The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 40

The next day they took the opportunity to visit the famous London Eye. They opted to take the London Underground at the Westminster station which put them within easy walking distance. Visiting the famous London Eye seemed to be quite an adventure, thought Raquel.

The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, England. The entire structure is one hundred and thirty five metres (443 ft) tall. “This wheel itself has a diameter of one hundred and twenty metres (394 ft). Each of the thirty two ovoidal capsules attached to the London Eye weighs ten tonnes and can carry twenty five people,” Jason said smoothly having done his research.

The view from the ovoidal capsule was just fantastic. Raquel took in all that she could see. For £15 the ride was sure worth it. Before Raquel realized it the great Ferris wheel was slowing down and coming to a stop. She admitted to Jason that the ride was great and that she enjoyed every minute of it.

Their next adventure was to see Big Ben. Raquel was enthralled. She had heard so much about Big Ben. Now she was here standing in awe looking at it. They were lucky to be around in time to hear it chime. They toured the inside with the guide pointing out several of the key features of this centuries old clock. Jason was amazed at how immaculate the structure and the implements were maintained. The tour of big Ben took forty-five minutes. Jason was pleased and complimented the guide. Visibly he enjoyed every minute of it.

They would also visit the British Museum. It was awesome. Filled with all kinds of ancient relics and artifacts, one could paint various pictures of their historical roots. There was an extensive collection on the royal family, from the times of former kings up to present. Several areas were dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and several of the Dukes and Duchesses of the English dynasty. It was a living lesson in historical royalty.

“Tomorrow we’ll visit Buckingham Palace and the tower of London. We’ll try to see if we can visit the Wembley stadium and the Royal Albert Hall. And whilst we are here I would also like to see the river Thames, Kensington Palace as well as Trafalgar square, said Jason.”

All of these visits and more were achieved on the honeymoon. It was breathtaking and exhilarating for Raquel. Jason enjoyed it fully. Every day he would call Cheryl to find out how things were going. She was fully in control of things and reported that all was going well. Jason was happy to hear that and smiled.

After a good week, plenty of adventure, and some precious, sexxy and intimate moments, Jason and Raquel finally left London for Grenada. Clearly from the amount of luggage they had done some shopping. They had to ferry to all of it to the airport at the London Gatwick terminal. Meticulously Jason and Raquel planned and discussed what would happen in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Raquel would move to Grenada in six weeks time. After explaining Cheryl’s drawing potential Jason had suggested that Raquel and Cheryl work together. Once there Raquel would set up her own business R-Graphix. The company would be registered immediately with most of the paperwork being available in a couple of weeks.

Once they were back in Grenada, Raquel, Jason and Cheryl convened an important meeting. They discussed the new business R-Graphix. Jason was totally financing his wife’s new venture. Cheryl took note of all of the things that would have to be put in place. The hiring of staff, registration of the business, professional stationery, contact information, other equipment which was needed and press releases among other things.

One major task would be to have an appealing website complete with e-Commerce functions. Cheryl promised to get busy right away. Skillfully she had put together bare bone templates for this project. Reflecting on her Project Management skills Cheryl had a good idea of what was needed to execute this business correctly. She promised them an update in three weeks. “I will email you all of the details, Jason and Raquel.” They nodded in agreement.

Then Cheryl popped a surprise announcement. She announced that she and Andre were getting engaged. Raquel seemed shocked, but Jason was calm. They both smiled whilst embracing her and giving their compliments. Raquel excused herself for a brief moment. When she returned she handed Cheryl a small box neatly wrapped. “Go ahead; open it,” she beckoned to Cheryl.

When Cheryl opened the box she was speechless. It was a 14 karat diamond white-gold tennis bracelet. 31 carats was the total weight. The diamonds sparkled. Jason took it out and placed it on Cheryl’s wrist. It looks like that’s where it belongs, said Jason. I agree Raquel said. Cheryl blushed all excited. “Thank you both,” she said. “This is our gift to you,” said Raquel.