The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Friday was a thrill for both of them. Jason and Raquel began the day by uniting hands and saying a prayer. Opening his tablet computer Jason read an outlined study from an e- program called ‘the Body of Christ’. When he finished Raquel surprised him by adding her input.

“I never knew you studied the scriptures,” he said.

“Neither did I anticipate that you went to church,” she responded.

“Well I don’t go as often as I should but my foundation is there. It has served me well.”

“My parents always made sure that I go to church, but somehow there seemed to be a lack of love in the church I went to. So like you I don’t go as often as I should either.”

“That makes two of us.” They held hands and said a prayer. Then they embraced kissing as usual. They went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

“What shall we eat this morning,” queried Jason. “You can choose the menu today,” said Raquel.

“Ok,” Jason said. “I want bacon, boiled eggs, French toast, some pineapple slices, a peanut butter sandwich and some coconut water mixed with fruit punch.”

“I’ll have some cereal, a peanut butter sandwich, an apple, and some bacon. Add some hot chocolate and that’s it for me,” Raquel replied.

They got to work and in a short time the kitchen smelled delicious with the food flavours. They both ate at times feeding each other or sometimes sampling some of each other’s meal.

“And what’s our adventure for today?”

“Snorkeling,” said Jason. “I want to see the wrecks and the turtles. Are you coming with me?”

“But of course I am coming. It our adventure on our vacation,” Raquel ventured.

They showered. As usual they frolicked in the shower. Lathering each other they kissed as they delicately consoled each other. Jason massaged Raquel’s back slowly. Then he scrubbed her feet to remove any dead skin cells while she leaned up against the opposite wall. When he finished, she shaved his face. Skillfully she blocked his moustache and removed the stubble from the sides of his face. Then she washed off any hair and unwanted debris. He smiled and kissed her.

The taxi was waiting when they ventured into the lobby. They told the driver of their destination. STENAPA the National Marine Park was their destination. Delightfully he smiled and said, “sure my friends.” In a very short time they were at Pirates cove. It looked like a fabulous adventure.

After meeting the hostess of Pirates cove they were given a brief but timely introduction to Pirates cove. They enjoyed the short video. They had finished their welcome glass of pina colada. They then donned their wet suits and scuba gear. A scuba guide escorted them to the small boat which would take them to the dive site.

On anchoring the boat Julio the guide assisted them into the water. Raquel went first then Jason. Julio was a trained SCUBA dive master. He was in the water in no time guiding them towards the first stop of the tour. They stopped on an old dive wreck they had seen in the video first. It was the Santa Olifant. On entering they were greeted by all types of small pretty fish. They saw unique corals they had never seen before.

Then they were guided to an old chest. In it were all types of old coins. They were careful to examine them, taking none with them.

The next wreck they visited was the Julie Maria. This was a fabulous sailing ship in its heyday. The broken masts lay on the ocean floor. Some of its color was still visible. On the deck was a maze of colored corals. Carefully Jason, Raquel and Julio made their way through the corals and onto the lower deck. More beautiful fish adorned the cavern. They discovered another carpet of exotic corals inside.

Were they not underwater Jason and Raquel would’ve kissed, but they exercised control tempered with patience. In all they visited ten undersea wrecks. It was a breath taking sight to behold, and a world class adventure in SCUBA diving. Jorge led them back to the boat. He knew every inch of this dive site having worked here for eight years. He was out of the water first. Then he assisted Raquel and Jason back on board the boat.

As they headed for the interpretation centre, Raquel and Jason could not resist sneaking in a kiss.

“Thank you honey,” she said. “My pleasure,” he replied.

“You have made life so exciting.”

“And you have added much flavor enriching mine’s,” he replied.

“Can’t wait for us to be married,” she said gently but firmly holding his hand.

“Me too,” he said.

After the boat arrived back at the interpretation centre, they were greeted by Steffi. She gave them two bottles of cold water which they accepted thankfully. They then bought two buddy pack juices. They disappeared in a hurry. Changing out of their wet clothes, they bought two more and alighted the waiting taxi.

In no time they were back at Charming Villas. They wasted no time in heading for the shower. Turning on the faucet Raquel kissed Jason. She returned the kiss with plenty of fervor. He had other ideas. Lathering generously he then soaped her wet silky smooth toffee colored body. His hands glided skillfully over her curves. Mmmmmhhhh! She moaned.

Rinsing himself and her off he smiled with delight. She cornered his mischievous smile. As if she were propelled by it she reached for his swollen manhood. Stroking it deliberately she encouraged it until it pulsated. He kissed her even deeper as his manhood began to weep a clear fluid. He tested the rose with his finger. The rose too was wet and weeping.

Without hesitation he withdrew his finger and tasted her flesh. The pheromones were driving him mad. She surprised him bending over in a crouching position. He obliged by impaling her with his throbbing, swollen massive penis. When she felt it probing her legs opened wider. Her hand reached back to try to assist but he was already entering her velvety smooth channel. Inch by inch slowly he explored the rose, probing, seeking for an end. Slowly he made his way to his destination.

Raquel moaned loudly. He developed rhythm pulsing every now and then within her sweet contracting tube of delight. The more he thrust the more she contracted. She arched back to give him full access. Reaching high up on his legs he thrust deeper and fuller into Raquel.

“How good it feels,” he said.

“Ahhhhhh! Don’t stop. Give me all of you. I want all of you.”

“And all of me you shall have darling.”

Reaching under her arms he cupped and massaged her breasts and nipples. He felt her shudder. Then he felt his stretched swollen manhood being drenched in her nectar. She had climaxed. He pushed on trying to find his own release. The tension in his legs had his calves tight almost cramping. She assisted by leaning down and arching back some more. The warm water was also adding to the sensation. He thrusted and she clenched. Then it came. He shot his fill of nature into her with a surge so powerful that it hit her cervix like a thunderbolt. It stirred her passion afresh.

Panting he disengaged. But she wasn’t about to let him get away so easily. She knelt eyeing his weeping member. Taking it in hand she massaged the already wet eye of it. He moaned.

“Yes my love,” she said. “I will