Hamster Davies - A Life of Conttinual Dysfunction by Dwight J. Sernoskie - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Being in any theatre surrounding doesn’t signify people can be that uncontrollable around others


Currently, following the strange, other than uncanny uncertainty going on, seeing both families have at last made their way into the stage theatre, and have found the seating for the evenings presentation, even though the theatre with its aged fabric, plus, overwhelming red carpet, in the company of clear wear and tear of years gone by, alongside the previous sound equipment, in the midst of the ceiling paint and wallpaper gradually peeling off, even as, the theatres orchestra continues to rehearse, in a variety of Germen polka melodies.

As the Davies family, high above the theatre in a separate private box, basically with a vast view of the open stage, even if the Calpown family are mostly seated beneath in standard seats, in company with other theatre guests?

Oh, wow, look at this theatre, Juggs points out.

Not bad for a hole, Christmas mumbles, while she needs to turn to stare at him … You're such a tool, slapping him on the back with her one hand.

Better than a hole, he insists, considering the theatre orchestra gradually plays their instruments in hand, with some light melodies in the background, soon changing from the Germen polka.

Well, at least, they're trying to play music, Christmas proposes.

Yeah, if you were Germen, the music would sound fine and dandy, she notes, despite Hamster looking around quickly asking both of them … When does the peanut guy coming by?

Christmas giving him a little nudge … This isn't a professional b-a-l-l game, it's a theatre, hyphenating the word to express it must be important previous to carrying on his sentence … And, if your thinking you're going to see some flashing, boob slips, mooning, or yet, any unmanageable conduct in anyway, well, you're surely in the wrong place, as Hamster appears at him in a puzzled glance.

I'm sorry, although your step-father is right for once, suddenly mentions, with a grin on her face.

However, didn't daddy score some great seats, pulling out a wrapped up hot dog from his suit jacket.

What’s that, she asks?

What’s what, taking a sudden bit, attempting to answer her question, with a full mouth … It's, a-hot-dog, as seconds go by struggling to chew his food in his mouth, earlier than swallowing the remains … I bought it outside from one of those street food vendors, biting into it again?

I was wondering what that smell was, thinking you didn't shower today, even as, she’s looking at him, still, eating, and glimpsing back at her, though, Hamster listening into the conversation inches away … Really, and here I first thought it was some old lady wearing an undomesticated funky creature on her one shoulder standing behind, earlier when we got here, considering I was going to ask her if she needed some mustard, or relish, to go with her aroma.

One of these days Juggs, Christmas suggests, chewing his food in his mouth speaking strangely…Wham-o and, you're-going-to-see where Armstrong took-his-first big- leap, for humanity, indicating, with a comedic, but considerable smirk.

Oh, you're so intimidating over there, and I'm trembling all over, plus, I'm all shook up, saying, in an ordinary tone of voice, although Hamster turns towards her giving her two thumbs up in support … Good one, he states in responds.

And, what’s that remark supposed to mean?

I guess you should have listened to the king of rock and roll more often, bearing in mind Hamster drifts off into a daydream … I wonder what the king would be doing right about now, closing his eyes.

Hamster at present, noticed in his personal daydream, later observing the king of rock and roll from a distance away, although he’s quite baffled with the surroundings.

The king sitting at a round table eating a ton of food in front of him, even if white and darkened clouds can be soon noticed behind him, as the clouds start to change colors … HEY, HONEY, the king shouts over to his right … Sweet cheeks; nonetheless, a few seconds pass, still, looking over … Yeah, you over there, the king needs to point to … You know the one whose sitting on Orson-Wells lap … HEY, the king expresses, with a quick whistle … CAN YOU BRING ME SOME MORE FOOD, despite seconds making a thunderous belch and deafening fart … I anticipate that was your index finger you’re pointing at me with Orson since, I JUST MADE SOME MORE ROOM, yelling, then, posing for a moment to smell the air … Man, someone smells awful; nonetheless, carry’s on eating further food, while Hamster's dream comes to an end.

As he awakes seemingly very unhappy to what he saw; in spite of his step-mother and step-father are talking about the king of rock and roll in their discussion, coming to.

Oh, so, you're trying to tell me that I should get flabby, and then, pass on the toilet leaving a-bigger-than-life turd behind, Christmas inquires, with a puzzled expression?

Hamster soon turning to include a sarcastic comment … That poor toilet, it shouldn't have to take that kind of punishment, what did it do to you any ways, at the same time as Christmas turns to stare at him, following his spontaneous remark … Are you okay because, you seem a little nutty all of a sudden?

Juggs jumps into the conversation … It is still open for further discuss, and, no I’m not saying or even suggesting it, though, you could learn a great deal from the king, and, trim a little off.

And, then what, how to pick up younger innocent chicks, Christmas says, with an immense smile on his face?

No way does that work, asking, in a dire reply, considering that she leans over in his direction … It only worked for the king and, just the king, emphasizing; nonetheless, in a motherly tone of voice.

Just my luck, he shortly says.

Maybe if somebody had one of those small flying suit on, besides, it didn't fit them correctly, plus, their private parts weren't falling out of it, Christmas implies, appearing at the stage … They possibly could pick up a woman, who was that desperate, currently glancing at Juggs looking on … As prison bait I mean, quickly alleging, not considering if she’s leering on at him about his impolite statement shaking her head.

Perhaps one day I’ll help the pus-ball out when he gets much older, given that he’s nearly in his late thirties, yet, living at home with us on those women issues, placing his one hand in Hamsters hair for support and encouragement, improbably, later squint-ing his eyes at Christmas, at the moment, pulling his hand out of his hair.

You know your hand had food particles on it seconds ago, but, you probably were aware of that right, pointing it out, trying to even out his hair line.

Yeah, that's fine, Christmas notes, besides; the hair gel you apply on your head just cleaned my hands off like that antibacterial liquid stuff does.

MOTHER, Hamster shouts, pointing at Christmas … You teach, stopping what she was going to say, strangely pointing at Hamster … Him, placing her hands up in the air … Come on Christmas, you couldn't even pick up a drunken female, who couldn't even stand straight for god-sake, speaking candidly to him before appearing off at the stage.

Really, I would have to believe that would be some type-of individual in great desperate times, even though Christmas looking back at him … Listen dear, not in front of little Punjab here, pointing at Hamster with his one thumb.

He will have some kind-of insult surrounding it, Hamster states, despite Christmas glancing at him to question … Who, me?

Would you stop teasing him, seeing he will wind up sincerely dysfunctional like you? You don't say, although I can see it happening, Hamster notes in a straight tone.

Please, I’m fifty-six years old, and, as you can see I’m completely fine, attempting to swat a fly buzzing around his head very intensifying, given the old theatre could have some further issues to take care of.

It would be better if this fly would get away from me, as Hamster and Juggs stare at each other in pure uncertainty.

Maybe you shouldn't have eaten that hot dog so sudden, as the fly wanted a taste before you inhaled the whole thing, besides, I don't even see or hear a fly, she states, even if Hamster tries to finish the lame squabble with an immediate comment … Me neither, taking into account Christmas, still, struggling to swat the fly away sitting in his seat.

Down below in the darken rows of pink velvet theatre seats; the Calpown family are at this time seated.

I’ve heard it’s an excellent show, which is what I have heard any ways, along with; I’ve read some reviews about it, while Danny suddenly turns his head to look over at his brother-in-law in his seat, listening to him talking; however, appears away and looks in a different direction.

Well, as long as Stevie Gutenberg isn't in it, the show should be a great one, Danny insists; even with seconds passing in silence … Three men and some small infant here, that's so impracticable, mumbling, under his breath.

At this point taken by surprise, Danny looking around, mainly in doubt of the-sights of the old artistic design of the theatre?

If you smell popcorn, you're surely in the wrong kind-of theatre, Julie suggests, bluntly to her father.

I don't smell anything, so, just relax, and we'll all have a grand old time, looking at her with little misunderstanding.

I saw that one coming, I’m thinking popcorn would smell a lot different in these type-of joints, at the same time as Julie appearing at him … Right you did, how do you know there's no popcorn sold, here?

As Bruno appears on at her … Because, I didn't see any popcorn, or yet, any machine making it, despite Danny tilts forward in his seat towards Julie and Bruno … Just stop squabbling with your uncle, there are a lot of people sitting around us if you two haven't noticed, plus, I would like to think I’m an adult, who is, in the company of other grown-ups like a daughter, plus, I should include furthermore, whispering, glimpsing at Bruno … Even, with an older over-grown man sitting beside you.

Bruno turning at Julie; nonetheless, with a firm straight stare on his face, sticking his tongue out at her, though, she cannot believe he just did that.

Can they make these seats any smaller, Bruno asks, struggling to sit comfortably, as other guests around him are looking ahead?

I know, and, why are these seats so uncomfortable to sit in, Danny questions, struggling as well to sit, taking into account both of them are moving hysterically around in their seats?

I can't sit here anymore, standing up from her seat; even so, her father clutches her arm to pull her backward.

You sit there and like it, her father expresses in a low tone of voice, despite the fact that other theatre quests continue filling in the seats around them.

The material on these seats are in-bad taste, how can anyone sit in them, standing up from her seat once more; nevertheless, her father grabs her arm to pull her back-down, then, points his one index finger at her, attempting to demonstrate some authority.

Despite her father's firm finger gesture, she needs to stand a third time, promptly standing up in his seat, looking at her closely.

Take your seat, asking, in a whispering tone of voice.

I don't think so because, seeing the material on my seat is so appalling, speaking back to him in a low voice.

At this point her father’s apprehension level continues to slowly intensify … JUST TAKE A SEAT, gently asks his daughter in a rather louder tone, observing numerous theatre guests around them looking on-wards, in the meantime, she’s beginning to look at people in their seats, although somewhat appearing under the weather, even if looking around in slight doubt, even as, the room seems gloomy and quite extraordinary to her, considering theatre guests emerge like white skinned zombies, with raggedy clothing, and, twisted hair designs, trying to take hold of her, dragging her back into the seat, hypothetically of course.

Being so badly mystified, and light-headed, she suddenly says to them all … NO; YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET ME TO SIT DOWN YOU, REVOLTING PEOPLE, as the theatre orchestra stops playing their music, looking over.

Danny taking hold of her arm yet again, pulling her down into her seat, bearing in mind everyone's watching her, though, she starts, with deep breathing, furthermore, sounding like she might be hyperventilate; however, the guests in their seats are glancing around from a distance where the sound is coming from, in spite of the fact that accidentally the theatre orchestra begins playing to the echo, in place of diminutive harmonious beeps in the background, with her sounds.

Christmas, sitting delightfully in his seat high above everybody, has heard the peculiar sound, plus, starts to appear around in the darken theatre.

What in the hell is that sound, looking eagerly below, it's like an animal got whacked in a corner and, it might be suffering?

What noise, I can only here the orchestra playing disorganized instrumental beeps, Juggs mentions?

Wait, I think I know what it is, it kind-of sounds like a deep throatier, he amusingly implies, taking into consideration Juggs gives him a light smack on his shoulder, shaking her head in disagreement.

What does that mean, or do I really want to know, asks Hamster? You don't want to know.

Yeah; nonetheless, if he's approaching his premature late thirties, it maybe isn't that significant any longer, Christmas mocking implies.

I'm sure it’s appalling if it has come out of this man's mouth, pointing, with confidence at his step-father sitting next to him.

Oh, does the little pus-ball want to see if he can fly, clutching Hamster, challenging to push him off the balcony light-heartedly still, holding on to him, although Juggs needs to reach over and grasps Christmas's clothing.

What, he states, starting to pull him back into his seat … I was only teasing? No he wasn't, trying to get his breath back.

Would you two stop acting like monkeys, besides, we’re in a public place, what do you think the Government agency that often oversees family's going to say if someone was here … What can they say, he's middle aged, in addition, he still, lives with us, Christmas mentions?

They're going to say you were trying to throw me off the balcony, attempting to straighten out his clothes before sitting back down … I don't even know what you two are even concerned about since, the true nut-jobs in the world are fundamentally the people in the public sector jobs.

No they’re not, she mumbles at him, bearing in mind she and Christmas carry on talking to each other, even supposing Hamster looks down to where he had thought the sound may have come from in the first place.

Looking down at the seats below, his eyes soon notice Julie sitting in her seat next to Danny and Bruno, showing her annoyance with the two of them.

While Hamster continues to glance down, he starts questioning to himself … Oh my god is that, putting his hands in front of his face, struggling to block sight of him in the box seat above, even as, the theatre orchestra continues to alter their synchronization melody to notes of a psycho harmony in the background.

Hamster taking a second look, ahead of commenting to himself again … No, it’s surely not who I thought it was, besides, it looks like some crazy chick spa zing out, sarcastically attempting to stare away, but cannot since, his eyes are focused on her from a distance.

Unexpectedly romantic music melodies can be currently heard being played from the theatre orchestra, even if the moment is beginning to get more intense, despite Hamster gawking at her from his seat, perched high above, oddly his step-fathers voice can be later heard … WHAT-IN-THE, his tone echo's keenly loud in the private box … Hey chewy, what are you looking at, his step-father asks, seeing the romantic music melodies comes to an end, turning his head at him … And, why would you refer that I’m looking at something?

Well, Christmas mentions, needing to soon turn away … I’m certainly not a medical doctor, even supposing Juggs voice can be heard in close … Oh god, I sincerely hope not, replying, in an unsympathetic expression; nevertheless, continuing on what he was going to speak … Or, any type-of expert, but I can see that something is struggling to get out of your pants, placing his hands over the front of his waist, to basically cover up a sudden movement of his male anatomy.

Christmas turning to look over at his wife in a hillbilly's expression … Hey maw, look, I say look at what's trying to peek out of his trousers over here.

HAMSTER, shouting, from her seat, you need to keep it in your pants and zipped, where in a theatre, plus, there are many other places to do that.

I’m keeping it in.

I don't know it could be a resistance between good and evil, his step-father suggests talking in a regular tone.

Oh, shut up.

Listen, you can't just whip that thing out anywhere, she soon looks over at him, with unanticipated eyes … Besides, I would honestly picture your step-father do that, as an alternative.

Meanwhile, Christmas turning towards her with a sudden smirk … It would determine if desperate times mostly involved desperate measures, or if y-o-u-r mother was around, then, it would have to come out, pointing over at her appearing on.

At this point rather embarrassed … Listen, I didn't whip anything out, insisting, in a hysterical voice.

I saw you sitting there trying to choke-out the one-eyed wallaby, mentions his step- father, considering Hamster leisurely leers at him from his seat.

I'm afraid to state that you sir are a liar, replying, in a demanding voice, taking into account Christmas cannot believe what he’d said, twisting his neck towards Juggs … Did you hear what he called me?

Though, sitting in her seat, with a slow turn at him … I could respond to that question, but, for a second time I WOULD BE LYING, laughing out loud, in spite of the fact that Hamster applauds her comment … Now that was actually comical.

As Christmas turns his head at Hamster, and then, soon turning to face her before turning to the stage, seeing the orchestra persists to keep the audience entertained, ahead of the live performance begins … You two are such terrible leaches, though, Hamster laughs out … OH, PLEASE, in the meantime, trying to give them both dirty looks since, the lights in theatre dim, and, the curtains slowly open.

Suddenly a females voice can be heard in the theatres audience … WHO TOUCHED MY BREAST, the voice yells, even if a good number of men in the theatre stand to stare in the darken theatre, obviously where the females voice may have come from.

Gradually a seemingly bright spotlight comes on over the stage, as actors one by one are seen walking out from behind a secondary curtain.

While the theatre goes silence, quickly hearing the voice of a lead actor on stage … HELLO MY LOVELY CHARLOTTE, the voice says stridently, for that reason everybody can hear!

HOW WAS YOUR GLORIOUS DAY TODAY, the actor’s voice shouts once more?

OH, BENSON, MY DAY WAS TREMENDOUS AND YOURS, the female voice is heard asking progressively.

MINE, NOT SO DAZZLING, mentions the actor Benson in a lower tone, yet, strident on stage, even as, Christmas starts slouching gracelessly in his chair, sticking his finger in his mouth, basically demonstrating his true discontent.

What are we watching here, questioning in a low whispering voice, seeing the play is ongoing?

Juggs leans over towards him in his seat … It's a live stage theatre performance, this is what a live performance often is, speaking, in a low tone of voice … But of what, he quickly asks in a whispering tone at her.

S-h-a-h, Hamster says at both of them, trying to get into the opening of the play … That's not acting, it sounds like their voices are way to frustrating, or, they ate a big sausage out back and didn't drink a beverage to wash it down before coming on stage, or, perhaps something long in size, you know if they were presently playing for the same team, even though Hamster and Juggs strangely stare at him, then, turn away to appear at the stage actors again.

Juggs yet again in a whispering tone, therefore, her voice cannot be overheard … Yeah because, its Shakespeare dummy, as the live performance continues on-ward.

Oh, we're talking Shakespeare, well, that explains everything now, implying, in a normal tone of voice, while Hamster and her soon turn their heads at him … S-h-u-s-h!

Hamster hastily leans over in his direction … Are you trying to get us, kicked out of here, or something, blurting in a low tone, though, the performance carries on in front of them.

Christmas shaking his head side to side … Sitting on a toilet for a half an hour reading all the comments that people had written on the men's bathroom wall would be more entertaining than this, meanwhile, in the seats below Julie is trying to keep it together in her own seat, showing she cannot take any more.

I want out; saying, in a low impulsive tone of voice to her father, despite Bruno turns to her, whispering back … Did you say something?

I want out of this seat right now, declaring, with an intense stare once more; all the same, in a sudden whispering voice, seeing her father turns to lean over to inquire in a low tone of voice … What’s going on, considering that the stage play is persisting?

Bruno bending forward seemingly confused at him in front of her.

What did she say, she wants out, her father says, looking at his brother-in-law on the other side of her, keeping his tone low … I think she needs to use the restroom or something.

I want out of this seat, and, I’m not going to ask another time, mentioning, in a rather louder whispering tone, rocking back and forth.

Danny apparently puzzled … What do you mean you want out?

Julie at her breaking point, turning her head at her father since, her one eye is continuing to twitch by coincidence.

I want out of this seat, poking her father continually in the chest.

But the stage performance just started pumpkin; her father, whispering at her, looking dead on at him, although his facial expression turns to soon panic.

Oddly the stage actors, performing their lines begin to stare out in the shadows where the audience members are sitting, in view of the fact that various actors on stage can hear people talking over their own voices.

I should get an ice-cream cone if we have to leave earlier, Bruno says, pointing at Danny, and then, Julie … And, a pony ride, mentioning, in a normal tone, turning closely at her uncle, lifting her hands, as if she's going to choke him with them; however, her father grabs them, pulling them back-down, taking into consideration the theatre guests behind them, are appearing ahead; on the other hand, Danny gets elbowed in the eye for his efforts by his daughter.

AH, he shouts, seeing the stage actors look out in the crowd, thus-far performing their lines, in view of the audience members begin to appear where the sound had come from.

While the event is going on, a woman's voice can be heard a second time … WHO KEEPS GRABBING MY BREASTS, questioning, in a louder tone than before, while Bruno turns where the female voice came from … Somebody really likes to be a grabber, referring to the female's sentiment being addressed, twisting his head back towards Julie sitting in her seat, then, looking at Danny glimpsing at him … Danny, you, better let her out of here before she kills us, advising, in a low-key voice.

No, no one is going anywhere because, I want to stay at least for the first act, saying, in a quick whispering tone at Bruno from his seat, not considering if more people around them, oddly are glimpsing at them making noise, taking into consideration Bruno looks intently at her, beginning to shiver.

She's going to freak out if she stays here, and, there's no telling what she’ll do basically to anybody, while he tries to think things through … We need to hold her down, requesting, in a regular tone of voice, adding to the hesitation going on around him, even if the normal audience guests punctually shout … S-h-a-h, to keep silent, even supposing he promptly stands to look at the group of people around him … Why DON’T YOU JUST HUSH UP, Danny shouts back, then, turns around to sit down in dissatisfaction.

Bruno leering carelessly towards him, reminding him to speak in a whispering voice, taking into concern they're in a theatre … Hey over there, placing his hands up to his lips, pointing out in a-low voice, despite the consequences if Danny leans inwards, ahead of his daughter sitting in her seat to soon gawk at Bruno on the other side of her … Why don't you zip-it, suggesting, by gesturing with his one hand, the universal sign for talking in a regular tone of voice to his brother-in-law.

What are we going to do here?

Do you think I’m some computer over here that would have all the answers, Danny insists … But wait, as an idea directly popped into his mind … Well, there's only one thing we can do, appearing on in her seat, though, Bruno confusingly looks in suspicion, presently questioning in his mind what that could be since, her face comes closer to both of theirs talking in front of her?

Let me out of here, she notes in a low whispering tone, whereas, Bruno is leering on again candidly at Danny for a sudden react.

Bruno, whispering to him up close … Would you just grab her, and hold her down, plus, I’ll hold her mouth, with my one hand because, I’m not leaving until I see the first act.

Strangely the both of them clutch her firmly to hold her down in her seat, not considering if other theatre guests are glancing from their own seats behind them at this point.

As Danny places his one hand over her mouth, she begins to make a humming sound out of desperation, biting down on it, with the exception of grasping her uncle, by accident, in the groin, although both men want to scream; nevertheless, can't.

At this time, the Davies family has been watching on from high above, basically what’s happening in the seats a distance away from them.

Juggs turns her head sitting in her seat over the railing … What's all the commotion down there?

Hamster appearing on in astonishment before letting her know his personal assessment of the situation … There's some chick beating the crap out of some old guys.

For the time being, Christmas has been watching the actors performing their lines, shaking his head not being further concerned to what’s happening in the seats below, even if turns … W-h-a-t, let me see because that doesn't sound right?

We're not chicks; we're women, saying to him, in view of his remark.

Oh, you're telling the pus-ball, a conceivable lie, Christmas alludes, sitting back happily in his seat, prepared to place his feet on the railing.

Juggs smacking him nonchalantly on the back of his head, bearing in mind Hamster expresses some amusement … What was that for, turning in her direction.

It must have been the rubber doll that you were telling me about before, Hamster mentions?

What, she replies slapping Christmas again?

What's with all the slapping today, asking, looking at her … Plus, I really don't even know what he’s implying or referring to, turning to stare at Hamster, then, turns to her in a sincere shocking intent look, seemingly certain she knows what story he’d told him.

Oh, I wouldn't talk my four-eyed friend, poking Hamster in the arm. Just leave him alone, shaking her head again, in doubt.

I can't help it if I’m slightly different.

What because, you’re different, seeing there are likely millions of your types’ running around causing mischief or worse, adding in a more distressing tone, as Hamster seems bewildered by his comment.

What’s that supposed to mean, questioning him, meanwhile, turning his head at Hamster … You don't have any kind-of difficulty, reaching over to put her fingers in his hair for loving motherly support.

Dear, turning his head at her … If the thirty plus ump year old says he’s different, then, let him be, plus, all your nail polish on your fingers will come off, the gel in his hair is like acid, see what I mean, showing his fingers on his one hand … Nice and clean, pulling her fingers out of his hair quickly, bearing in mind Hamster’s attempting to refit his hair back to its original state … I know what you're insinuating, and, it isn't medical.
