Quarterback Queen by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


An hour later, Ernie waited at the far end of the Wal-Mart parking lot.  He sat on the hood of his rusty 1969 Cadillac Deville with a tattered vinyl top.  This car was a high school graduation gift from Uncle Cecil.

Cecil pulled up in his rusty 1974 Cadillac Deville also with a tattered vinyl top.  He parked next to Ernie’s Caddy and got out of his car.

“What’s going on?” Cecil asked Ernie while he walked over in his yellow and green plaid suit with white shoes.  He looked like a lounge singer from a lower class Vegas casino.

“It’s like this,” Ernie replied while he jumped off the hood of his car.  “I owe this loan shark $2,000 and if I don’t pay him back in a week, I’ll be taking a dirt nap,” he told Cecil.

“You spent all the money Gus left you in his will?” Cecil asked.

“Yeah and I don’t want a job and couldn’t get a financial loan,” Ernie replied and felt ashamed of himself.

Cecil paced around a little while he pondered Ernie’s dilemma.  “I only have about $1,500 dollars to my name,” Cecil offered. 

“You work hard for your money driving a garbage truck,” Ernie replied then he got an evil smirk.  “I have a plan that I know will work,” Ernie told Cecil.

“I’m all ears,” Cecil replied with extreme interest.

“There’s this quarterback of our team.  A super jock that will take our team to the state championship,” Ernie said.

Cecil thought for a few seconds.  “Oh yeah, that Rocky dude,” he replied as he’s seen articles and pictures of Rocky in his newspaper called the Summerville Gazette.

“Anyway, I learned of a potion that was created by some witches over 300 years ago here in Bellwood.  Whenever someone drinks this potion, it will turn them gay and will make a strong man weaker,” Ernie said.

It took a few seconds for all this to sink in Cecil’s head.  “A potion that turns people gay.  I’ve heard everything,” he added.  “So how can this get you out of this problem?” he added.

“I’m thinking that since we’re going to the State championship, I could get Rocky to drink some of that potion. Then he’ll turn gay and won’t be that cocky arrogant superstar.  He’ll lose the game,” Ernie said.

“I’m not sure how that will pay off your debt,” Cecil said while he scratched his head in an attempt to understand Ernie’s plan.

“There will be some heavy betting that the Panthers will win this game.  So, we will bet money on the other team and clean up when the Panthers lose,” Ernie told him and followed up with a proud smile of his super plan.

Cecil thought about Ernie’s plan for a few seconds then he got an evil grin.  “Yeah!  We can clean up big time.   I’ll put in one grand,” Cecil replied.

“I can add half a grand,” Ernie added.

“It’s a deal.  Now how do I fit in?” Cecil asked.

Ernie proceeded to tell Cecil his part in this scheme.

An hour later, Cecil discreetly watched all the students on the Bellwood campus for his fish.  

Ernie waited at his car in the Wal-Mart parking lot, as he didn’t want to risk being seen with Cecil.

Then Cecil saw Rocky walking alone, and he removed a comb from his back pocket and combed his greasy hair.  He shoved the comb back in his pocket and took a few breaths. 

He rushed off after Rocky.

“Excuse me sir, are you Mr. Rocky Malone?” Cecil called out while he approached Rocky.

Rocky stopped and saw Cecil.   “Who are you?”

“I'm Bernie Smith,” he said while he extended his hand out as a friendly greeting.

“So?” Rocky replied disinterested.

“I'm a scout for the Pittsburgh Steelers. We've been watching you,” Cecil lied through his teeth.

Rocky's eyes widened with interest and immediately shook Cecil’s hand.

“If you're watching me, you're watching the best, Rocky said followed by a cocky smile.

“That's what I've heard.  Listen. I was wondering if we could get together tonight and talk contract?” Cecil asked.

“How much?” Rocky quickly asked while dollar signs ran through his head.

“I’m thinking we can handle a five million dollar contract for starters,” Cecil replied with a smile.

“Five million dollar contract!”   You bet.  Just name the time and place and I'll be there,” Rocky replied with a gleam in his eyes.

“Okay.  Let's meet at a bar called the Witches Brew at 9:30 p.m.  And keep this a secret to yourself.  I can’t afford to have all of your other teammates bugging the hell out of me for a contract.  We only want you because you’re the best,” Cecil replied.

“I don’t know where that place is located,” Rocky replied.

“It’s on Simpson Boulevard located in the old part of town,” Cecil answered.

“I’ll meet you there,” Rocky said and knew he would be living the high life real soon.

“Be there or be square,” Cecil replied and made a gun with his right hand and made a clicking sound while he winked at Rocky.

Rocky thought Cecil was nuts, but for a five million dollar contract, he could tolerate this dork for a little while.

He strutted off toward his dorm room.

Cecil rushed off in another direction.

A little while later at the Wal-Mart parking lot, Cecil whipped his Caddy next to Ernie’s Caddy and his brakes squealed when his car stopped. 

He quickly got out of his car and rushed over and sat in Ernie’s passenger seat.

“Did he buy it?” Ernie quickly asked a little nervous his plan might fall through.

“Hook line and sinker.  These jocks can be so gullible when they think they could be stars,” Cecil replied.

“You the man Uncle Cecil!” Ernie replied.

“Call me later tonight,” Cecil replied then got out of Ernie’s car.

Ernie watched Cecil rush over and get inside his Caddy. 

Cecil tooted his horn while he drove away.

Ernie started up his car and drove off and his car sputtered and poured out black smoke out of the exhaust.

Meanwhile, back at the college campus, Rocky went around and bragged to everybody about his meeting tonight about a potential five million dollar contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Later that day, Sal sat at his bar in his place called the Italian Stallion.  He munched on a calzone filled with ham and cheese while he watched the TV that hung from the ceiling behind the bar.  The movie Goodfellas played on the tube and it was one of his favorite movies, as he has always dreamt of making it big in organized crime.

The Italian Stallion was a nice Italian bar and restaurant that he used as a front for his small time criminal activities.  It was slow today and there were only five patrons in his establishment.

The telephone behind the bar rang.  Johnny was a 300-pound Italian with a huge pot belly and looked like a wise guy from New York.  He was Sal’s bartender and right hand man for any strong persuasions that needed to be done in order to collect on debts.  Johnny picked up the phone.  “The Italian Stallion,” he answered. 

Johnny brought the phone to Sal.  “It's for you,” he said while he set the phone in front of Sal.

“Yeah,” Sal answered with a mouthful of calzone.

“It's me Ernie,” he said from the phone.

“You got my fucking money?” Sal asked while he continued to chew on his lunch.

“I've got something better,” Ernie replied.

“Don't fuck with me kid,” Sal threatened.

“What would you say if I could fix it so you can double what I owe you?” Ernie asked.

Sal showed a little interest.  “I'm listening,” he said while he placed his fork on the bar.

“I've found a sure fire way to make tons of money off the State Championship game by betting against the Panthers,” Ernie replied.

“Are you nuts?  We know with that superstar dick, Rocky, the Panthers will win.  That’s why I’m dropping two grand on them,” Sal replied thinking Ernie was loony.

“I have a plan in work where the Panthers will lose,” Ernie said.

“You have a plan?” Sal replied and chuckled.  “A slimy dork like you has a plan?  Okay, humor me,” Sal said and couldn’t wait to hear his stupid idea.

“I know how we can make sure that Rocky doesn’t play like a superstar,” Ernie said.

“Are you bribing him?”

“No, I know of a potion that will turn him gay and he’ll play like a girl,” Ernie answered.

“You know of a potion that will turn him gay and he’ll play like a girl?” Sal replied unsure he heard correctly.

“Yea,” Ernie replied.

Sal busted out laughing.  “You’re nuts Ernie,” Sal said while he laughed.  Then he stopped and looked pissed.  “Listen turd, if you’re trying to fuck with me, I’ll make sure you won’t live another week,” Sal threatened.

“I’m not fucking with you, Sal.  I know this will work,” Ernie said with a convincing tone.

“What ever.  And remember, you have six more days,” Sal said in a threatening tone then slammed the phone down.

Johnny walked over concerned.  “What’s the matter boss?”

“That turd at the college thinks he can make it so the Panthers will lose the championship game,” Sal told Johnny.


For the next few minutes, Sal told Johnny of Ernie’s plan, and Johnny busted a gut laughing.

It was 9:20 p.m., that night and the Witches Brew bar was a standalone building in the old section of Bellwood.  The bar was inside an old stone building that was built over 100 years ago.  It was painted a rose color with Witches Brew written in fancy lettering in Neon lights above the front door.

Rocky raced his 2010 red Camaro into the parking lot while Van Halen’s Running with the Devil song blasted from his stereo.

He found the first available parking spot and parked his car.

He got out of his car and bent down and combed his hair from the side view mirror.

He strutted off into the front door.

Rocky entered the bar where 15 guys and four girls were inside drinking and talking. 

He didn’t think anything about it and scanned the bar for Cecil.  He glanced at a little stage at the far end of the bar and saw a “Karaoke Contest.  Winner Gets $500” poster on the wall behind the stage. 

“I hate fucking Karaoke,” Rocky said while he continued his search for Cecil in the bar.

He decided to have a drink while he waited for Cecil, so he walked up to the bar.

The bartender, Jamie a hot lesbian around 28 years old, was down at the other end of the bar talking to a customer, who was Professor Ruby. 

“That’s him,” Professor Ruby told Jamie, then slipped her a $20 tip.

“Got it,” she said while she slipped the cash into the front pocket of her tight jeans.

She walked down to the bar by Rocky.  “What will you have?” she asked him.

Rocky checked her out and knew he was going to score a touchdown with her tonight.  “How about you after I have my meeting?” he asked with his best charming voice.

“Why would I want that?” she replied.

He was a little stunned as this was the first time someone immediately refused.  “Because I’m meeting a scout for the Pittsburgh Steelers here tonight to talk about my five million dollar contract,” he bragged thinking that would change her mind.

“Let’s have a drink first, then we’ll talk later,” she said with a fake sexy smile to key his interest.

“Sure, I'll have a Budweiser,” he said.

“I'll tell you what.  Why don't you try our special drink?  It'll knock your socks off,” Jamie said.

“Nah, I’m a beer kinda guy,” he replied.

“If you want me, you have to try my special drink,” Jamie said and ran her tongue around her wet lips.

“What kind of drink is this?” he asked curiously.

“It's an old ancient recipe with some special ingredients.  It's called Witches Brew.”

Rocky looked at her sexy body and figured a different type of drink wouldn’t hurt especially if it got him laid.  “What the hell.  I'll try one.”

Jamie winked at Rocky then walked away and started making the drink.  She poured shots of four different liquors into a tall glass.  Then she reached under the bar and removed an old dusty bottle.  She removed the cork and poured two shots of the potion into the glass.  She looked over at Rocky who winked at her.  She poured a tad more for good measure then she stirred the contents.

She walked the glass over to Rocky.  “Here you go sweetie,” she said while she handed him the drink.

Rocky took a drink of Witches Brew.  “This shit is good,” he said.

“You'll be a changed man forever,” Jamie said with a smirk.

Rocky gulped of his drink.  “How about another one,” he asked her while he placed the glass on the counter.

“Are you sure?” Jamie asked then looked down at Professor Ruby to see if she should make another one.

Professor Ruby nodded in agreement.

Jamie took the glass and walked over to the other area of the bar and made another drink in a few minutes.

She walked over and handed Rocky the glass.

He snatched it out of her hand and took another huge gulp.

One of the guys at a table got up and walked over to the jukebox.  He put some quarters into the jukebox and made a selection.  Abba's Dancing Queen song started blaring out of the jukebox.

Some of the guys got up from their tables and walked to the small dancing floor in front of the stage.  The guys started dancing with each other.

Cecil entered the bar in his plaid suit.  He saw Rocky at the bar, and he walked over to him.

“Rocky my man!” Cecil said the second he stood at the bar next to Rocky.

“Bernie from the Pittsburgh Steelers!” Rocky called out then took another drink.   “You have to try one of these drinks.  They’re great!” Rocky said while he held up his glass.

Cecil knew better.  “Naw.  I’ll take a scotch on the rocks,” he told Jamie.

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” Rocky said then took another drink.

“Oh yes I do,” Cecil said under his breath.

Rocky turned around while he took another drink.  He saw four guys dancing with each other.  He took another drink then saw two of those guys kiss.

He looked around the bar and saw some other guys kissing guys and girls kissing girls. 

Then a guy walked up to Rocky while he took another drink.  “Want to dance handsome?” the guy asked Rocky with a sweet tone and smile.

Rocky looked at the guy while he took another big gulp.  He looked at the guys dancing together.  He looked at the guys kissing.   He looked at the guy who tried to pick him up.  Then the second it dawned on him.   He looked at this guy again, who just winked at him. He sprayed out his drink all over the guy’s face.  The guy jumped back in shock, and he walked away rejected.

Rocky's mouth dropped open, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.  “I'm in a gay bar!” he cried out then immediately slammed his drink on the bar.  “I’m drinking fag juice!” he yelled then spit on the floor.

He then raced to the door and almost tripped over some chairs on his way.

The front door to the bar slammed opened and Rocky raced out and ran to his Camaro.

He quickly got inside it and started the engine.  His tires screeched while he backed out of his parking slot.

His tires screeched while he raced out of the parking lot.

His tires screeched while he turned onto the street and raced away.

Cecil walked out of the bar with a satisfied smirk on his face.  He opened up his cell phone and punched in a number while he walked to his Caddy.

“Hey Ernie.  He drank it,” Cecil said while he opened up his car door and sat inside.

“Great job Uncle Cecil!  We’ll just have to wait and see if the potion works,” Ernie replied.

Ernie closed his cell phone and started up his Caddy.

He drove his Caddy out of the parking lot and onto the street.

Rocky was furious and pounded his steering wheel while he raced his car down the street.  “How dare he meet me at a fag bar,” he screamed out in anger while he drove back to the college.

A little while later, Rocky stormed into his dorm room and slammed the door. 

Jake sat up in his bed and read some homework assignments. 

“How did the meeting go?” Jake asked curiously then watched while Rocky stormed into the bathroom where he immediately brushed his teeth.

“The bastard had me meet with him at a fag bar.  I left him there,” Rocky said still pissed while he walked over to his bed.  “Some queer asked me to dance,” Rocky said while he stripped down to his boxers.

“So you walked out on an opportunity to maybe get a contract with the Steelers.  Dumb move if you don’t mind me saying,” Jake scolded.

“Who the fuck cares what you think,” Rocky replied while he got into bed, slipped under the covers, closed his eyes and tried to block tonight’s event out of his head.

Jake closed his book and turned off his lamp by his bed, and closed his eyes.

Two hours later, Rocky tossed and turned in bed from having a nightmare.  From the dorm window, there was thunder and lightning flashes outside.

In Rocky’s dream, he was 16 years old and he ran down the street in his football uniform.  He raced up the driveway of a two-story house where he lived and entered through the front door.

He ran up the stairs then stopped in the hallway when he heard moans coming from a bedroom.  He got curious and walked down the hall.   He slowly opened the door and peeked inside to see what the moaning was about then his eyes widened in shock.  There in the bed, naked with another man, was Rocky now 30 years old.

Rocky woke up from his nightmare in a panic and daze.  He quickly looked around the room and it dawned on him that he was back in college.  Then he had a strange tingling feeling that took over his whole body.  He got light headed, his eyes crossed and he passed out.