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3.6 Waveguides

At the higher microwave frequencies waveguides which conduct electromagnetic waves, not electric currents, are often used. Waveguides are conductive tubes, either of rectangular, circular or elliptical section which guide the wave along their length by reflections from the tube walls. The walls are not used as conducting elements but merely for containment of the wave. Waveguides are not normally used below about 3 GHz because their cross-sectional dimensions must be comparable to a wavelength at the operating frequency. The advantages of a waveguide over a co-axial cable are lower power loss, low VSWR and a higher operating frequency, but they are more expensive and difficult to install.

In a rectangular waveguide an electromagnetic wave is radiated from the source at an angle to the direction of propagation and is


00008.jpgFigure 3.6 Propagation in rectangular waveguide

bounced off the walls ( Figure 3.6). If the wave were transmitted directly along the length of the guide the electric field would be parallel to one of the walls and be short-circuited by it. Radiating the wave at an angle to the walls creates the maximum field at the centre of the guide and zero at the walls, if the dimensions of the guide are correct for the frequency. However, because the wave does not travel directly along the length of the guide, the speed of propagation is less than in space.

In an electro-magnetic wave the electric and magnetic fields, and the direction of propagation, are mutually perpendicular (see Figure 1.3) and such a wave may therefore be thought of as transverse electro-magnetic (TEM). In a waveguide though, because of the shortcircuiting effect of the walls, a TEM wave cannot exist. A method of making the wave either transverse electric or transverse magnetic is needed.

When a wave is propagated by a reflection either the magnetic or the electric field is changed. The changed field will now contain the normal component perpendicular to the direction of propagation and a component in its direction, i.e. the wave is no longer wholly transverse. It must be either transverse electric or transverse magnetic. The terminology used to distinguish the type of wave differs: the American system uses the field which behaves as it would in free space to describe the type of wave, e.g. when there is no electric field in the direction of propagation the wave is called TE and the mode with no magnetic field in the direction of propagation, TM; the European system uses the field that is modified and an American TE wave is a European TM wave. In the European system H and E may also be used in lieu of (American) TE and TM.

The behaviour of waves in circular waveguides is similar to that in rectangular guides. Circular waveguides minimize feeder attenuation and are particularly suitable for long vertical runs. A single circular waveguide can carry two polarizations with a minimum isolation of 30 dB. Circular waveguides are recommended where attenuation is critical or where multi-band capability is needed.

Elliptical waveguides have the advantages of flexibility, the availability of long continuous runs and reduced cost.