Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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I suggest, for your benefit, make sure that you understand the mind well, especially how its three parts function. The more you know about the mind functions, the easier it will be for you to understand the behavior of people. You will also see this knowledge is being used to control societies and manipulate the thinking of people. Then, when needed, it will be easier for you to elaborate mind exercises related to so-called spiritual development or self-growth.

The knowledge of how the mind functions, has been essential for the rulers to control masses of people. Teaching this kind of information has been not encouraged, it was often forbidden in the past. Why? Because the more you know about how the mind works, the more difficult it becomes for the rulers of the society to control you.

The rulers call masses of people “cattle”, “sheep” or “slaves”, and they really think about the masses like that. What they mean is that the average knowledge of psychology and physics in the society is so low, that compared to them, the people are as unaware as the cattle. That is also the reason why people must serve the rulers, the masters.

Let us learn more about mind so that you can understand how people can be programmed. Program your instinct to control your behavior, therefore benefit most of your life. You can program others or you can notice how others have been programming you.

First, as an example, I will tell you a short story where I compare babies from Earth and from other planets, in relation to their eating.

On Earth, when babies are born, they needs to drink mothers milk, that is their food. While the babies grow, they have to receive other type of food.

If the babies do not receive enough food, they emaciate to the point of death. The obvious conclusion is that food is necessary for man to grow and to sustain their life on Earth.

On some other planets, when babies are born, they may need to drink mother’s milk too. While they grow, they drink less and less, but no other food is given to them. Later, the babies stop drinking mother’s milk but they are not given anything else to consume. That is essential for the babies to live. If the babies were forced to eat something, their bodies would be quickly damaged to the point of death. What people on Earth call food, is considered to be a poison or a drug on some other planets.

In summary, people on Earth must eat to sustain their bodies. If they do not eat for too long time, they die of starvation.

On some other planets, on the contrary, people must not eat. If they eat, they die.

People living on Earth and on some other planet may look the same. If you saw any of those extraterrestrials on the street, you would not notice any difference. They also have the digestive tract and all the organs same as people on Earth. The only difference is that they do not eat.

If they eat or drink something, it is a very small amount, because they consider it taking drugs. They take drugs for the same purpose as Earth people do, to have a psychedelic experience.

You see, there are people who do not eat, because if they did, they would die. There are also people who eat, because if they did not, they would die.

This is a significant difference – is it not? What makes human bodies function in so diametrically different way? Do you know? You should; if you have sufficiently understood the mind, you know the answer, it is all about differences in instinct.

Instinct of people born on Earth have a program which basically reads like this:


In order for the body to function properly, defined substances have to be inserted into the body in proper amount, at right time.


Instinct of people on some other planets have a program which basically reads like this:


In order for the body to function properly, no external substance is allowed to be inserted in the body. (except air, of course.)


Indeed, in this chapter I am talking about programming of instinct, not only in relation to food and eating. Do you know that there is a huge number of programs in instinct? Some people even say: “everything is a program”. Indeed, being a programmer of the mind, you belong to the most powerful people on Earth.

Your eating, diets and body needs are programmed in your instinct. Your feelings and emotions are also programmed in your instinct. Therefore your behavior is also programmed in your instinct.

How people speak and even think is programmed in their instinct.

Your basic set of programs in instinct is copied from your parents. After birth, instinct is programmed by all the people and environment around the growing baby. This process lasts throughout the rest of man’s life.

This is why majority of people living in same environment behave in similar way.

The more you are aware of how instinct programming affects your life, the more you may be able to modify it according to your likes. This is why I often emphasize that studying the mind, especially instinct, is very important in man’s life.

Be aware that if you do not know, because you have not learned enough about your mind and methods of programming it, other people know how. They use their knowledge to manipulate you, so that you will behave as they want you to do. Be aware that people behind the governments, religions and many different institutions, all those who want you to follow them, use programming techniques to affect your instinct.

Advertising, psychology, sociology are applied to affect your choices and decisions.


There are manipulators out there ruling people’s life, ruling the masses so-called “sheep”. The manipulators are very intelligent and efficient in what they do. Most people are not aware that they are being manipulated by their rulers. They can make you to decide fight to death for what you believe; originally, it will be what they had programmed you to believe and act on. You will never be aware of that fact till you learn the secrets of mind programming.

How is it possible that majority of people unconsciously support the manipulators? Even though most people are unhappy and unsatisfied about their life, even though they complain, but they still behave exactly as their rulers (manipulators) want them to do.

The main reason is that people do not learn enough, therefore they do not know, they rely on what they believe. People base their life on beliefs, not on knowledge. Most people are resistant to changing their beliefs; some of them are ready to fight to death for what they believe.

This is the key how the manipulators catch you – they make you to believe. They know that once they make you to believe something, they will not have to force you, you will follow it yourself, exactly as they want you to do.