The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 41

Raquel’s Relocation

When Raquel returned to Trinidad she immediate visited all of her family. She sat down after all of the greetings and pleasantries telling them a bit about her honeymoon. In addition she gave each of her family a small gift.

Then she informed them of her imminent relocation to be in Grenada with her husband Jason. It was an emotional moment but all of them understood that Raquel was now married and wanted to be with Jason. She also told them of her plans to be in business with a partner as well as Jason.

They were pleasantly amazed that she was so far ahead. They gave her their blessings. “Of course you will come to see us from time to time and be in touch won’t you?” Her mum said. “Of course,” Raquel intimated. “And you all are free to visit me whenever you want to. Just let me know in advance.”

“We would have it no other way,” chimed her family in a chorus.

‘I love all of you,” Said Raquel. “And we love you too.”

Raquel informed all of them of the things which needed to be done in four weeks. She wanted the house rented out fully furnished. Raquel indicated that she would prepare a contract, in addition to having a property valuer come in to assess it for her. Whatever upgrades needed to be done would be completed before she left.

Raquel got down to the tasks of calling her clients to arrange for some appointments next week. She was successful and had arranged sixteen appointments by the end of the day. Raquel used both email and physical telephone calls to achieve this. Then she placed all of her appointments in her scheduler both on the Mac Book and on her tablet. Her reminders were set for both a day before, as well as three hours before each of the appointments.

Raquel now attended to all of her outstanding jobs she had before her in the office. A quick analysis and she determined that she could finish all of her projects in three weeks.

Immediately she scheduled completion dates for all of these too. She detailed each one of them in on her whiteboard. She called her sweetheart husband and the two of them chatted for quite a bit. After another fifteen minutes Raquel retired for the day.

Raquel decided to go for a spa treatment. She wanted to relax and to energize herself. Gathering her MP3 player and a few things, and donning a fuchsia bathing suit and shorts Raquel drove off to Heavenly Manna soothing Spa. She arrived there in fifteen minutes.

On entering the spa Raquel greeted the host. He was very polite and friendly. “Hi Steve, how are you?”

“I am well Raquel. How are you? Are you having a service today?”

“I am well Steve. How’s business?”

“Business is fine. Are you having your regular service today?”

“Give me the best I can get today Steve. I also need to talk to you once the service is finished. And where is Ronald Joseph your boss? I have not seen him in a while.”

“Is there a problem Raquel?”

“Not at all. I just need to speak with both him and you. I will tell you all on my mind after the service.”

“Sure Raquel. See you after you’re done. I will inform Ronald.”

“Later Steve.”

After one hour of massage and steaming spa, Raquel felt really relaxed. She was offered a refreshing glass of acai berry juice, along with a small veggie salad. Afterwards she showered and donned a black skirt and a red spandex top. To complete she wore a pair of black vibram’s sneakers.

She returned to the front desk and paid Steve. Once the transaction was finished Steve alerted Ronald that Raquel was finished and waiting.

“Both of you can come right in,” he said.

Steve summoned Julia to hold on for him. Then both he and Raquel walked into Ronald’s office closing the door behind them.

“Good day Miss Carter. How are you?”

“I am well Ronald. How are you?”

“I am well.”


“Have a seat Raquel. Have a seat Steve. I hear you wish to talk to me Raquel. Do you have any concerns about our service?”

“Absolutely not. This meeting is just to inform you that soon I will be relocating.”

“Relocating????? But why Raquel?”

“Hmmm!!! I see you haven’t heard. Well I met an exciting and excellent gentleman last year. His name is Jason Aurelien. We got married last month. Our honeymoon was fabulous. I have recently returned to Grande from that honeymoon trip. In five weeks I move to Grenada to join my husband.”

“I just thought that it was the mannerly ladylike thing to inform you of the developments and of some of my future. I know I will be missed but I will still visit from time to time.”

Ronald and Steve were so shocked that they didn’t know how to respond.

“Well congratulations,” said Ronald. “I wish you the very best. You have been one of our best customers. It will be hard for us but we’ll miss you. Anytime you visit feel free to come and bring along your husband. For the next two years ALL services you too choose will be on me. And if I can ever do anything to assist please call on me.” With that Ronald handed her his card.

Cheryl’s Surprise Announcement

When Cheryl saw Andre again, she gave him a note in a sealed envelope. It went something like this.

A soul-mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys and keys to fit our locks.

When we feel safe enough to  open  the  locks  our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are.

We can be loved for who we are and not for whom we’re pretending to be.

Each unveils the best part of the other.

No matter what else goes wrong around us with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise.

Our soul-mate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction.

When we’re like two balloons and together our direction is up.

I believe it is then we’ve found the right person.

Our soul-mate is the one who makes our flame come to life.

Thanks for being my soul-mate.

Andre smiled when he read the note. Then he calmly walked over to Cheryl embracing and kissing her. She returned both with the same amount of passion and fervor.

“When are we getting engaged?” She asked Andre. “Would now be a good time?”

“But of course my dear.”

With that he drew a small maroon velvet box out of his pocket. Opening it he took out a platinum ring with three one carat diamonds and placed on her finger. Cheryl became so overwhelmed that she shed a tear.

“How did you know my size love?” She asked Andre.

“When a man loves a woman and she loves him back they discover many things,” said Andre. Again she kissed him. Then she led him by the hand into her lounge.

“So when are we getting married?” she said. “Is January 25th too soon?”

“It’s perfect,” she responded. “Let’s make some primary plans and then we can crystallize them later.”

“Sure,” said Andre.

With that they planned a location and several other integral details. They agreed to resume the planning next months since that they would have six months before the wedding date.

For a moment Cheryl wondered why Andre had chosen to be with her when there were any numbers of women that he could probably have spent his life with. He was such an attractive guy. Certainly any woman in her right mind would never dream of letting him go.