Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

The Beginning of the End

If believing that NASA and the modern governments of the world continues to be the core of your basis of belief, then by all means reading this book has been a big waste of your time, but…… but if just maybe… maybe something has been inspired within you to question the narrative of your own perceived reality then consider this last question posed to you meant to inspire investigative analysis even as it is one rooted in simple common sense.

Time meridians – those straight vertical lines radiating out across the expanse of the surface of the globe placed in every modern classroom and most likely somewhere in your house. They start out from the North Pole and eventually narrow down back the South Pole.

Time meridians divide up allotments of time based off of a 24 hour cycle of day and night. They simply put are how the world tells universal time and orients itself.

So, assuming that you are now looking at your trusty globe, try to find one of those big fat Pacific Ocean Time meridian squares somewhere near the equator. Take a ruler and measure how wide the square is approximately.

Now take your hand and give the globe a spin. Stop it with your hand somewhere in the northern latitude around say northern Canada. Now measure the distance of this smaller shaped time meridian square.

Question: Do you really think that a ship captain traversing across the Pacific Ocean time meridian square of what one time meridian hour in time is perceived as is going to experience the same allotment of time and distance going by as a dude on a dogsled traversing across the tiny sized in comparison square of the frozen wasteland of the northern Canada time meridian square you picked out? Look at your globe.

The Pacific square is huge isn’t it? Why is time and for that matter distance traveled, measured differently based off where you are on the globe?

Are we going to write a new math formula to account for the reality of being able to traverse less distance traveled within an hour’s time near the North Pole versus it taking the same amount of time near the equator to go much farther in perceived distance?

The reality that you can see with your own eyes as you stare at your globe is that there is no way on earth that what you’re looking at has any basis in the reality we all live in! Wherever you call someone on earth, though they may be many time zones ahead or behind you they are still on the same minute in time in retrospect to the offset in the hours of meridian time and, in general, they’re under no time dilation squeeze as suggested by a time meridian square in Canada that would suggest that both time and distance has been dimensionally condensed somehow over what some Pacific Islander is experiencing both as. What an extreme prejudice is being insinuated of everyone located closer to the poles!

Ask yourself, how is an hour’s worth of time, so expanded within the consciousness of a sea captain near the equator than it would be for a dog sled operator within a tiny little square to work with near the North Pole? And this doesn’t even begin to take into effect how much extra territory is being traveled across within the same unit measurement of time.

If you, like me, think that it’s ludicrous that time and measurements of distance are being stretched out magically the closer you get to the equator then by all means turn the page and read what the Bible has been saying about the earth for a very very long time.



By the way, if you really want a more acceptable opinion of how Time Meridians look like then check out the UN’s flag. The only thing missing is the continent of Antarctica, which you the average Joe or Maria are never going to be allowed to visit. It is highly illegal for you to ever go there and step one foot upon it in order to see a penguin live and up close and personal. Why might you ask is this? Because all the resource and energy hungry governments of the world and the greedy military complex corporations that run them have suddenly all grown a heart and don’t want the rich resourced area as reported on by Adm. Byrd in the early1900’s to ever be exploited by the voracious lust of mankind, but to forever remain a wilderness preserve where only specially approved of people or government workers are ever allowed to tread upon. And the governments of the world all feel so strongly about this that it is one of the few, if only treaties, all governments have ever been able to universally agree to, support and adhere to with no infractions by anyone involved.

How touchingly noble of all of these governments to secure the last great wilderness known to the common man forever from him. Or could it be because of something else? Maybe it’s something like this map shown on the next page that was allegedly discovered in a Chinese monastery and is reported to be over 10,000 years old. A map that traveled to Japan at some point a thousand years ago and then made its way into the hands of a Japanese Physician in Hawaii around 1907. One of thing of note if all the outlying continents are pure fiction the reality is this at its very core is a quite well done flat earth map and how many modern day hoaxes do you think are able to seed themselves into the pages of a paper published in 1907 in Hawaii of all places. It may well be a hoax, but what if it’s not?


Source: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1907-01-11/ed-1/seq-2/

Imagine it – countless continents, both larger and smaller than our own known ones existing beyond our borders of an ice barrier dome firmament. The Bible tells us of earth’s creation and of its stars being placed in the firmament dome, but what is also clear from the biblical passages is that the six-day creation week was nothing but a reordering of some parent material that God had put into existence at some prior point in the past.

There was already a deep (water) and matter (ground) to be pulled out of the water in order for the dry ground to be made. God never said that He’d flooded the earth just once, He said that He’d never flood it again.

What is interesting to speculate upon is that in the book of Genesis, the first two verses can be better interpreted in Hebrew to say that the earth became a ruin before being recreated by God during the six day creation week and when it says God sent His Spirit to hover over the waters the Hebrew word for ‘hover’ means to vibrate.

So if you had a cold lightless environment and suddenly you add intense vibration would it not potentially serve as a catalyst to break up a permanent ice sheet across the face of a flat world that had previously fallen into ruin? Such a violent upheaval of vibration could have provoked a geothermal release of heat and magma that could have up thrust the land out of the water and melted the ice, as well as gone towards creating an atmosphere to effectively restart the process of life occurring within a closed terrarium system? It’s a theory anyway.

Is this older matrix of materials renamed earth and brought to life by God once again the reason why some rock layers test so much older than a young earth creationist believer’s 6000 year deadline would like to admit that they do?

Is a literal interpretation of Scripture that exposes the fault of a lot of mainstream Christian doctrine the reason why some Christian institutions like the Creation Museum run by Ken Ham comes down so hard upon anything to do with a flat earth being Biblical, because admitting so would in fact cause them to have to admit to having a lot of things wrong within their own set of beliefs that everything is no older than 10,000 years at best, not to mention the expense incurred in order to update facilities to reflect the new truth of reality of an old truth come back into the light again?

Admittedly none of us were there, but we do have God’s Word and that is always what we should base our beliefs off of the most. Going with that is the reality that God made Adam with age, as well as Eve. Neither of them started out in life as squalling babies.

Did God create the earth with material that already had an existing age wrapped up in it that preexisted the six-day creation week?

There certainly seems to be a case able to be made for it. So then there is a question that remains.

Are there more flat domed worlds or just simple isolated continents out there?

Are they dimensionally linked with our own world as the author of the book and movie script writers of the recent Hollywood movie, The Dark Tower, would have you believe?

Instead of faraway planets reached by spaceships as popularized by endless science fiction narratives is the case more closely related to traversing through dimensional portals that transverse time and space to arrive in previously created environments that God made in the past?

Why was the US Air Force the primary sponsor behind the long-running TV series Stargate SG1?

Where did all the ideas for those episodes featuring dimension gateway travel, along with any of the other series, movies, and books with like content all pull their ideas from?

As a parallel of comparison why does all of humanity have a concept for what a dragon looks like, is capable of, and is likely to do if unearthed again, when no one has ever seen one and no specimen has ever been found and yet it is buried almost genetically as a belief within humans today that they existed and how hellish a day it could be if they were to come back into existence.

It could make for a very bad day in the realms of mankind and yet leviathans are clearly depicted in the Bible in every regard as what we perceive the mythical imagery of a dragon to be? Not only that, but satan himself is likened to as, ‘that old dragon of old”.

Is there a primordial sea of waters beyond the sides of the dome filled with the monsters of old waiting to come back into our sphere of awareness in the day that will see all chaos and hell breaking loose on earth as the pit is opened at the end of days?

Is everything that we believe, watch, write about in books all chance and circumstance?

I honestly don’t know, but just maybe I’ve opened your eyes a little as to just one more reason why all the governments of the world as we know it might collude together and lie about something so monstrous as to convince everyone they live on a miniscule planet with nothing at all that special about it that just by chance came to be and that exists in a greater cosmos that the earth can’t even be defined as even being a speck of dust within it.

A speck of dust mind you that they say is in severe need of population control because as the powers that be would tell you, “There simply isn’t enough room for everybody let alone the resources to care for them all. Please be considerate of everyone else and keep taking your pills to ensure a birthrate of 1.5 children so that we can establish a population die off through natural and unnatural means to ensure a greater amount of souls leaving the earth than are being born into this reality.”

Hell is hungry for people, and yet my God’s standing order to me is, “Be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over the earth.

While the edict to have dominion may only apply to the domed in world of earth I still want the freedom to be able to inspect every last corner of it as I wish to and not be told that I have no right to when my God told me that I did. There are many questions and things yet remaining to be discovered and for an author of Christian Speculative Fiction the possibilities are truly endless.

I do hope that I have inspired you to question your reality more, the key thing being that God, His Word, can always be trusted.