Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


In the main room of a suite in the La Tremoille hotel in Paris, Chuck sat in his chair with his laptop ready to accept the remaining of the fifty million dollar payment.

Harb sat on the couch and was ready to send their part of the fifty million dollar payment to Chuck.

Akeem paced around the room, and Faris was in the bathroom.

In his Dallas office, Peter sat at his desk with his laptop. He was ready to hit the submit button for his part of the payment.

In his New York office, Jerome sat at his desk with his laptop. He was ready to hit the submit button for his part of the payment.

In his Chicago office, Cecil sat at his desk with his laptop. He was ready to hit the submit button for his part of the payment.

At the casino in the MGM Grand, Batul opened up his cell phone and made a call. "It didn't happen. Viper missed," the Batul said into his cell phone.

"You have your assignments," Akeem replied from his cell phone.

Batul disconnected the call and walked around the casino. He didn't have anywhere to go since the Secret Service, and the Las Vegas police had the casino locked down.

In Chuck's Paris hotel room, Akeem closed his cell phone and was pissed.

Chuck sat in his chair with his laptop in his lap. He looked excited, as he knew this was the call that confirmed the hit. He had thoughts of a house in Hawaii. A different sexy escort every other night and maybe he'll buy that 1957 Corvette he's always dreamed about. He anxiously waited for the excellent news.

Akeem waited until Faris came out of the bathroom.

They made eye contact, and the elder walked over and patted Faris on his shoulder.

Akeem and his sons had prearranged signals. If he patted Harb with the laptop on his shoulder, then he was supposed to submit the payment. Faris had a different assignment.

"Did you get your confirmation call?" Chuck anxiously asked Akeem.

"Yes, I did. And you'll get paid for services rendered in a minute."

Faris walked over to Chuck then discreetly removed a revolver with a silencer.

He walked up behind Chuck, who started to get a gut feeling that something wasn't right when Harb quickly closed his laptop.

Chuck looked down at his monitor, and the payment wasn't submitted. Then the split-second Chuck realized things had gone wrong, Faris put a bullet through the back of Chuck's head. He slumped in the chair dead.

Akeem, Faris, and Harb, with his laptop, quickly left Chuck's hotel room.

Back at the MGM Grand, the Secret Service and the Las Vegas police opened up the exits of the casino once the assassin was found dead.

Batul rushed outside and to the parking lot.

He rushed over to a parked Mercedes where two other Arabs waited, Jameel and Kasib who drove.

He got in the backseat.

"It failed. Let's go," Batul told his two partners.

They drove out of the MGM parking lot to implement their next assignments.

They raced down East Tropicana Avenue and headed east.

In Kirby's hotel room at the Sam's Town Casino, Kirby, Gino, and Sal sat on the couch and watched TV and sipped some scotch. They were nervous since they haven't received a call from Chuck about the payment transaction being completed.

Kirby punched in Chuck's phone number. He looked in the viewfinder.

"Caller unavailable," was shown in his viewfinder.

"I'm getting some bad vibes. Really bad vibes," Kirby told Gino and Sal.

Sal grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

He flipped through the channels and stopped at CNN.

They waited for some breaking news.

After a few minutes of waiting, it came.

"We have breaking news," the CNN news anchor stated. "It has just been confirmed that there was an assassination attempt on President Barrow's life in Las Vegas a little while ago. President Barrow was on stage with his granddaughter at the MGM Grand Garden arena. They were on stage with singer Andy Fig when a bullet was fired and missed the President's head. Apparently, Albert Taylor from Las Vegas foiled the assassination attempt by shooting the female assassin that used the code name Viper," the CNN new anchor said.

Kirby, Gino, and Sal sat on the edge of the couch in disbelief.

"I thought we had a foolproof plan?" Gino said.

"That fucking Taylor!" Sal added and was pissed.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Kirby said while he stood up and rushed off into the bedroom.

He came out with a suitcase that had all the items he needed to leave the country. That was his plan after the assassination was a success and was going to hide out in the South Pacific for a few months.

Kirby, Gino, and Sal all rushed to the door.

Sal opened the door. Then his eyes widened in fear, and he stepped back into the room.

Jameel stepped into the room with a revolver and a silencer in hand.

Batul also stepped into the room with a revolver and silencer in hand and closed the door behind him.

Kirby, Gino, and Sal stood there, stunned.

Sal reached for his revolver in his suit coat.

Jameel quickly fired a shot between Sal's eyes. He dropped to the floor dead.

While Gino stared at Sal's dead body for a second, Batul quickly fired a shot in Gino's forehead. He dropped to the floor dead.

Kirby's lips quivered while he fought off from crying, as he knew he only had a few seconds of life left.

Batul fired a shot into Kirby's forehead. He dropped to the floor dead.

Jameel grabbed the "Do Not Disturb" sign off the door handle.

They left the room, and he placed the sign on the door hand out in the hallway.

They quietly walked down the hallway.

In an integration room at the Las Vegas police station, Albert sat behind a desk while Chief Boone and three Secret Service agents were at the other side of the table.

Chief Boone and the Secret Service agents just finished looking at a movie clip of a webcam show and the database that Bob Grove discovered and copied. Apparently, Angel 12978 clicked on the internal webcam of the laptop and recorded the conservation between Albert and Ginger.

"That was very sneaky of you to have the laptop discreetly record her confession," Chief Boone said.

Albert gave them a little smile accepting the credit and knew they would never believe the truth.

"Well, I'm convinced that you didn't have any part of this assassination attempt or the murder of that woman in San Francisco," the lead Secret Service agent stated.

"Thank you, sir," Albert replied relieved he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

In the holding area of the police station, Britney lay on her cell bench and stared at the ceiling. She wondered if the assassination took place and what happened to Albert.

"I'm out saving the President, and all you can do is lounge around?" Albert said from outside her cell bars.

Britney's eyes open and she shot up after she heard that familiar friendly voice. She saw Albert at the bars of her jail with a Las Vegas police officer and a Secret Service agent.

She ran to the door, happy to see Albert.

The police officer unlocked the door and opened it.

"You free to go, Miss Cooper," the officer said.

Britney rushed out of the cell and up to Albert and hugged him tightly. "You're alive! I was worried, sick. But it looks like you saved the President's life!" she said while she hugged him.

Albert looked a little sad while he recalled killing Ginger. "It's not what I expected, but I did it. It's time to move on with my life, as there are so many other beautiful things to explore," he said while he gazed into her eyes then decided to go for the gold. He kissed her lips. She didn't resist.

The police officer and Secret Service agent waited until they were done the escorted them out of the police station.

The Secret Service agent escorted Albert and Britney to a waiting black government Suburban where two other agents waited inside.

They whisked them off to a safe haven until all parties of this assassination plot were arrested.

It was the next morning, and Britney and Albert had an excellent breakfast. He got the omelet he wanted.

The next day in Dallas, Peter Sargent went along his regular work routine and was a little worried when he heard the news about the failed assassination. He actually believed he was free and clear of the plot and that Chuck didn't keep any record of his involvement.

He sat at the head of a long mahogany table filled with his Senior Vice-Presidents. They were doing their monthly staff meeting.

"Let's start off by reviewing the quarterly report," he addressed the VPs.

They opened up the previously prepared briefing presentations in front of them.

The doors to the conference room slammed open and caused most of the VP to jump startled in their seats.

Peter saw four FBI agents with their badges in hand, and four Dallas police officers rush inside the room.

The VPs looked baffled as to what was happening.

Peter instantly knew he was in deep yogurt and would probably spend the rest of his life in prison. And then he had visions of his wife crying for days after hearing the news that he was involved in a plot to assassinate the President of the United States. Then it dawned on him that this is how he would be remembered in the history books, something he didn't want his grandkids and great-grandkids to remember. He reached in his suit coat and removed a 38 Special he kept for protection.

"Peter Sargent, we have a warrant for your arrest," one of the FBI agents said when he got within four feet of Peter.

He quickly shoved the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The back of his head splattered blood and brains all over the windows.

A female VP screamed, and the remaining VPs sat there in shock over the horror of what just happened.

The FBI Agents and police looked disappointed in that Peter took the easy way out.

More arrests occurred across the country.

In Chicago, Secret Service agents arrested Cecil Booker.

In New York, Secret Service agents arrested Jerome Mathis.

At the San Francisco International airport, Frank Foley waited nervously at a gate for a plane to Bangkok. He sat in jeans, tee-shirt, baseball cap and glasses.

The boarding of the flight was supposed to start in a few minutes, and Frank was feeling more and more that he would escape in time. The fake identification and passport worked so far, and he knew it would in Bangkok. He transferred all of his money to a Bangkok bank yesterday the second he heard about the failed attempt. He figured he would have been long gone before they associated him with the plot.

"Attention passengers. We are now boarding for flight fifty-nine sixty-three to Bangkok. All first-class travelers may now board," the gate attendant said over the speaker.

Frank got up with his small travel bag and stood in line. Then something caught his attention, and he turned to his right. His eyes widened in fear when he saw four San Francisco police officers rush down the terminal with four FBI agents he personally knew.

Frank thought about running but knew he was trapped inside the terminal. He got on his knees and got down on his stomach and spread his arms outward.

The surrounding passengers looked at Frank, thinking he was some type of nut.

The police officers and FBI agents ran up to Frank and couldn't believe he was ready for them.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" said one of the FBI agents that worked for Frank.

"Yes," Frank replied quietly and quietly cursed out Britney in his head.

All the people in the terminal gathered around and rubbernecked while the handcuffed Frank then quickly escorted him down the terminal through a crowd of curious rubberneckers.

At the same time, Frank was shoved into the back of a squad car outside the San Francisco airport, six San Bernardino police cars, two police vans, and eight black government Suburban's with FBI and Secret Service agents raced through the parking lot of the UAS building.

They screeched to a stop at the front entrance.

Twelve San Bernardino police officers jumped out of their cars at the same time twelve FBI agents and twelve Secret Service agents jumped out of their Suburban's.

They ran to the glass doors and rushed inside.

The next three hours were spent going through UAS offices gathering more evidence of UAS's involvement in the plot to assassinate the President and their participation of past assassinations.

A week later, eighteen more arrests were made throughout the country. One included Kenny Bauer in Washington, D.C.

The next day, President Barrow was briefed that some of the evidence discovered indicated that Vice President Richard Stanton knew and approved of the plot. Kenny Bauer sang like a canary then the process to impeach Vice President Stanton began a few days later.

In Al-Fulani's mansion, in the Middle East, Akeem, Faris, Harb, Batul, Jameel, and Kasib sat around a huge room and discussed the events that unfolded in America.

A missile raced down out of the sky and hit the mansion. The mansion exploded, and nothing was left but rubble.