Who's Your Daddy 2015 by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 9.

Outside the Locarno dance hall the same night. Sixties music coming from inside. A dozen or more teenagers are milling around outside. Some are sitting on their Lambretta scooters, talking to girls; others are sitting on their Vespa scooters, doing the same. Two guys on Vespa's arrive and park up. They meet and greet a group of girls. They all go inside the dance hall. Inside there is a queue of teenagers lined up to pay their entrance money.

It's now 10 O'clock. Harry is in the downstairs office with Fred (The Man-ager). They're going through some paperwork. Bob is also in the room talking and drinking with a young buxom blond.

A bouncer arrives with a package. Hands it to Harry.

Harry takes it and opens it, "Bout fucking time. Who bought it?"

Bouncer, "Don't know, never seen him before."

Harry, "Is he still here?"

"No he fucked off as soon as he give me the package."

"Bollocks, could have done with seeing his face. What the fuck's this?"

£30,000 & a note drops out onto his desk. Picks up the note. It reads: "TEE BOOKED. SEE YOU AT 10 O'CLOCK TUESDAY MORNING LOS PINOS GOLF COURSE."

"Cheeky Bastard. Look at this." Hands the note to Bob.

Bob, reads the note, tosses it onto the desk, "10 O'clock Tuesday. That's alright, that gives you all day Monday to sort out the villas."

"Do you really think that little prick's not gonna get there till Tuesday?

Does he really think I'm that fucking stupid?"

Bob, "What you gonna do?

"It's a bit late in the day now, but first thing I'll try and get us an early flight out."

"What tomorrow?"

"Well it's not going to be any fucking good on Monday. It'll all be done an dusted by the time we get there."

"How about calling Rasher, he might be able to help."

"Good idea, I'll do it now." Picks up the phone.

"Why don't I just go round and turn that piece of shit into pig food?"

"Co's he don't know it yet but, that fat cunt's gonna be paying for my villas"

Now he speaks into the phone, "Rasher mate, you sound terrible."

"That's co's I'm sick."

"Sorry about that mate. I need you to do me a big favor."

"What another one? What'd you want?"

"I need you to get me 3 tickets for Majorca first thing in the morning."

"You do know it's 10.30 on a Saturday night. Who do you think I am Houdini?"

"Rasher mate you're the best there is. There ain't no one better at this sort of thing."

"Ok, I can do without the bull shit. Leave it with me I got a couple of places I can try."

"Magic. I knew I could rely on you."

"I'll call you back."

"Oh, by the way how many of them world cup tickets you got left."


"Ok I'll have one of my boys pick em up with them Majorca tickets."

"All right, now fuck off and let me get on with it"

"Right." Hangs up the phone.

Turns to Bob," Are the 3 musketeers in?"

"Yeah, they're probably in the pink elephant bar by now."

"Get em up here. No just get Phil he's the only one with a brain."

"Right." Leaves the office, and the buxom blond in search of Philip, Charles, & Anne.

Down in the Pink Elephant Bar, Philip, Charles, & Anne, are standing with BR. They are standing just away from the bar drinking and talking.

Phil asks BR if he is ok with the plan?

"Ok with it. Who wouldn't be."

"Don't forget, you've still got to go to work for a couple more years."

"It's not work for me, you know I've always liked trains. If I could stay there forever that'd do me."

"You do know you're a multi millionaire?"

"Yeah I know. Maybe one day I'll buy my own train."

Bob arrives in the bar and interrupts Philip and BR's conversation, "Oye Harry want's to see you."

"What now?"

"No next week. What'd you think."

Charles, "What's up?"

"Never you mind, he want's the one with the brains, and I don't think you two qualify."

Anne, "Charming."

Bob, as impatient as ever "I don't need this bollocks, are you coming or what?"

Anne, "We're all coming." Turns to BR, "You wait here darling, we won't be long."

All four leave the bar and go to Harry's office. As they enter they see Harry sitting at his desk, he places the newly delivered money into draw next to a shiny silver hand gun.

"Oh come in, don't bother knocking. I thought I told you to bring him on his own."

Bob, "You know what this lot are like. You got more chance of screwing the Queen than splitting these three up."

Anne, "Excuse me that's family you're talking about."

"Sorry babe. Figure of speech."

Harry, being sarcastic, I'm not interrupting you two am I... Can we get on with it?"

Phil, "No problem. How can we help you?"

"You gone soft in the head? You know what I want."

"Oh the World Cup tickets. Here you go £500 quid."

"Well lets have it then."

Phil puts the money on the table.

"Right now let that be a lesson to you. Now fuck off I got things to do."

Anne, "Charming."

It won't be so fucking charming if you three stick your beaks into my business again. Now fuck off!!

Phil puts his arm around Anne's shoulder and guides her towards the door. "Come on let's go."

All three leave the room and go back down to the bar where BR is drinking alone.

Anne, "Did you miss us?"

BR, "I'm OK. Everything OK?"

Charles, "Yeah, no problem."

"What'd he want?"

"We had to give the prick £500 for some World Cup tickets we sold."

"Why are you still fucking around with these pennies and hapennies?"

Phil as usual is the voice of caution, and sensibility, "We still gotta look normal. We can't all of a sudden start turning up in e-Types can we?"

"Suppose not."

Anne, "I wouldn't mind a new pair of shoes."

Charles, good humored, joking with his sister, "You've got about 20 pairs of shoes, how many pairs do you want?"

Phil, knowing what Anne's like with her shoes "Give it a little time darling, you'll have all the shoes you ever want."