The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Arriving at the Sunflower Pavilion Jason and Raquel paid the taxi and alighted. They hugged and kissed. Walking hand in hand they went to their room. Both of them smiled pleasantly with each other. Jason took a towel and headed straight for the shower.

“Aren’t you waiting for me?” Raquel said.

“I know that you are full of energy so catch me,” Jason responded. But Raquel had other plans. She said absolutely nothing. When the shower finished running she waited a little while to see how her plan would be executed. It worked perfectly. Jason emerged from the shower promptly.

“Not in the mood?” He asked.

“In the mood for what bat head?”

“Well I thought you wanted to join me in the shower?”

“I changed my mind,” Raquel said.

“I can never seem to figure you out.”

“Hmmmm! That should make you more aware of me,” said Raquel. ‘It’ll keep you alert and busy.”

“Okayyy!” He said.

“Now I feel for something different. Let’s go for a swim,” said Raquel.

“But I just finished showering,” he protested.

“I never suggested a shower. You ran ahead and got one. If you’d have waited maybe I would have had to change my plan. Let’s go down to the beach shall we?”

“Okay,” Raquel Jason responded.

“Last on the beach has to make dinner.”

With that Raquel took off like a primed athlete. She crossed the street, reaching the sand she dropped the towel heading straight for the water. It was beginning to get dark and with the lights now glowing she could see Jason’s silhouette as he ran toward the beach. He looked for her but could not pinpoint her location. She hid for a little while under the water. Then she emerged.

“Here I am,” she said. He just smiled.

“Come on, are you scared of the water,” she teased. “Not at all,” Jason said.

He was by her side in seconds. They swam and chased each other for a while. Then she had an idea.

“You’ll like this,” Raquel said.

Before he could even respond she yanked his swim trunks off.

“Behave,” said Jason.

Raquel would have none of it. She took the trunks, balled them up, and threw them as far as she could on the sand. Next she removed her swimsuit. She balled that up too and threw it next to his trunks. She grabbed him before he could recover from the shock of it all and kissed him. He felt her satin smooth skin touch his manhood. Returning the fervor of the kiss he caused her flame to be alive once more.

‘You sure are fun,” Jason said.

“Isn’t that the way you like me?” Said Raquel. “Of course,” said Jason.

“Then stop protesting. We came on this trip for fun.” She kissed him again this time with more passion. Then she reached down and touched his member. It was swollen hard and plumply firm. She felt him shudder, not knowing of it was the cold of the water or the thrill of him being held by her.

He embraced her and returned her kiss with more accentuation. Then she felt him shiver and heard his moan as she guided him into her wet love passage. She flexed her kegel muscles and felt him come alive within her. It was difficult in the water and it required skill, good technique and teamwork. Raquel was enjoying this. Purposely she repositioned herself throwing Jason off balance a couple of times.

“What’s the matter sweetie? We didn’t drink any alcohol today. Are you ok?”

“Sure it’s just thattttt…”

“Yes,” Raquel prodded.

“Ahhh nothing. I just lost my balance,” said Jason.

She kissed him shutting him up. He then had an idea. He slipped his hand between them caressing her firm aroused breasts. She moaned this time. He massaged the nipple.

“Ahhhhhh!” Raquel moaned.

He did it again more vigorously this time. She shuddered. He moved within her and she responded. The fires raged and soon she had an orgasm.

“Ahhh baby,” she said. ‘You know how to set me ablaze.”

“But of course Raquel,” responded Jason. “I am your lover so I have to know how to thrill.”

He pressed on and soon he too was overcome by his own orgasm. Withdrawing they both had a brief swim. When they were finished they scoured the beach for their clothing.

“Oh no,” said Raquel.

“What’s the matter,” said Jason. “Our clothes are gone.”

“Not to worry,” Jason said.

He swam past her and went about one hundred metres further. Then he swam back towards her grinning. He’d retrieved their clothing which the waves had gently washed out whilst they were having fun. Quickly he donned his trunks. She took a little longer but just as deftly she replaced her swimsuit.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said. She had already sniffed his ploy.

“I said you were making dinner so don’t try to chase me and turn around the situation. It’s non-negotiable.”

“I give up,” he said. “How did you know that?”

“I am a woman and a quick thinker.”

Hand in hand they left the beach. When they got into the room Raquel was first in the shower. It was warm and nice. Jason joined her. They lathered each other and rinse. Raquel slipped on a pair of black spandex lacy panties. Jason put on an orange pair of briefs.

He headed for the kitchen. Raquel followed stating “I’ll help you.”

“Thanks,” Jason ventured. She kissed him and they got to work preparing dinner. Fried chicken, French fries and a salad were the items on the menu. Orange juice would be their beverage along with some Haagen Das ice cream.

Fifteen minutes later they were eating dinner. As they finished Jason got up from the table. He went to the mini-bar returning with a bottle of Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon. It was chilled just right.

He got two wine goblets which were chilling in the freezer and poured each of them some of the Bordeaux wine.

“Lovely,” she said. “This is just lovely. I love you honey.” They sipped their wine lingering on the taste.

“You are so special,” she said to Jason. “So are you darling.”

He took her hand leading her to the bed. But she had other ideas. She led him to the terrace instead. They sat on two huge cushions she had placed there earlier. He smiled. After he sat she lowered herself onto him, naked. He was also naked, but she had not seen when he had removed his briefs. It began with a kiss but ended in sweet rapture and harmony. They both exhaled and fell asleep exhausted and overcome by both the effects of the sea and the Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon.