The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

Raquel knew that she was an attractive, sexy, caramel colored, intelligent woman. She was twenty six years old, five feet eight inches tall, measuring 34-23-36, weighing one hundred and twelve pounds and wearing a size nine. She was as lean and well toned as most women desired to be.

She carried herself much like a princess. Always well dressed and strutting with good flair. She had good balance and a delicate poise. To compliment her looks Raquel’s hair was well kept for as long as she could remember. Her mommy always taught her that her hair was her crowning glory. Her hands were well manicured. Her skin milky soft and flawlessly smooth.

Raquel also knew that she had a body that most men would die to get close to. She was well mannered, not pompous or rude. She had a pleasant personality and interacted easily but appropriately with all. To many she was like a breath of fresh air.

This is my time she thought. I have found my soul mate. They meshed so well that people who would have witnessed any of their social interaction would have felt that they were friends or lovers for years prior to their first rendezvous.

Adamant that she would not be side-tracked, Raquel was determined to press ahead in forging a wholesome and lasting lifelong relationship. Instead of probably dating someone and finding out that he was a loser filled with lustful desires rather than love, she decided that she would do this the correct way. She embraced and would nurture true love in a bond of trust, unity, honesty and genuineness between the two of them. This was a time to hold onto love and not be fishing or catching at straws.

Raquel called Jason. “Hello darling how are you?”

“I am fine sweetie. And you how’s my lovely Jewel of the crown?”

“I am fine my dear. When can I come over to visit you?”

“Would you like to come now?”

“Of course, why not. But I cannot visit before next week. I am required to give the office good notice before I travel. Today is Tuesday. Would Thursday next week be ok for two weeks?”

“Of course my dear.”

“Consider it done. I will pay for your ticket today sweetie. Any other requests?”

“None that I can think of. A nice Cadbury’s chocolate would be sweet of you.”

“Granted,” said Jason. “Can’t wait to see you. Please take care of yourself until we meet.”

“You too honey. Keep sweet and be careful.”

“Sure my dear,” finished Jason. Raquel had no idea what Jason was up to. He never even released a hint about their dream home. He had forgotten one minor detail. A reserve water tank. That was extremely important. How could he have made such an oversight?

He would meet with Cheryl on that one. The house had to have all measures in place to operate normally in case of an emergency. It had to be done.

Jason called Cheryl on her mobile. “Cheryl, how are you?”

“I am well Jason and you?”

“I am good. I need to see you when you get a chance.

There is something which I forgot which needs to be done.”

“I’ll be over in five minutes. Will that be okay?”

“Sure. See you then, Bye.”

Cheryl arrived promptly in five minutes as she had promise. Jason explained that he had forgotten to include for a reserve water tank.

“Here’s what I want you to do. Have the roofing area of the house measured. Then calculate how many cubic metres of water can be accumulated per hour. Then have them either build or fabricate an underground tank to hold six hours of continuous rainfall. Just apprise me of the details. Also ensure that it is up to safety and health standards. The pump and supply will be up to your expertise.”

“Sure Jason,” replied Cheryl. “In one hour I should have that information for you. Now would you like to do a site visit to see how the work is progressing?”

“Absolutely,” said Jason.

“Then let’s go. We are eight weeks ahead of schedule so I anticipate that other than this new project we should be finished in two weeks.”

Together they went over the interiors, and the exteriors. He was thrilled. Although he did not mention the change in some of the interior colors, he still approved. He was also happy that the a/c and the renewable energy systems were on track.

Jason also loved the outdoor landscaping. “When are they going to plant some vegetables in the organic garden? I want some onions, tomatoes, potatoes, and corn. Ensure that they plant all twelve varieties of mangoes on the property. Oh and some cherries and lots of pineapples.”

“I will ensure it is done Jason.”

“Thank you Cheryl. Raquel is coming next week. They can begin to clean up some and tidy the inside of the house. Ensure that Raquel’s work room and our bedroom are ready. We will be there for a little while maybe a day or two. I will need meals for two days while we are there.”

“The other days I haven’t planned as yet. We may elope somewhere depending on her wishes. Oh and I need six of the large bars of Charles chocolate, some Haagen Das ice cream, and see if you can get some ripe pineapples peeled, cored and sliced thin. Not those in the can please.”

“Let’s see what I can do to make it happen,” replied Cheryl.

“I think we are done then,” Jason chirped. Cheryl had never seen Jason this full of energy before. He was onto something good. Maybe this was also a hint for her. She made a few calls and got the measurements Jason asked for. “The tank would hold sixty thousand litres of water Jason,” she said. “That will be just fine. I believe that’s enough to last three weeks. Thank you.”