Hamster Davies - A Life of Conttinual Dysfunction by Dwight J. Sernoskie - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The factual foundation of a family excursion that will not be simple to forever overlook


As the skies open, and, the day by day operations carry on in the city, we shortly observe various types of a New York location, principally in a remote public park located near the cities surroundings.

The distinct atmosphere is moderate with a little wind, even if the aroma of mouth- watering hot dogs can be smelt in the air, taking into account the public park is not awfully eventful with people, although not abandoned either.

While Hamster begins to stroll deeper into the park’s opening, promptly noticing a park pavilion, and continues to walk over to it.

Hamster, in his late thirties, has never been on a trip outside his home state of Florida, other than is fascinated of the ambiance that he’s looking at directly.

Walking up-on-to the pavilion, turning to momentary look at the unexpected skyline of New Year City from a distance, placing his hands-on the railing, slowly bending forward, still, looking in total astonishment.

His facial expression, showing uncertainty of what it would be like to live in the city of bright lights, plus, the steady stream of activity in the town?

Appearing determinedly at the city outline; nonetheless, needing to speak his mind on whatever he’s thinking right at that instant.

New York WHAT a TOWN, yelling stridently!


Oddly he in-takes more air … MAYBE FROM THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO STROLL THE STREETS THAT ARE OFTEN NOTICED WALKING VERY UNUSUAL … MOST LIKELY DRUG RELATED I PRESUME, stopping to breathe in extra air to soon carry on … CLEARLY TO THE NOTABLE LISTING OF BUSINESSES THAT SOMEBODY COULD LATER VISIT, cleaning his throat, knowing it’s getting tender shouting for longer than usual, regularly soon taking great energy out of any person's breathing and talking rhythm.


Gasping again to his harsh outburst … WHAT IS IT ABOUT THIS CITY THAT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WANT TO VISIT HERE, yelling, soon eyeballing the cities backdrop, breathing more air into his lungs … IS IT, THE PECULIAR CAB DRIVERS THAT DON'T OFTEN KNOW WHERE OR WHAT STREETS YOU REALLY WANT TO VISIT?

Suddenly a gathering of birds soar over him before they all fly away, as the echo of vehicle horns can be heard in the surroundings.

Looking back at the city skyline, taking another deep breathe … IS IT, THE DISTINGUISHING DISGUSTING ODOURS IN THEIR CARS, OR POSSIBLY THEIR BROKEN ENGLISH … BUT NO, pointing his one index finger upwards, taking an extra inhale … COULD IT BE BECAUSE, STYLISH TELEVISION HOSTS SUCH AS, ACTORS OR MUSICIANS TO YET SPORTING FIGURES ARE HERE, OR PERHAPS HAVE AT LAST LOST THEIR OWN PARTICULAR DOMAIN, shaking his head side to side in disagreement?

Abruptly a female jogger is seen passing by the park pavilion, even if he shortly looks over at her soon observing the jogger running off the length of the pathway into a forestry area within the park; nonetheless, appears intently around to see if there are any other people, mostly to maintain his quizzical rant, considering no one is in his direct setting, trying to carry on with his outspoken debate to himself.

Taking a philosophical breath … IS IT FOR THE REASON THAT THE STATE OF NEW YORK HAD A GOVERNOR NAMED, beginning to studier his words at the top of your voice … GEORGE PAT-TA, PAT-TI-KE, PUTT-A-TUS, POCKOLEY-US, PINK-A-POCKET, PICK-AL-D-ICAL, getting discouraged that he cannot pronounce nor recall the full name … OH-WHATEVER, placing his hands in front of him, gesturing he doesn't actually care any longer, continuing to stare at the city scenery in front if him … IS IT BECAUSE OF THE BLUSTERY WEATHER IN THE WINTER SEASON, AND THE SMELL OF THIS FINE CITY, taking a deeper breath, followed by a few coughs, placing his one hand over his mouth?

Oh my god I hope not, he says, principally in shock due to all the ordinary odours he can now smell.

Unpredictably perking up, as a suggestion has popped into his head from all the optimistic shouting … WAIT … IT CAN ONLY BE THAT HAMSTER DAVIES HAS COME TO-TOWN … SO LOOK OUT NEW YORK, AND GET READY TO FELL MY WRATH, standing on the first level of the pavilion overlooking New York City with a large smile with both hands up in the air demonstrating his personal enthusiasm, wearing his conventional flannel pants and thick dark glasses, ironically has been renowned, as his brand name superficial wear, like peanut butter and jelly often go together at times, despite the fact that he’s vigorously observing the cities ambience from the pavilion, speaking in a loud tone for another time.

THIS IS ONE STRANGE CITY … DO YOU HEAR ME NEW YORK … D-O, Y-O-U, seeing his voice takes on a sudden echo, but a profound louder voice can be heard from somewhere near him.

S-H-U-T U-P … CAN'T YOU SEE I’M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE, YOU IDIOT, the other voice yells from a close distance, taken off guard and rather startled by the further tone; even so, isn’t sure where the high-pitch came from, quickly looking around, soon noticing a male attempting to sleep at the base of the structure towards the-back-side-of the pavilion that he never saw at first glance, appearing determinedly at this individual; on the other hand, not optimistic, what to do?

Oh … Sorry I didn't see you there, sitting, lying in your own urine and other things I can presently spot crawling and swarming around you, leering down on a homeless man resting there, trying to snooze.

That's okay, says the homeless man, even if both of their voices shift to a general manner.

Say, the man says, bending forward to ask a sudden question … Why don't, you come over here and sit down beside me, patting his one hand down on the concrete area where he’s sitting, although Hamster looks rather hesitation.

No … That's okay, beginning to stare around, hoping someone would pass by, so he could hastily leave the area; however, no one does.

Actually I think I hear my brain calling me over somewhere, pointing in numerous different directions with his one index finger, to soon run off.

Surprisingly making a run for it, seeing the homeless man was giving him the creeps, plus, for the reason he’s never noticed a person in that type-of state before, leisurely running away from the park pavilion, even though the homeless man starts to express some laughter, to soon shout in a deep and loud voice, therefore, Hamster can hear it … ARE YOU SOME LITTLE WUSSY BOY, shouts the man, in view of Hamster’s on the run; nevertheless, turning his head still in a running position, falling to the ground, but gets back up to stare keenly at the man.

WHY DO YOU ASK, shouting back questioning?

YOU RUN LIKE A-LITTLE GIRL, the man shouts from a distance away! YEAH, BUT I SMELL BETTER THAN YOU DO AND MOST GIRLS FOR THAT MATTER, screaming like a frightened school girl; nonetheless, in the intervening time, running in the opposite direction from the unusual man in the park for an hour, ultimately seen sprinting to the downtown district of New York.

Even as, moments pass, we quickly see him approaching his step-mother Juggs and step-father Christmas Davies, standing on a sidewalk looking at a sightseer pamphlet of future attractions to optimistically visit being in the city.

Where in-the-hell have you been, can't you see that we’ve been looking all over, sick we might have lost you in this city, his step-father mockingly mentions?

Hamster glancing at them both in a flabbergasted stare …Oh-really, and, where did you look, taking into account he’s a little stunned to what he had just heard, although Christmas, sarcastically looking at him … No … I'm just teasing you?

Why, Hamster replies wondering?

Look, do you think I’m going to start off calling out, Hamster … Hamster? Remember, we’re, in New York City so you know, and, what do you think people are going to say, despite having a puzzled stare on his face.

It's bad enough there's many quack jobs running around; furthermore I'm not going to be one of them.

Your step-father's right, besides, look at his name, Christmas, can it get any worse, or perhaps it can, she suggests, turning to her … Hey … I wouldn't talk.

Listen, she says, in a demanding voice … You’re very well aware of my family history, considering my mother was a female stripper, and, do you understand the emotional suffering that I’ve had to go through, as a teenager, and still, as an adult?

We all understand that everyone often inherits something from their own parents, but, like countless things, the question is, what is an individual going to get, pointing to the two of them?

Clearly my most popular inheritance is my big breasts clearly thanks from my mother's side, uh, and don't ignore the breathtaking name to go with my assets or credentials, laughing, given her first name is Juggs.

Take it easy, we wouldn't want one of your beneficiaries to somewhat pop out and soon cause a car accident; nonetheless, your assets are wonderful, but, for whatever the basis, we can always struggle to sell the credentials, Christmas purposes, with a big smile on his face.

Yea, that's the answer everybody would be looking for, she kindly points out … You shouldn't talk; she tries to remind him.

Listen, I don't want to speak about it, it’s what it is since, plus, it’s what it is currently, curiously pondering what he had directly said … If that even makes any sense to anyone, he asks.

Why not, we’re relatively in the positive stages of a dysfunctional intervention in any case, Hamster remarks?

No, we’re not in any such intervention or whatever, Christmas insists. Sweetheart, your step-father's first name was given to him for a reason. Don't go there, I-am begging you.

Oh, whatever over there, she replies, knowing she’s going to simplify in more detail.

See when your step-father was born, he didn't have an actual name that is, pointing to Hamster … Considering his parents lived in a cave.

No they didn’t, Christmas affirms … Stop teasing the over-achiever.

Just checking to see if you were paying any attention, she mentions … So here’s what had happened; even so, we didn’t want to really tell you this beforehand, as you can certainly picture, plus, why tell you stuff that frequently has no meaning any ways is the way I often think of it as.

However, a long time ago in a small town with a population of twenty people, your step-father was born, as the town was under a major snowstorm, and, strangely no one could go anywhere, apart from to the local church, and furthermore, not to the neighbouring beer or liquor store, as hard as that might sound.

This isn't going to be one of these religious stories, is it, Hamster asks? Shut up and let me finish, she insists.

Hmm, Hamster adds in his personal misery.

See … He doesn't even want to know the story also, Christmas suggests. Therefore, the moral to the story goes, continuing when your step-father was small,

he promptly thought Christmas trees could speak, despite if his voice could be heard from a distance … They did, he declares, even if Hamster and Juggs stare in his direction, earlier than she can persist on … And, as a result because, the anxiety he had of them, his mother incorrectly changed his name to Christmas, to basically mark the season of course, furthermore, likely the troubling suffering he will later experience, as a teen growing up, along with, in his soon adult life, she includes, with a smirk.

Those trees moved and spoke with great discussion currently like normal people normally do kind-of, bearing in mind I’m an actual, practical witness to it all; however, looking at the two of them in doubt … I would hate to see what I’m going to become heir from the you of two … Oh; yet, I was delightfully adopted, thank god, considering I can’t get anything from the two of you, for that reason, you should just carry on.

Well, you’re too late, you’ve got your given name, and, the true darkness will be all yours, thus, like it has been all these years for me, Christmas implies, together with, a-few- pity claps to mark the event.

You know, with your two names put together, you two could honestly go, as a group, I’m thinking like the great comedic acts that we’ve seen, long-ago, hey … I got it, maybe the Christmas-Juggs, considering you two could sell out every theatre in-town, even internationally; on the other hand, people will look at your stage name selection to be rather further, beginning to now show his rock-ette style dance in the open.

Would you stop that, we don’t want to draw the actual confined nut-jobs that might be in the neighbourhood?

Yeah, she replies, trying to stop him from doing the uncharacteristic dance on the busy street where they are since, many people are passing by looking on in slightly confusion.

Listen, we have reservation at the hotel, Christmas stresses, trying to remind the two of them, so, why don't you pull your nylons up, glimpsing openly at Hamster before mentioning, and let's get going.

Fine, so, who has all of our belongings, Juggs asks, mostly doing a check list of things right there on the street?

I think I do, plus, I got my outstanding sugarless gum, so it doesn't cut my gums afterwards, Hamster mentions.

Don’t ask, but I got the discount coupons, Christmas says, leering over at her, what, seeing that everybody knows that I’m your older father, shrugging his shoulders, you know just trying to save some extra money on our trip, appearing at him … Yes, you do have that elder appearance going for you, oddly it must be all the deep inhaling of numerous unrestrained substances over the years, suggesting, in direct agreement to his remark.

However, does anyone have any lose change on them, Christmas asks, while all three of them are seen on the street checking their pants pockets, generally to what each other could have on them … I don't want to break any large bills since, the rickshaw guys running around town often will take a horrendous donation.

Oh … You're so cheap.

Yeah, other than extra beer money for later though.

Who has the cash we'll be spending on our trip, questioning, oddly at Christmas leering on?

I've got the money and, the traveler checks, Hamster says enthusiastically. No you don't … I do.

How about the theatre tickets, she soon asks?

I have them as well, although Hamster turning his head at Christmas with a grin … Along with, the meat clever, and, the blow up doll that are all in your suitcase I assume, essentially tucked under the sixty-ouncer, and, the carton of cigarettes, though, suddenly points over Hamster's closest shoulder at something, afterwards turning to stare, as Christmas can smack him on his back non-violent of course.

AW … WHAT WAS THAT FOR, in the company of a confused smirk on his face at Christmas … What, it must have been that hidden rubber doll that spontaneously hit you, appearing at him, with a mocking intent stare.

MOTHER, he shouts at her!

Would you leave him alone, we’re on a vacation, and, it’s not like you don't have enough time on other days, to do that?

Well, the little dirt bag started the whole thing for god-sakes. That's mister dirt bag to you, sir, Hamster emphasizes.

Okay mister dirt-bag, sir, his step-father insultingly adds.

Plus, I would like to say that, I’m not even dirty and I’m surely not this bag you refer to; even so, needing to think about it a little more, although I do have something equal, Hamster insists.

Listen, I don't want to know nor do I want to hear anything about it, Christmas states.

This isn’t the time or place to talk, about your autonomy, she requests, placing his hands up in the air … No I’m directly illustrating a likely hypothetical situation, he soon comments.

You go girl, looking in the direction at his wife, followed by needing to turn his head towards Hamster … What, she says, questioning what she just heard, even if currently needing to twist her head to stare at Christmas, squinting her eyes … Besides, when you're small it's regularly tiny and, when you soon become a teenager it somewhat gets much bigger, but when you turn into a true man, it's still, not big enough to please a woman, alluding to a measurement using her fingers.

Hey … Come on, not in front of him, seeing there are a few strange people watching us, apart from a small swarm has formed, despite if a street performer is busking a short distance behind them, even though the Davies having any awareness of it.

I don't mind, she mentions, with a modest chuckle, he’ll need to know at some point, even though he’s precisely hitting his very late thirties, as Christmas looks at the crowd getting bigger, thinking they’re all listening in on their family squabble … THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO SEE HERE … IT’S JUST A FAMILY DISAGREEMENT, waving his hands up and down … SO KEEP WALKING ON-WARD, bearing in mind many people in the crowd are looking closely at him in surprise; still, trying to appear at the busker behind them.

Nonetheless, Juggs continues talking in a louder tone of voice … YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN IT UP FOR YEARS, not aware that others are looking through them at the street busker, though, some in the large crowd turn their consideration at them; yet, glimpsing at the crowd in his general eyesight … JUST KEEP YOUR EYES POINTED THAT WAY, pointing in a different direction, gesturing, with his one index finger that they all need to do.

Just once, to have one of those youthful guys brushing their bodies up against mine, starting to role-play, considering her personal emotions are getting the best of her.

Would you get hold of yourself, Christmas asks, needing to grab her, even supposing everyone is looking, ahead in their broad direction?

Can’t you see THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS, she suddenly shouts, as the crowd turns their attention to them both!

Oh, Hamster says, in a humorous voice, beginning to wave his one hand up and down.

I can’t help it if you immediately lie there like deadwood floating on the water, Christmas claims?

Really and, how would one do that, he questions … Is that stationary uninteresting, as a door nail, placing his one hand up in the air at Christmas … Actually don't tell me, I’ll be terrified later on in life, then, putting his hand up to his step-mother, gesturing, with his one finger, pointing not to tell him anything either.

Just be quiet over there, they consistently state.

Look we’ll discuss our humble dilemmas later, Christmas mentions … Providing that this, pointing in Hamsters instant direction … And them, pointing to the growing crowd in front of them … Doesn’t need to be that familiar with, suddenly turning to soon leer at Hamster … Seeing he might want me to tell him about the ...The ...You know ... The birds and the bees, implying, in view of Christmas appears a-bit squeamish.

Oh no, not the birds and the bees talk, rolling her eyes.

Listen. There’s no worry about that talk since, I know more regarding that stuff than anyone else, Hamster eludes.

Oh really … And, who might have told you, turning to stare at Christmas, in a not so terrifying gaze, considering that Hamster makes a notion of reading a book with his two hands, then, quickly points at his step-father, turning her attention him also.

You know that old story of the guy and girl, who afterwards get naked; furthermore, either one of them is, or yet are in any position, following, on behalf of the exploratory types out there, or whatsoever the enthusiasm may be in someone’s private ailing world that numerous people live in these days, in company with, when the guy and girl get all fired up to quickly kiss, well, we-all-know what happens from that point on, bearing in mind the guy cyclically goes to-town, case closed, nothing to see there, or so far, needing to know more, commenting, in a general; even so, thoughtful manner.

WHAT and where did you hear this from, or, do I have to look for the source, still, eyeballing Christmas?

Don't stare at me like that, uttering, at her, with a shocking intent look, now pointing to himself, soon turning his head at the growing crowd watching the busker; nonetheless, believing they’re watching the three of them …. AND, DON'T JUDGE ME FOR THE REASON THAT, Y-O-U PEOPLE, DON'T EVEN KNOW ME, oddly turning his head back at her again … Nevertheless, I'm actually thinking the over-achiever might have been given a flavoured drink, by someone, when we got off the airplane, or perhaps he fell and hit his head hard on something, currently acting somewhat de-lir-i-ous, speaking, by hyphenating the word, giving a little emphasis to its meaning … Oddly there were a few people at that airport we flew into; even so, just saying dear.

Maybe some multi-coloured foam will come out of his mouth next, Christmas mockingly affirms, though, looking over at the crowd … WOULD YOU PEOPLE JUST MOVE ON AND LET US TALK IN PEACE, at the same time as a number of them in the crowd are giving him strange looks.

No one gave me anything, along with, I didn't smack my head, nor, am I going to have some colourful foam coming from my lips, through my nose, or otherwise, out my ears, besides, I didn’t drink this color-stuff you’re talking about, considering no one should mix a flavour with another because, it will simply present somebody with just harsh gas, further, it certainly will not come from someone’s mouth.

Then, where would you of all people have seen or hear what goes on in the love making department, still, looking in Christmas’s direction.

Listen, don’t look at me like that, I don't know where he goes when he's out of my eye-sight.

I know where, Hamster insists, turning to look at him for an answer.

But, all I’m going to say is, out of the ordinary videos, unseen, and, tucked far away in the attic at home.

WHAT, shouting, a second time, leering on in Christmas’s direction; however, in a pessimistic stare, at the same time as Hamster’s seen walking to a lamp-post, beginning to hump it, in spite of the two of them need to soon run over.

Would you stop that, she mentions, in a determined tone of voice?

Yeah, his step-father expresses, you could catch a disease by doing that, furthermore, we’re far away from home if one of those people, who are frequently seen taking family members away were walking by all of a sudden, not considering if you're thirty plus years old that could understand what you’re doing, and then, would attempt to take you from us, he insists, with an unassuming response, bearing in mind Juggs turns to stare at him … Actually come to think about, as Christmas backs away from the two of them at the pole.

What can really happen to me any ways, perhaps acquiring a touch of carpal hump syndrome, with a little spark of a lactose bonk-intolerance?

HAMSTER, would you cut that out and stop humping that pole since, no one knows who could have touched it last, with their delicate germs and stuff, despite the fact that a faded voice can be heard in the growing crowd … HEY, I JUST TOUCHED THAT POLE A FEW MINUTES AGO, the voice yells … Now, see what I mean, she later implies, in a negative attitude, while the two of them struggle to pull him off the pole.

HEY, NICE FORM YOU GOT OVER THERE, SEEING I SAW IT THE ONE TIME WHEN A BI-CURIOUS STREET MONKEY WAS IN CONCERT WITH A SET OF EXTRA-LARGE BONGOS, AND, HIS THIRD LEG IN THAT POSE, a following voice yells out from the swarm; nevertheless, referring to the street busker … Oh, magnificent, currently we have some comedian heckling us, what next, some street busker going to walk by us quickly, Christmas says?

There’s the likelihood I’ll stop doing what I’m doing, taking into account the street performer presently behind the Davies has stopped as well, basically to pick-up his hat, with donations, in the intervening time, the crowd persists on offering a standing ovation to the street busker; despite that, Christmas, with a puzzled stare at everybody in the crowd … ARE YOU PEOPLE ACTUALLY CRAZY, though, Hamster, climbing down from the base of the pole, now leisurely cleaning his pants and flannel shirt, as the oversized crowd begins to depart, with Christmas, glimpsing on.

So, did you have your fun for the day, seeing you could have gotten an illness by doing that, she says to him?

Would you stop talking over there Juggs, walking over to the two of them, clinging on to Hamsters arm?

You might need to go straight to a clinic.

Don't encourage him, we don't want him to start with all those medical terms; considering he thinks he's some surgical doctor, and, you know how he thinks he is at times, Christmas alludes in a more unsympathetic tone.

I could, I’ve read over every medical book written, as Christmas gestures with his one hand over at her … See what you started, I’m going to have to hear this all day long about pills, the human anatomy and, all that other wet and sickening things.

What type-of pills, questioning his interpretation … Are we talking synthetic hormones, self inflammatory, appearing at Christmas holding on to his one arm … Or, the most interesting of all, the blue ones, definitely you can't go wrong with some calcium- carbonate-rise-dronate in my opinion, except if somebody can’t sit or stand of course, and, for a while that is, seeing putting various authoritative substances down the human oesophagus, whereas, his voice sounds high-pitched, as Christmas turns his head openly at him, with a judgmental stare, then, agreeing with him, by motioning his head up and down to what he said.

Okay, she points out, soon cutting him off from continuing on … We get it.

See what I mean; nevertheless, perhaps I will pop a blue and a purple one, in a while; even so, Hamster looking at him … Are you crazy, popping a blue and a purple mutually, do you know what that would do to a human body?

What's your problem; I frequently pop them all the time, Christmas answers back, despite the fact that Hamster turns his head to stare at his step-mother … MOTHER, he shouts, while she turns … Listen, if a blue or purple where not good to pop, your step- father wouldn't be here, and furthermore, there’s different sapphire and violet pills out there on the market that can have a free motivation any ways.

However, bending forward, leaning in towards him with a secret, so Juggs can't take notice of it … Just picture one of those special blue pill that can enlarge somebody's entire view if you know what I’m getting at, speaking, in a whispering tone, and then, offering a spontaneous wink.

At this point, needing to bend forward towards the both of them to mostly speak to Christmas … Don't speak to much about the blue pill, it would be the least of our worries, taking into consideration Hamster has clued into what they both were alluding to, his eyes get bigger in his thick glasses, standing on a New York Street.

Let’s get out of here; we need to look over this shiny pamphlet on the places of interest and likely sightseeing areas, as a family.

Yeah, that's a good suggestion, bearing in mind we’ve driven a long way from Florida and all, Hamster says, in a sympathetic response … At least, your underwear isn't wedged far into your crack like mine is from driving all those hours, glimpsing at his wife; on the other hand, the statement was meant for Hamster … Misusing your mothers, given that she doesn't wear them any ways, saying, in a sheer mocking tone, shaking her head side to side … He notices one day that I’m not wearing them, and, it never ends.

Well, it's really noticeable when you're not wearing a bra, Christmas chuckles, presently giving him the evil eye without speaking a word.

Okay on that note, lets take a-look at that pamphlet shall-we, as the three of them