The Barefoot Retirement Plan: Safely Build a Tax-Free Retirement Income Using a Little-Known 150 Year Old Proven Retirem by Doyle Shuler - HTML preview

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Chapter 15
Creating A Lifetime Income



One of the most exciting parts of the IUL is the possibility for lifetime, tax-free income. Our clients absolutely love this! Here’s why.

If you set up, structure, fund and manage your IU properly, your IUL can generate a tax-free retirement income for you that can pay you each and every year until you are 110 or 120 years old. We specialize in helping you set up, structure and manage your IUL for maximum success. That’s what we do.


Imagine how wonderful it will feel to know that you have a life-time, tax-free income that comes in each and every month during your retirement.

And, if something comes up, and you need a lump-sum of money; you just borrow it from your policy. There’s no need to have to ask anyone for it, or qualify, or fill out a ton of paperwork, get on your knees and beg for it. It’s your money, and you have access to it at any time you wish.

You can have a great peace-of-mind knowing your policy is managed and backed up by a 132 year-old company with a stellar track record. They only invest in the most conservative financial instruments and take very, very little risk. That’s how they’ve managed to grow and thrive for over a century.

Want to see how your life-time income could look? We would be happy to run some scenarios for you.

How You Can Have 1 Million Dollars a Year, Tax-Free, For Life

How would you like to have a million dollar a year, tax-free retirement income for life? Okay, I know this doesn’t apply to most people reading this book, but let’s check it out real quick, just for fun.

Using our specialized version of the IUL, if a 45 year old put in $350,000 a year, for 7 years, and then never put in a single dime after that. When he retires at age 65, assuming average market returns, he would be able to pull a million dollars a year from his policy, completely tax-free, and he would be able to pull a million dollars out, each and every year, until he reached 110 years-old. Pretty amazing, right! Assuming the above performance, if he lived to age 84, he would have put 2.45 million into the policy and would have pulled 19 million out of it during his retirement.

If you’re saying to yourself, that’s amazing, but I don’t have that kind of money to put into an IUL, just keep in mind that the investment amounts can vary, but the powerof this program remains the same. The ratios are pretty much the same, so it does not matter if you are rich or not, the same growth factors apply.

We would be happy to run various illustrations for you that will clearly show you exactly how much money you could have each year, tax-free, in retirement. Most clients are very pleasantly surprised to find out how much of a life-time income they can have coming in each year during their retirement from their IUL.
