Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


It was now seven forty that evening.

The Vegas strip was all lit up for the night of fun and gambling.

Albert was tired but very determined to make it to the MGM Casino in time.

The Heavenly Chat website suddenly appeared when nobody was near Albert while he rode down the sidewalk.

"There's a side street just north of the MGM. Go down there, and you'll see a parking lot to your right. Leave your bike on the street. Go through the parking lot and use the door immediately left of a dumpster up against the building. Once you're inside, I'll provide a map of where the assassin will be shooting from," Angel 12978 said.

"When can I hear your sweet voice?" Albert asked.

"The second you enter the room," Angel 12978 said then the website disappeared.

Albert thought about something that concerned him. "Wait for Ginger, won't there be Secret Service guarding access down that street," he asked in a panic while he was getting closer to that street.

The Heavenly Chat website appeared.

"I got it covered, Albee," Angel 12978 said then the website disappeared.

Albert's legs shook with fear while he rode the bicycle closer and closer to that side street.

Inside a security room, four MGS guards stood around and bullshit instead of paying attention to the security monitors which monitored the grounds of the MGM.

Then the monitors that monitored the parking lot Viper used suddenly did a strange flicker. The guards didn't notice the flicker, which left the monitors with the scenes frozen as still shots.

Down on Las Vegas Boulevard, Albert rode his bicycle to the side street.

He stopped, and his heart raced, and he had thousands of butterflies in his stomach.

He looked down the side street and saw it was barricaded on the east and west ends of the street. There were a couple of Secret Service agents with other special police officers that provided security during a Presidential visit.

Then he spotted a familiar face at the eastern barricade. It was that homeless bum that was seen earlier.

A star in the sky got bright then it dimmed. Albert didn't notice.

He got nervous and looked at the monitor. "Ginger, the Secret Service is up ahead, and I don't think I can slip by them," he said.

The Heavenly Chat website appeared. "Don't worry, an opportunity will present itself. And when it does, run like the dickens to the MGM," Angel 12978 said.

Albert got off the bike and held onto his laptop while he looked down the side street. He saw the bum walk toward the other barricade.

The bum stopped and looked up at the sky.

"Yes! I'll kill the President for you. I'll do it right now!" the bum screamed out at the sky.

All the eyes of the Secret Service agents and the police officers were glued on the bum.

"I'M GOING TO KILL THE PRESIDENT," the bum screamed louder at the sky then he bolted toward the MGM.

The Secret Services agents and the officers raced over to the bum.

Albert saw his opportunity.

He raced down the side street.

He raced into the parking lot undetected since the Secret Service, and other police were too busy arresting the bum for threatening to kill the President of the United States.

Albert ran to the door at the left of the dumpster. He tried to open the door it was locked. Then it buzzed, and he tried it again. It opened it, and he quickly rushed inside and closed the door.

He stood in the hallway, and his legs started to shake with fear. He opened up the laptop.

"Now what?" he asked the monitor.

The Heavenly Chat website appeared. "Go down this hallway then turn right at the next hallway," Angel 12978 said.

"I can't believe you made that poor bum do that," he asked with a concerned tone.

"They'll determine he's loony and put him in an institution. He's better off there than on the streets," Angel 12978 answered.

"That was weird as it's the first time I heard you concerned about a homeless man. Why the change?" he asked while he rushed down the hallway.

There wasn't a response while Albert turned down the hallway to the right.

"Let's just say that you don't know the real me. Now, give me two seconds, and you can enter from that door to your right," Angel 12978 said while Albert rushed down the hallway.

"You better hurry up, you only have fifteen minutes," Angel 12978 replied.

Albert rushed past a door.

"You missed the door," Angel 12978 replied.

Albert turned around and rushed back to the door.

He waited. There was a buzzing sound then he turned the doorknob.

It opened then he went inside and saw some stairs.

"Run up to the seventh floor," Angel 12978 said.

"Did you say run?" he asked while he looked at the stairs.

"Run and you better hurry," Angel 12978 said.

Albert ran up the stairs, and when he got to the first landing, he saw a crumpled flyer.

He stopped and picked it up and looked at it. It was a Wanted Flyer for Britney and him.

"You don't have time for this!" Angel 12978 scolded Albert.

He dropped the paper and continued his run up the stairs.

Back in his room at the Sam's Town Casino, Kirby paced with a glass full of scotch. He took a gulp to calm his nerves. He was starting to get a heavy buzz from drinking to calm his nerves.

His cell phone rang, and it startled him. He opened it up. "Yes," he quickly answered.

"So far, things are looking good. No sign of Taylor and the President is on his way to the stage," Gino said from Kirby's cell phone.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Vegas PD caught the FBI Agent, but Taylor got away," Kirby told him.

"We have security at the casino tight, and all the access areas that lead to Viper have been locked," Gino said.

"I don't feel he's a threat to our mission. And then afterward, we can put out the word that he was part of the assassination plot," Kirby replied.

"Sounds good," Gino replied.

"You and Sal better get the hell out of the MGM and head over to my hotel," Kirby said.

"We're on our way," Gino replied then disconnected his end of the call.

Kirby made another call. "Listen, Frank, after the mission has been successful, put the word out that Taylor and your agent were discovered to be involved in the plot. Then once we get Taylor behind bars, he'll accidentally get killed by some prisoner that loves the President," Kirby told him.

"Okay. I also have a Special Agent on his way to Vegas to pick up Cooper, and we'll dispose of that problem," Frank replied. "It's a shame she tried to escape," he chuckled with a smart-ass tone.

Then something dawned on Kirby, and he got nervous. "What if she talked in the Vegas cell?"

"I told the officer that Cooper is a liar and will say anything to get their sympathy to get out of jail," Frank replied.

"That just might work. Call me later," Kirby said then disconnected the call.

Kirby closed his cell phone and continued to pace around his hotel room.

He picked up the remote and turned on the TV. The flipped through the channels and stopped on the CNN channel.

He quickly opened up his cell phone and typed in a text message.

Back at the MGM, Albert's heart pounded and his legs throbbed while he ran up the stairs. He now regretted never staying in shape.

In the main room of a suite in the La Tremoille hotel in Paris, Chuck nervously waited in his chair.

Akeem, Faris, and Harb, Peter, Cecil, and Jerome all paced around the room while they waited for some good news.

Chuck's cell phone buzzed. He opened it up.

"Things are looking good," Kirby's text message stated.

All of his guests stopped pacing and looked at Chuck.

"It's going good," Chuck told them then he wasn't as nervous.

Then Akeem, Faris, and Harb, Peter, Cecil, and Jerome all felt good and walked over to the bar to pour themselves a celebration drink for the second they get the news that the mission was a success.

Back at the MGM Casino, Albert finally made it up to the seventh floor, and it felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest. He was so out of breath, he couldn't talk to Ginger on the laptop.

He got really nervous. His eyes widened, and he bent over and vomited.

"Hurry up, Albee!" Angel 12978 called out from the laptop.

Albert straightened up and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Hold on," Angel 12978 said from the laptop.

The door buzzed, and he opened the door to the seventh floor.

He stepped out into a hallway.

"Go to the left and stop at the seventh door on the right. Go inside, and you'll find your assassin who is getting ready to fire as we speak," Angel 12978 said.

Albert walked down the hallway.

Back at the Las Vegas police station, Britney sat in a small holding cell.

She walked up to the bars.

"Guard! It's a matter of life and death that I speak to you," Britney yelled out. "Like I said before, I need to speak to the Secret Service!" she yelled out.

"Yeah, and I need to speak to Oprah!" someone from another holding cell called out.

"Wait, I really need to speak to the Queen," yet another guy called out from another cell.

All the other guys in the other cells busted out laughing.

"SHUT UP!" the guard yelled.

Britney sat down on her bench in her cell. She looked scared to death that Albert wouldn't succeed and UAS and Frank would have some crooked agent their way and will kill them both. Her eyes welled up.

Back at the MGM, Albert walked down the hallway and stopped at the seventh door, as instructed by Ginger.

"What does the assassin look like?" Albert asked the monitor.

The Special Security Consultants Project database suddenly appeared, and a file opened up that contained many other files. He glanced and saw a few files with the names, Kathy Salisbury, Betty Winslow, and Jennifer Short.

Albert clicked on the "KATHY SALISBURY file, and it opened up. A picture of an individual came into view, but the monitor suddenly went black. A "LOW BATTERY" message flashed.

Albert looked devastated. "Why now?" he cried out.

"Stop the assassination now!" Angel 12978 ordered from the monitor in a low tone.

Albert closed the laptop then looked at the door. He unzipped the front pocket of the bag and removed one of the revolvers for protection. He shoved the revolver into his right front pants pocket.

He dropped the laptop in another pocket of the bag and slung the bag around his neck and shoulder.

The crowd in the arena cheered after Andy Fig finished one of his hit songs and Albert heard them. When he thought about how he could talk with Ginger for real on that website, he suddenly got a sudden surge of courage.

He turned the doorknob and rushed inside the room.