Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


Albert bolted into the room.

He quickly scanned the room and saw Abdul up against the wall with a bullet hole through his forehead.

He heard an all too familiar voice. "Well well, look who arrived for the show," Ginger said from the window.

Albert looked down at his hands, thinking he still had the laptop. But remembered he had it in the bag and the voice sounded too real.

He looked in the direction of the voice, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Ginger, who was Viper. "Ginger, what the hell are you doing here?" he said while his eyes welled up at the sight of his wife.

Ginger, now in short auburn hair, loaded bullets into her Soviet sniper rifle now with a scope. She looked at Abdul with a smirk. "You're a bad man, for assassinating our President," she said while she glanced at Abdul.

She looked out the window where there was a clear shot of the stage. Andy and his band just started another song.

"Oh, my God! You're the one going to kill the President!" he cried out when it dawned on him.

"Duh, but according to the media, Abdul over there killed the President, and the Secret Service killed him," Ginger replied with a sarcastic tone.

She looked Albert over. "Albee, look at you looking like a hippy. Scorpio told me you were onto the plot. I was hoping they stopped you. But wow, I'm amazed! I never knew you had it in you," she said while she glanced out her window.

Albert's eyes stayed widened in shock as he stared at her. "Ginger? I, I," he stammered. Then he did a double-take, "How can this be possible? You're dead!"

"You're right Albee. Ginger Taylor is dead thanks to the body of some homeless woman. Welcome to the real me," she said while she eyed the laptop bag slung around his shoulder. "I heard you stole some evidence. I just never figured you to be a thief. I'm proud of you, Albee," while she pointed her rifle at her former husband.

"It's something I thought you told me to get so I can stop this assassination," he replied and stared at her in disbelief.

"I told you to get? I don't understand what the fuck you're talking about," she replied a little baffled.

Albert was taken aback as he's never heard Ginger utter a single cuss word during their whole marriage.

Then he was confused as to the person he was chatting with on that strange website.

"Put the computer bag on the floor, Albee," she said while she kept her rifle pointed at him.

Albert set the bag on the floor.

"Move back," she said while she stood up with the rifle.

He moved back four feet.

Ginger walked over and grabbed the laptop bag. "You shouldn't be going around stealing other people's belongings," she scolded him while she stepped backwards to the window.

She removed the laptop from the bag, and she opened it up. She hit the power button. It wouldn't power up.

"The battery is low," he told her.

"Oh well," she said while she walked over and set the laptop by her gun bag by the door. The monitor faced Viper and Albert.

But what they both didn't notice was a small green light that appeared on the upper part of the monitor.

"Is your real name, Kathy Salisbury?" he asked curiously.

"Kathy Salisbury once. Betty Winslow once. I was also Jennifer Short. Different identities are required when you're a hired gun," she responded with a smirk then her eyes widened when she remembered a recent event. "Oh yeah, I was once Gina Watson. Remember that old lady at the Honolulu airport? She was correct when she knew me as Gina. I wanted to snap the neck of that old bitch for identifying me," Ginger said with hatred in her eyes.

"I can't believe that you've hidden the fact that you're an assassin during our marriage," he said in disbelief.

"Surprise, surprise! I decided to become one after Daddy's death," she replied.

"What does that have to do with all this?"

"His death wasn't an accident. An East German was seeking revenge because Daddy killed his father when the guy was fifteen years old. So avenging Daddy's death by shooting that German was my first hit," she said and looked a little sad when she remembered that day. "Then, I loved the thrill and continued."

"Killing his father? Wait, Elmer was a farmer up in Pennsylvania," Albert replied a little bewildered.

Ginger looked proud. "That was a great cover Daddy used after he retired. He taught me everything he knew," she said with a gleam in her eyes while she thought about her murderous father.

Albert looked shocked. "I don't believe this! Elmer was a nice old man who loved working the land," he replied.

Ginger chuckled. "That's funny. Actually, he thought you were a pussy," Ginger broke the news to Albert.

Albert felt hurt that his father-in-law thought that of him.

"Remember my absence in Hawaii? Well, Wendy Grove was my most recent hit. Remember that news report at the airport about her and her brother? All lies fabricated by UAS," she told him.

"So I take it that UAS killed Bob?" he asked.

"Of course. He shouldn't have copied that database. So, Kirby and Grant, had him thrown off the roof by his two thugs," Ginger squealed.

"And what about this dead guy here in the room?"

"UAS used him as part of the plot. One of the Secret Service agents, Tommy, will arrive up here after the hit and take credit for killing the assassin," Ginger replied. "Kirby sure had a great plan," she added.

Albert stared at Ginger in disbelief and thought that maybe he was dreaming. So he pinched his forearm. It was not a dream.

"And Kirby and Grant and that FBI agent named Frank framed the agent that was friends with Wendy and me?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. Aren't they super?" Ginger told him.

"So, what is your real name?" he asked curiously.

"If you must know, it's Christina Swanson, no, it's Kathy Guttenberg, no, it's Hanna Bridgestone," Ginger replied with a smart-ass chuckle.

Albert shook his head in disgust over Ginger's behavior and instantly fell out of love with her.

Ginger looked at her watch. "Now if you excuse me, I have to earn my five million dollar paycheck," she replied while she glanced out the window and waited for her target.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to bring to the MGM Garden Arena, the President of the United States," Andy Fig said excitedly into the microphone.

Ginger looked out the window and saw that the crowd looked confused over Andy's statement. The band started playing the Hail to the Chief song.

Down on the stage of the MGM Grand Arena, President Barrow walked on stage holding hands with Kristen and his trumpet in his other hand.

From the side of the stage, the First Lady watched along with her assigned Secret Service entourage.

President Barrow walked up to the two microphones with Kristen by his side.

He waved at the clapping crowd.

A shorter microphone was in place for Kristen.

Numerous Secret Service agents appeared down by the crowd and watched with eagle eyes for anybody that could cause the President harm.

"Surprise!" President Barrow said into the microphone and motioned for the crowd to sit down.

They all sat down anxious about the President's visit.

"I would like to introduce to you, my granddaughter Kristen. She's going to help out the band tonight with her beautiful voice," he addressed the crowd.

Kristen waved at the audience. They clapped.

"Well, Mister President, what song would you like to perform?" Andy asked.

"Well," President Barrow replied then looked down at Kristen. "Honey, what song would you like to perform?" he asked her.

Kristen looked up at the President with a gleam in her eye. "Well, since I love the Wizard of Oz movie, how about Somewhere Over the Rainbow?" she asked.

"Well, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, it is," said President Barrow.

Up in the room, Albert still stared in disbelief that the woman he thought was his soul mate was a hired killer. A murderer. He suddenly felt like he wanted to vomit.

"How can you live with yourself after killing someone?"

"No problem, it's big bucks, and they all deserved it anyway," she replied with a greedy look. "Besides, I need to live like a queen for the rest of my life on a beautiful paradise island."

Albert's eyes welled up. "How could you? I ruined my life because I couldn't face that you were dead."

"Sorry, Albee. You should have moved on," she said then glanced out her window and clicked off the safety on her rifle.

"But, how come UAS didn't know we were married?"

"They knew nothing about my private life for my protection. I'm just an employee number, a code name, an overseas bank account, and a cell phone number. An independent source, an old colleague of daddy's, verified I was reliable, and they've never met me in person," she replied.

"So you weren't an accountant?"

"Oh, I was. It was for my cover. And it was perfect. Don't you think? So, if you don't mind, I'm on the clock, and I'm not being paid to bullshit with a pussy like you," she said.

Her comment hurt Albert deeply.

The band started playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow with a melody. Ginger slid the window open just enough to point the barrel of her rifle out for a clear shot.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high," Kristen sang her heart out in a beautiful voice.

"Didn't you hear the President? His granddaughter is with him," Albert cried out in hopes that Ginger would feel sorry for the little girl and stop the hit.

Ginger looked through the scope and had President Barrow's head in the crosshairs.

"She'll be okay after hours of therapy," Ginger replied without any feelings.

Albert removed the revolver from his pants pocket.

He aimed it at Ginger when he heard President Barrow play his trumpet along with Kristen's singing.

"I want you to stop Ginger!" he yelled at her.

Ginger glanced over at Albert and saw him with a revolver aimed at her. She chuckled. "A pacifist with a gun. How cute. You don't have the balls to shoot me," Ginger said with a chuckle.

"I'm not playing," Albert said with a serious tone. His eyes welled up again while he stared at Ginger, who looked into her scope to regain her aim at the President's head.

"Someday I'll wish upon a star," Kristen sang her heart out to the crowd who loved her voice.

Albert's eyes filled with tears as he stared at Ginger.

He fired a shot into Ginger's back a second before she fired a shot at the President.

Down on the stage of the arena, Ginger's bullet zinged a foot above President Barrow's head and hit the back wall of the stage. The band dove for cover and some of them broke their instruments in the process.

Secret Service Agents raced with revolvers drawn to President Barrow, who immediately shielded Kristen with his body.

They raced up on the stage and shielded President Barrow and Kristen from any more bullets.

The crowd panicked. Some women and men screamed.

Numerous people jumped up from their seats ran out in a panic.

Some people dove to the floor by their seats. It was utter chaos while other Secret Service agents scanned the area for the shooter.

Then one of the agents saw the opened window up high on the back wall of the arena.

"Up there," he yelled out to his fellow agents and pointed at the location.

Four agents ran to the doors at the back of the arena.

Batul who picked up Abdul at the Los Angeles airport sat calmly in his seat near the back row with his cell phone. He was pissed that Viper missed the President.

From the side of the stage, the First Lady cried while her Secret Service agents whisked her away for safety.

Up in the room, Albert's bullet knocked her down to the floor. "You fucking bastard," Ginger yelled at him while she sat up in shock that he actually had the guts to shoot her. She turned the rifle on Albert. "Have fun in the afterlife," she said with an evil glare.

Albert quickly fired his revolver and shot her in her shoulder, knocking her on backward.

Albert ran over and kicked her rifle out of her hand. Ginger looked up at him in pain. "I thought you couldn't live without me, Albee?"

Tears ran down Albert's cheek while he walked over to the laptop and kept his revolver aimed at her. "You're not the Angel I thought you were," he said while he picked up the laptop with his other hand.

Viper flipped Albert the finger while he turned his back.

He rushed over to the door knowing the Secret Service would soon arrive.

Ginger looked up at Albert then she discreetly ran her hand up her janitor's dress to her crotch. She whipped out a small Ruger revolver.

Albert placed his hand on the doorknob and hesitated.

"Don't let me spend the rest of my life in prison. Please, Albee! We can leave with the evidence and run to Mexico. I have connections down there. That Arab will be identified as the assassin. I love you, and I'll have your baby!" she lied through her teeth.

Albert turned around, and for a split second, he thought about taking her up on her offer. But then he saw she had that small Ruger revolver aimed at him. He knew what he had to do.

He fired another round and put a bullet through Ginger's forehead.

She fell back against the wall with a blank stare.

Albert's eyes welled up again over, killing the woman he once thought of as his soul mate.

Albert walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Down on the stage in the arena, the Secret Service agents got President Barrow and Kristen up when they felt it was safe.

"Are you okay, Mister President?" one of the agents asked him.

"I'm fine," President Barrow replied. "Are you okay, Kristen?" he asked her.

"Yes, grandpa," she replied with a shaken voice.

Batul watched from his seat while the Secret Service agents rushed President Barrow and Kristen off the stage. He was pissed while he got up and walked away.

In the hallway outside the room, Albert sat down in shock over the event that just occurred.

He opened up the laptop and stared at the blank monitor and wished the battery wasn't dead. Then suddenly, the Heavenly Chat website appeared.

"I thought the battery was dead?" he said to the monitor.

"Just a trick," Angel 12978 replied.

"If Ginger's dead in that room, who are you, and why did you get me involved?" Albert asked curiously.

On the laptop monitor, he saw Angels fly across the screen. "I'm just an Angel doing her job to help get your life back on track," Angel 12978 replied.

"But how did you know about my private moments?" he asked curiously.

"Like I said days ago, we have Earth cam up here in heaven. Now go to Britney. You both need each other," Angel 12978 replied.

"But she's probably behind bars. And trust me, how will I get out of this mess?" he asked.

"Don't worry. I have that covered. I promise. Goodbye for now," Angel 12978 replied then the Heavenly Chat website disappeared forever.

"LIE ON THE FLOOR!" a Secret Service agent's voice yelled from down the hallway.

Albert looked and saw four agents that cautiously inched their way down the hallway with revolvers drawn and ready to kill him.

Albert sat the laptop on the floor and got on his stomach.

"That laptop contains information about the plot to assassinate the President," Albert told them while one of the agents handcuffed him.

One of the Secret Service agents grabbed the laptop.

"The assassin is in that room behind me," Albert told the agents.

Two agents cautiously entered the room with revolvers drawn.