the bits. That can be done easily.”

“What would be the first step in the escape process Lucy?” Brandon asks.

“I would have her cross the border into Malaysia and meet up with one of my contacts in Kuala Lumpur,” Lucy replies.

“Okay,” Brandon says. “Do this, make sure she knows what to do if she gets nervous or feels she is under suspicion in anyway ”

“If there is nothing else I would like to discuss the holiday schedule.” Tonya says. “The brides will be back early next week. We are planning a Thanks Giving dinner, but we want to work through that weekend. If there are any personal circumstances we can address them, but I need to know by tomorrow.”

The team leaves the conference room to work on their assignments. Brandon goes to his studio to paint.


November 24, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Brandon, Tonya, Lucy, Lulu, Germ, Rabbit, Spinx, Randy, Ken, and Henry are meeting in the conference room.

“Good news,” Rabbit reports. “We have the Singapore files. They are loaded with new information.”

“How is your operative doing?” Tonya asks

“Fine, there was not a problem,” Rabbit replies. “There is so much activity through the switching center there that it is not likely that anybody would notice such small data movements. She also routed the files to a local server for temporary storage then moved them to our Asian server. Both of those machines have been reconfigured and are now assigned to other tasks. We also crashed and corrupted the log files on the routers in the Asian ISP that we had the server in.”

“We have added the dating service to the website,” Lucy says. “We are already working about 30 requests. We should have our first client within a week.”

“The stats on the website have jumped again,” Lulu reports. “This started happening after the dating service went up. We have more traffic and more low end subscribers.”

“When can we expect results from mining the Singapore files?” Tonya asks.

“Everybody needs to put time into it over the next few days,” Germ says. “If we do we should have something ready to go to Madison in about 72 hours.”


November 25, 7:30 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

The brides have returned from their trip to Hawaii looking even more radiant than the day they left. The entire team is present and it is a reunion of love.

Brandon and Tonya designed a dinner for the return event. Dishes included fresh fruit and vegetables, asparagus goat cheese tart, black bean hummus, cheese-stuffed squash blossoms with toasted pumpkin seeds, coconut curry scallop and Asian pear canapés, duck-confit rillettes, fried okra poppers, and cheese, bacon and leek pancakes. There is also Oven-fried onion rings, pork and pozole mini burritos, and pot stickers. For dessert there is Amaretto ice cream, apple and dried cranberry pie, and melon with port and mint.

“I hope everything went okay while we were gone,” Blaster says to Brandon.

“It went well,” Brandon replies. “We slowed down a bit but the team does their job and they all watch their step when Tonya is watching.”

“I know,” Blaster replies. “We all do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not fear, but when you are in site of the best cyber terrorist in the world it brings out the best in you.”

“Is sounds like there were some great success while we were gone,” Razer says as she joins the conversation.

“We have certainly kept Madison happy,” Brandon says. “And we have lots of data to crunch and can easily give him two more rounds with what we have. But enough of this.”

“How were the honeymoons?” Brandon asks.

“We had the most wonderful time,” Razer says. “The four of us got along great.”

“It might have been better if you could have come to dinner once or twice,” Blaster says.

“You mean been dinner?” Brandon asks.

“Yeah, babe,” Blaster replies. “But you are not off the hook yet.”

“How is Henry doing?” Razer asks.

“He has been quiet,” Brandon says. “But he has everybody on a training schedule and has just been waiting for you all to get back.”

“That might be changing,” Blaster says. Look over there, Spinx has Henry cornered.”

A few minutes later Henry announces that he is retiring for the evening.

“Well maybe not tonight,” Razer says as she watches Henry leave through the kitchen to go to his apartment over the garage.

“Not so fast,” Tonya says as she joins in the conversation. “Watch Spinx.”

Spinx heads for the kitchen, turns around and waves at Brandon, Tonya, Blaster, and Razer. Then she does a little dance and heads out the back door.

Lucy, Lulu, Germ, and Rabbit head out to go back to B7.

Tonya eases up to Brandon and stands next to him. “Seems like there is something moving in the cosmos tonight.”

Brenda, Sharon, Randy, and Ken have cleaned off the dishes and put the left over food in the refrigerator. They all say good night and go to Brenda’s and Sharon’s room.

“Looks like you are right again my dear,” Brandon says to Tonya.

Blaster approaches Brandon and passionately kisses him while Razer does the same to Tonya.

“I told you that you were not off the hook yet,” Blaster says to Brandon.


November 26, 11:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the conference room for their morning briefing and to plan their next attacks.

“We are working toward three referrals in the dating service,” Lulu reports. “We should solidify them next week. It appears that the clients meet our criteria.”

“We have everything in motion on that,” Lucy adds. “I have also made a contact in Portugal that facilitate stealing one of the back up tapes. All I need is the go ahead.”

“Any comments or concerns on Portugal?” Tonya asks.

“How do we get the tape back here?” Germ asks.

“We will not need to do that,” Lucy says. “The data will be sent to us via satellite in an encrypted format. I will let you know when to be ready to receive it. That should be in about four days.”

“We need more help on the profiles,” Rabbit reports. “If Blaster, Razer, Sharon, and Brenda can step in when can be ready to tomorrow sometime.”

“The day after is Thanks Giving,” Tonya comments. “Will Madison be ready?”

“He can’t wait,” Brandon says. “Let’s move ahead.”

“We need to focus on the government computers at this point,” Tonya directs. “I also want to pass the project back to Blaster.”

“Can we do that over a period of a few days?” Blaster asks. “I would like time to talk to people and get up to speed.”

“I agree with you,” Tonya says. “But I want the next phase of attacks to be under your direction. Germ, Rabbit, Randy and Ken can brief you on the concept and the research we have done so far.”

“Next week we have a briefing at the Air Force Academy,” Brandon reports. “We will be there for about three hours. There is an instructor there that teaches information warfare. I want us to hear his concepts. You can ask questions but you cannot answer any if he asks.”

“Let’s plan on meeting next Monday,” Tonya says. “Blaster should be able to talk to everybody by then and we should also be able to accomplish more research about the government computers in Europe.”

“We have a big dinner planned for Thanks Giving,” Brandon says. “We can all work our own preferred schedules over the weekend, but be ready to solidify some plans on Monday.”


November 26, 8:30 P.M. MS