The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

They awoke at three A.M. They showered and hastily packed their luggage. Jason had already asked for their clothes to be pressed from the day before. They dressed enriching themselves in some of his Burberry sport fragrance. After eating breakfast they waited for a taxi which would take them to the Romanus Kippen ferry terminal.

On arrival at the ferry terminal they bought their tickets, cleared security and awaited the ferry’s arrival. The Platinum Express arrived fifteen minutes later and they were on their way to St. Maarten at ten o’clock.

They arrived in St. Maarten promptly at 11:15 A.M. after clearing Immigration they got a taxi and proceeded to a small airport not too far away. They showed their passports and confirmed flight receipts to the hostess of the small charter flight company.

She informed them that in fifteen minutes they would be on their way to Statia. It was a short but enjoyable flight. Once they landed and retrieved their bags they took a taxi to Charming villas. It seemed heavenly here. A fresh breeze, friendly people and there was free access everywhere. Jason smile but Raquel caught onto the hint immediately.

“What are you planning,” she asked. “Oh nothing really,” he ventured. “We shall see,” she said.

They placed they bags in the room, changing into something more comfortable. Tee shirts and shorts as well as soft shoes was the wear that they chose. After an embrace and a lingering kiss they held hands and walked in search of adventure.

Speaking to a couple of residents of Statia, they got an idea of where they wanted to go for adventure. It would be a walk of perhaps half an hour before they found a spot to cool out.

Sitting on the grass they told each other about their families. They also shared their ambitions, goals and values. He was an engineer wanting to own and run his own company some day. She was a graphic artist hoping to own and run her company making big bucks.

“Maybe we can merge the two together and have one happy company,” he suggested.

“We’ll see how it works,” she said.

Then they spoke about plans of being together for life. When they had finished he stroked her hair while she stroked his hairy hand. She pulled him closer and kissed him. They lay on the grassy terrace playing with each other’s faces. This was pure romance without a hint of lust.

“You are so beautiful honey,” Jason said.

“And you are pretty handsome yourself,” Rachel advanced. “You’re strong, matured, focused and patient. All of the qualities I could want in a man. I treasure you and I appreciate your genuine friendship. I hope it grows stronger day by day.” Then without any hints she asked him a question.

“Will you marry me?” Jason was caught off guard. “Come on,” Raquel said. “I need to know this very minute.”

“Yes,” he said without any hesitation. She grabbed his head forcibly kissing him with a passion he never experienced.

“Then we have a wedding,” she announced. “What day will it be,” he ventured.

“I don’t know yet. Why don’t we pick a date and start working on it,” said Raquel.

“I’d like that,” Jason said. “How about June 23rd next year?’ He quipped.

“Oh that’s my birthday. Are you serious?”

“Thought it would be my birthday gift to you,” Jason said.

“Ohhhhhhh! I love you so much Jason Aurelien.”

“I hope you know that my name means Golden light. If not now you know. I love you too.”

Together they hugged and kissed. They made their way to a nearby shop and bought some juice. Then they walked right back to Charming Villas. On arrival there they had lunch in the small restaurant. Today they chose steamed plantain, sweet potatoes, yam pie, pumpkin and carrots. Stewed lamb

was the meat which they chose. Jason and Raquel added a generous helping each of Cole slaw. For a beverage they chose chilled sorrel with a fruit salad as dessert. The meal was delicious. After the meal they retired to their rooms for a rest. Hahaha!! That rest came one hour later.