Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


Later that night, Albert raced his Prius down his street and whipped into his driveway.

The garage door opened and he pulled his car inside.

The garage door closed.

Albert rushed into his den with the laptop bag in hand and his laptop under his arm.

He rushed over to the desk and removed Kirby's laptop.

He turned opened up his MacBook Pro then turned on Kirby's laptop.

He immediately found the Special Security Consultants Project database on the desktop of the computer.

He opened up the database.

Meanwhile, back in the streets of Los Angeles, Kirby and Grant stood by the crashed Mercedes. They got there immediately before the LAPD arrived at the scene.

They were pissed when they saw the crashed company car.

They glanced over and saw Gino and Sal while they sat depressed on the curb.

"You screwed up!" Grant yelled at Gino and Sal while he walked up to him.

Grant saw the flashing lights of an LAPD car while it drove to the scene. He pondered for an excuse. Then his eyes lit up when he had one. "Okay, just tell the cops you dozed off and didn't see the truck," he told the two brutes.

"Yes, sir," Gino replied.

"Then head back to the office and wait for further instructions," Grant added.

"Yes, sir," Sal replied.

Kirby removed a printed drivers license picture of Albert that he obtained from some State of California employees on his payroll. "Let's find out what he knows," he told Grant while they walked to Grant's black Mercedes Benz.

"We better call Chuck," Grant said with a worried look.

"Let's wait and get Albert first. Then we won't have to tell him anything," Kirby replied.

"You're correct. Let's not jump the gun for an ass-chewing," Grant replied while they got to his Mercedes.

Grant and Sal looked ashamed, while Kirby and Grant got inside Grant's black 2010 CL-class Mercedes Benz and drove off.

Back at his den, Albert looked at the Heavenly Chat website on his laptop. "I looked at the database, but couldn't identify the assassin called Viper. It shows that the hit will take place in Las Vegas in about a week. But I don't know exactly where since that information was not provided," he said.

"Bob told me that a friend, Britney Cooper, from the San Francisco FBI office, can help," Angel 12978 replied.

"How does he know that?" Albert asked a little curious.

"His sister Wendy went to high school with Britney, so she can be trusted," Angel 12978 replied.

"Why don't I just contact Wendy? That might be easier getting Britney to believe me."

"You can't. She's up here in heaven. An assassin from UAS killed her after they killed Bob," Angel 12978 replied.

Albert frowned not liking how things were developing. "All I'm hearing is how people are getting killed," Albert said while he started to pace and wondered if he got in way over his head.

"That's why you need to help, to prevent more innocent people from dying," Angel 12978 replied.

"Can't you somehow with your Angel magic, contact a Secret Service agent?" Albert asked the second he stopped pacing.

"Trust me, you're the only one," Angel 12978 responded.

Albert thought for a second. "Okay. I'll call Britney. Do you know her phone number?"

There was the sound while someone fiddled with the living room front door. Albert looked concerned when he heard that sound.

"Rats, I should have been paying attention to Earth Cam. It's Kirby James and Grant Adams from UAS. They're coming to kill you," Angel 12978 said.

"Crap!" he cried out in a panic.

The Heavenly Chat website disappeared.

Albert grabbed Kirby's laptop, his computer bag, and raced out of the den.

He ran down the hallway and into the kitchen.

The living room door opened and Kirby and Grant entered with revolvers with silencers drawn.

They cautiously walked through the living room in search of Albert.

Albert manually opened his garage door, so the sound of the opener wouldn't alarm Kirby and Grant.

He grabbed a pocket knife off his workbench.

He got inside his car and started it up.

He backed out of the garage and down his driveway.

He backed down the street and stopped at the black 2010 CL-class Mercedes Benz parked by his house. He knew it belonged to Kirby and Grant.

He looked at his house. It was quiet. He quickly got out of his car with a pocket knife he immediately took from his garage.

He rushed over to the Mercedes and punctured the front driver's side tire.

He rushed over and punctured the rear tire.

He rushed back to his car and got inside.

He drove away.

Albert looked relieved that he survived from being killed. Then he realized something. "Crap! I forgot that girls name," he said while he looked at Kirby's laptop.

He noticed some light that emitted from the closed monitor. He opened up the laptop and saw the Heavenly Chat website.

"You did well. I'm proud of you Albie," Angel 12978 said.

Albert smiled happy that he received a compliment from Ginger. "Thanks."

"Now, you better head north on Interstate five," Angel 12978 said.

"Got it," Albert said while he turned down another street.

Kirby and Grant raced out of Albert's front door after they realized he slipped away.

They ran over to the Mercedes.

Grant got behind the wheel while Kirby got in the passenger seat.

Grant looked a little curious since his car leaned to the left.

He got out and saw the two flat tires. He got furious. "Damn it!" he yelled while he kicked his car fender.

Kirby got out of the car. "What's wrong?"

"The bastard flattened two tires," he said while his blood started to boil.

They both looked down the street. Albert's car was long gone.

"Damn it!" Grant yelled out again and kicked his fender. He opened up his cell phone.

Kirby looked worried. "Are you calling Chuck?" he asked.

"No, Sal," Grant said while he punched in a number.

Kirby sat down in the passenger seat and waited.

Grant fumed while he waited for the two brutes to show up with a spare tire from one of the other UAS Mercedes.

Albert drove his Prius north on Interstate 5. He closed the laptop to save on battery, but he still longed to chat with Ginger.

An hour later, Kirby and James were back at Kirby's office in the UAS building.

Kirby worked at his desktop computer searching their security records while Grant paced with a glass of scotch on the rocks in hand. Kirby was missing, and he was furious that Albert stole his laptop. He needed to determine how Albert gained access into their secure building.

"I found something. Our records show that Steve Marion's badge was used to enter the building just before Taylor's car was seen leaving the area," Kirby said.

"Where's Gino and Sal?" Grant asked and looked pissed with the news of Steve Marion.

"Should be in their office," Kirby replied.

"Get them up here now," Grant said pissed.

Kirby opened up his cell phone and punched in a phone number. "I need you in my office now," Kirby said then disconnected the call.

Kirby got up from his desk and walked over to his bar.

He poured a drink of scotch and waited with Grant.

A few minutes later, Gino and Sal entered Kirby's office.

"Yes, sir," Gino said.

"It appears that Mister Taylor got inside the building using Steve Marion's badge. Therefore, I want you to go take care of Mister Marion. And make sure it looks like he did himself in, you know, for some guilt trip for something he did," Grant told Gino.

"A piece of cake," Gino replied then motioned over at Sal that they should leave.

Sal nodded in agreement then they walked out of the room.

Kirby and Grant looked at each other, and their stomachs got nervous about killing another employee.

"It has to be done," Kirby said.

"I know," Grant replied then polished off his scotch hoping that would make it easier. He opened up his cell phone and started to punch in a phone number. He stopped. "Let's wait until we hear back from Gino."

"Good idea," Kirby replied.

They freshened their drinks.

"I better see what I can find out on this Albert Taylor turd," Kirby said while he walked back to his desk. He started using his resources on all the information he could find on Albert Taylor.

Grant sat down on the couch and sipped his drink while he waited on Kirby.

Meanwhile, Albert was farther north on Interstate 5 headed to San Francisco.

An hour passed, and Grant's cell phone rang. "What now?" he answered in a tone that indicated he knew this wasn't going to be good news.

"With the lie detector test, we learned that Mister Marion was at a strip club and lost his badges while he was getting a lap dance," Gino said from Grant's cell phone.

"Then what?" Grant asked.

"Well, poor Mister Marion felt so bad, that he slit his wrists," Gino replied from the cell phone.

"That's a shame. Head back to the office," Grant replied.

"Yes, sir," Gino answered.

Grant looked at his cell phone.

"It's time," Kirby said while he took a gulp of scotch.

Grant hated to punch in the phone number but knew he didn't have a choice. "It's Grant, I have some information I need to pass to you."

In the main room of a suite in the La Tremoille hotel in Paris, Chuck stood by the windows while he talked into his cell phone.

Over in the sitting area sat three Arabs, where one was the leader named Akeem Al-Fulani, and the other two were his sons, Faris, and Harb. Along with them were Oil Company executives, Peter Sargent, Cecil Booker, and Jerome Mathis. They talked amongst themselves while Chuck was on his cell phone.

"Why are you interrupting me in my meeting?" Chuck asked a little pissed.

There were a few seconds of silence. "Well, it appears that Albert Taylor obtained access into our building a couple of hours ago," Grant said from the cell phone.

Chuck looked at his visitors. "If you excuse me, I have a business call that needs my attention," Chuck told them then walked out of the room and into his bedroom.

"Is this Albert Taylor an employee?" asked while he walked up to the bed.


"Then how the fuck did this Taylor fucker get into our building?"

Back at the UAS building in San Bernardino, Grant paced while he for Chuck to respond.

"We checked our security access records, and it shows Steve Marion entered at that time. He passed the lie detector test, where he claimed he lost his badges at a strip club," Grant said.

"Take care of Mister Marion. I can't afford him talking to one of those strippers," Chuck replied from Grant's cell phone.

"Already done. He committed suicide," Grant replied. "It's sad."

"Good, now, why would this Albert Taylor want to break into our building?" Chuck yelled.

"We did some background checks, and Taylor went to the same college as Bob Grove. That's the only connection," Grant replied.

Back in the main room of a suite in the La Tremoille hotel in Paris, Chuck paced in the bedroom while he talked into his cell phone.

"You didn't answer my question. And you're making me nervous, Grant. Real fucking nervous," Chuck said in a raised voice but didn't want to yell so his guest would hear. "Again, why was this Taylor asshole in our building?" Chuck asked.

There were a few seconds of silence. "Well, he apparently took Kirby's laptop that contained the backup copy of our Special Security Consultants Project database," Grant replied.

Chuck looked like he was going to blow a fuse. "I want that asshole dead. Do you understand me? Dead! Because if you don't, then you're both dead! Do you understand?" Chuck said in a raised tone.

"Yes, sir," Grant replied.

Chuck closed his cell phone and waited until he cooled down before he went out into the main room of his suite.

He left the bedroom and fought hard not to give his guest any indication that something went wrong.

Back at the UAS building, Grant shoved his cell phone in his pants pocket.

"What did he say?" Kirby asked a little nervous, as he knew it wouldn't be happy news from Chuck.

"We better make sure Albert is dead, or we're both dead," Grant told him.

Kirby swallowed hard. "Well, we better make sure we find the asshole," he replied, then polished off his scotch.

Grant nodded in agreement.

Grant looked at the spot where the golf picture once hung. "Where's that picture?"

Kirby looked at the wall and got pissed when he saw it was missing. "That damned Taylor!"

Kirby sat down at his computer.

"Now, where can he be hiding?" Grant said while he paced around the office.

Then Kirby's eyes widen. "He might be heading to San Francisco."

Grant thought about Kirby's comment for a few seconds. "That's a possibility, but I don't know why since Bob and his sister are gone."

Kirby thought for a few more seconds. "I still have this strong gut feeling he's heading up there."

Grant thought for a few more seconds. "Let's call our friend up there to be on the alert," he said then removed his cell phone and punched in a phone number.

While Grant talked to their friend in San Francisco, Kirby used their software program to obtain some more information he could find on Albert Taylor.

After a few minutes of finding information on Albert, his eyes widened. "It appears his wife was recently killed in a car crash and he was terminated from his job as an Architect."

"Looks like we can't use his wife as leverage," Grant said disappointed.

Kirby nodded and was disappointed.