Abundant Living on Low Income by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Chapter 7
 Learn from Others

As humans, we are a lot better off if we work together and cooperate with each other, rather than when we compete and strive against one another. In today’s sophisticated and complex world, no one is able to remain on their own and hope to make sound decisions without consulting other people or sources of information. So if you are considering a life change or career change to eventually be able to do what you really enjoy, or even if you want to make the most out of your present situation, get as informed as you can. Learning from others may help you maximize your opportunities as well as avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

No one can be an expert in all things, and we all need to learn from each other and help one another grow and become better at what we do. Willingness to learn from others involves humility through the realization that we don’t by ourselves have all that we need to fulfil our potential, and that we are all gifted in different ways for the purpose of complementing and helping others.

Some of us prefer classes and courses; others are self-learners from teach-yourself books or the Internet. So whatever your learning style and preferences, consider developing your talents and improving your skills by finding a course or other resources that can help you reach a higher level in your sphere of endeavour.

Formal Education

It is well known that knowledge is power. Education will help us get ahead. Those with higher education or training and skill in a trade tend to do better in life than those who only finished high school. A degree, diploma or a certificate are usually necessary to get a good job in the relevant field.

The educational opportunities nowadays are incredible and don’t have to cost a fortune. Gone are the days when the only way to get a degree was to take out a big loan and to spend several years in university or college classes.

Online education has mushroomed in recent years. You can get a degree that way and may not even have to leave your home or pay much. So whether you are interested in longer-term study (a degree course) or just a short course for a certificate or a diploma, you should be able to find what fits your needs.

Often part-time study opportunities are available, so that you can both work and study. If money is a concern, it may also be possible to apply for some kind of a financial assistance. One example of short-term free online courses offered by various reputable universities is https://www.coursera.org/. Explore the website and see if you can find anything of interest.


If for various reasons, you haven’t had the opportunity for a formal academic education, all is not lost. Many have acquired knowledge or qualifications later in life, or developed their skills to a high degree, which also is a form of education.

Depending on what you want to do, libraries most likely have books on the subject. Read widely and consider a range of views – then decide what speaks to you and put it into practice.

Consider self-help books to develop yourself. Take a personal inventory and look for books about personality development and human relationships. There are also tests to see where your innate aptitudes lie and therefore what direction to pursue in life for maximum satisfaction and fulfilment. Regarding success principles, Jack Canfield and many others have written excellent books on the subject.

The Internet is an almost inexhaustible source of information – sometimes to the point of being overwhelming. And talking to successful people in your field of interest, if you have the opportunity, or reading their books can also be very helpful. Perhaps you can even get a mentor.

And of course, it is still true that practice makes perfect. So use your skills as much as you can, and keep looking for better ways to accomplish your short-term and longer-term goals.

Learning from Feedback

Being social beings, we all receive feedback from others – directly or indirectly, and whether we have asked for it or not.  Feedback can be both positive and negative. Listen carefully and take a note of both.

While we don’t generally like criticism and correction, it can help us stay on course to our goal if we are straying off course, or it can save us grief later. Therefore, avoid the sometimes almost automatic response to negative feedback such as ignoring it, getting upset with the person who gave it, or, on the opposite extreme, caving in and quitting. Rather evaluate all feedback on its merit. Is it sound or not? Are there facts the other person is unaware of? Does the feedback warrant acting on? Would it be wise to seek other counsel and get more facts? It is always a good idea to get as much information as we can on any pursuit or issue – to seek multiple informed opinions and then making a decision.

Feedback can come from without – circumstances, comments from others – as well as from within – body sensations, feelings, hunches and intuition. Take note of red flags and yellow alerts, and never go against what doesn’t feel right. Notice feedback patterns – if several people are hinting at the same thing, there is probably truth in it. It is better to be successful as a result of acting on unpleasant feedback than insisting on being right at all costs and then failing to reach our goals.

If you have failed in a certain undertaking, the following steps can be an appropriate response enabling you to more forward:

  • Acknowledge that you did the best you could under the circumstances at the time.
  • Write down all the lessons you have learned from the experience.
  • If others were involved, ask what they learned to avoid making the same mistakes next time.
  • If need be, apologize and clear the air of any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
  • Take time to review your past successes to regain confidence that you can succeed again.
  • Regroup, refocus your vision, and move forward to realize your dreams.

In summary, using the means at your disposal, get as knowledgeable and proficient as you can in your field of interest. This will give you a better chance to ultimately reach a point, where what you believe to be your life’s purpose, what you enjoy doing and are good at, can become your main endeavour in life.