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Inspect for

clogged orifice.

for damage.

tion. You can use petroleum jelly to

hold the sealing rings in place during

Figure 5-43. Cartridge-type relief valve


• Double check to make sure that a valve's mating surfaces are free of burrs and paint.

• Replace all the seals and gaskets when repairing a valve assembly. Soak the new

seals and gaskets in clean hydraulic oil before assembling. Doing so will prevent

damage and help seal a valve’s parts.

• Make sure that you insert a valve’s spools in their matched bores. You must assem-

ble a valve’s sections in their correct order.

• Make sure that there is no distortion when mounting valves. Distortion can be

caused by uneven tension on the mounting bolts and oil-line flanges, uneven mount-

ing surfaces, improper valve location, or insufficient allowance for line expansion

when the oil temperature rises. Any of these could result in valve-spool binding.

• Check the action of a valve’s spools

after you tighten the bolts. If there

is any sticking or binding, adjust the

Part number

tension of the mounting bolts.

5-7. Troubleshooting Valves. Listed

below are areas that you can diagnose in

hydraulic valves. When working on a spe-

cific machine, refer to a machine's technical

manual for more information.

a. Pressure-Control Valves. The follow-

ing lists information when troubleshooting

relief, pressure-reducing, pressure-

sequence, and unloading valves:

Pressure limit

Date of manufacture

(1) Relief Valves. Consider the follow-

ing when troubleshooting relief valves

because they have low or erratic pressure:

Figure 5-44. Readings on a cartridge-type

relief valve



FM 5-499

Adjustment is incorrect.

Dirt, chip, or burrs are holding the valve partially open.

Poppets or seats are worn or damaged.

Valve piston in the main body is sticking.

Spring is weak.

Spring ends are damaged.

Valve in the body or on the seat is cocking.

Orifice or balance hold is blocked.

Consider the following when troubleshooting relief valves because they have no pres-


Orifice or balance hole is plugged.

Poppet does not seat.

Valve has a loose fit.

Valve in the body or the cover binds.

Spring is broken.

Dirt, chip, or burrs are holding the valve partially open.

Poppet or seat is worn or damaged.

Valve in the body or on the seat is cocking.

Consider the following when troubleshooting relief valves because they have excessive

noise or chatter:

Oil viscosity is too high.

Poppet or seat is faulty or worn.

Line pressure has excessive return.

Pressure setting is too close to that of another valve in the circuit.

An improper spring is used behind the valve.

Consider the following when troubleshooting relief valves because you cannot adjust

them properly without getting excessive system pressure:

Spring is broken.

Spring is fatigued.

Valve has an improper spring.

Drain line is restricted.

Consider the following when troubleshooting relief valves because they might be over-

heating the system:

Operation is continuous at the relief setting.

Oil viscosity is too high.

Valve seat is leaking.



FM 5-499

(2) Pressure-Reducing Valves. Consider the following when troubleshooting pressure-

reducing valves because they have erratic pressure:

Dirt is in the oil.

Poppet or seat is worn.

Orifice or balance hole is restricted.

Valve spool binds in the body.

Drain line is not open freely to a reservoir.

Spring ends are not square.

Valve has an improper spring.

Spring is fatigued.

Valve needs an adjustment.

Spool bore is worn.

(3) Pressure-Sequence Valves. Consider the following when troubleshooting pressure-

sequence valves because the valve is not functioning properly:

Installation was improper.

Adjustment was improper.

Spring is broken.

Foreign matter is on a plunger seat or in the orifices.

Gasket is leaky or blown.

Drain line is plugged.

Valve covers are not tightened properly or are installed wrong.

Valve plunger is worn or scored.

Valve-stem seat is worn or scored.

Orifices are too large, which causes a jerky operation.

Binding occurs because moving parts are coated with oil impurities (due to over-

heating or using improper oil).

Consider the following when troubleshooting pressure-sequence valves because there is

a premature movement to the secondary operation:

Valve setting is too low.

An excessive load is on a primary cylinder.

A high inertia load is on a primary cylinder.

Consider the following when troubleshooting pressure-sequence valves because there is

no movement or the secondary operation is slow:

Valve setting is too high.

Relief-valve setting is too close to that of a sequence valve.

Valve spool binds in the body.



FM 5-499

(4) Unloading Valves. Consider the following when troubleshooting these valves

because a valve fails to completely unload a pump:

Valve setting is too high.

Pump does not build up to the unloading valve pressure.

Valve spool binds in the body.

b. Directional-Control Valves. Directional-control valves include spool, rotary, and check valves. Consider the following when troubleshooting these valves because there is

faulty or incomplete shifting:

Control linkage is worn or is binding.

Pilot pressure is insufficient.

Solenoid is burned out or faulty.

Centering spring is defective.

Spool adjustment is improper.

Consider the following when troubleshooting directional-control valves because the

actuating cylinder creeps or drifts:

Valve spool is not centering properly.

Valve spool is not shifted completely.

Valve-spool body is worn.

Leakage occurs past the piston in a cylinder.

Valve seats are leaking.

Consider the following when troubleshooting directional-control valves because a cylin-

der load drops with the spool in the centered position:

Lines from the valve housing are loose.

O-rings on lockout springs or plugs are leaking.

Lockout spring is broken.

Relief valves are leaking.

Consider the following when troubleshooting directional-control valves because a cylin-

der load drops slightly when it is raised:

Check-valve spring or seat is defective.

Spool valve's position is adjusted improperly.

Consider the following when troubleshooting directional-control valves because the oil

heats (closed-center systems):

Valve seat leaks (pressure or return circuit).

Valves are not adjusted properly.

c. Volume-Control Valves. Volume-control valves include flow-control and flow-divider valves. Consider the following when troubleshooting these valves because there are variations in flow:



FM 5-499

Valve spool binds in the body.

Cylinder or motor leaks.

Oil viscosity is too high.

Pressure drop is insufficient across a valve.

Oil is dirty.

Consider the following when troubleshooting volume-control valves because of erratic


Valve's poppet or seat is worn.

Oil is dirty.

Consider the following when troubleshooting volume-control valves because of improper


Valve was not adjusted properly.

Valve-piston travel is restricted.

Passages or orifice is restricted.

Valve piston is cocked.

Relief valves leak.

Oil is too hot.

Consider the following when troubleshooting volume-control valves because the oil


Pump speed is improper.

Hydraulic functions are holding in relief.

Connections are incorrect.




FM 5-499


Circuit Diagrams and


Hydraulic-circuit diagrams are complete drawings of a hydraulic circuit. Included in

the diagrams is a description, a sequence of operations, notes, and a components list. Accurate diagrams are essential to the designer, the people who build the machine, and the person who repairs it. Hydraulic mechanisms are precision units, and their continued smooth operation depends on frequent inspection and servicing. Personnel must maintain the equipment and system by performing frequent inspections and servicing. The systems must be kept

clean, with the oil and filters changed at established intervals.

6-1. Hydraulic-Circuit Diagrams. The four types of hydraulic-circuit diagrams are block, cutaway, pictorial, and graphical. These diagrams show the—

Components and how they will interact.

Manufacturing engineer and assembler how to connect the components.

Field technician how the system works, what each component should be doing,

and where the oil should be going so that the technician can diagnose and repair

the system.

a. Block Diagram. A block diagram shows the components with lines between the

clocks, which indicate connections and/or interactions.

b. Cutaway Diagram. A cutaway diagram shows the internal construction of the com-

ponents as well as the flow paths. Because the dia-

gram uses colors, shades, or various patterns in the

lines and passages, it can show the many different

Steering circuit

flow and pressure conditions.



c. Pictorial Diagram. A pictorial diagram shows


a circuit’s piping arrangement. The components are


seen externally and are usually in a close reproduc-

tion of their actual shapes and sizes.

d. Graphical Diagram. A graphical diagram

(Figure 6-1), the short-hand system of the industry,


is usually preferred for design and troubleshooting.

Simple geometric symbols represent the components

Figure 6-1. Graphical-circuit

and their controls and connections.


6-2. United States of American Standards Insti-

tute (USASI) Graphical Symbols. The USASI, the old American Standards Association

(ASA), and the Joint Industry Conference (JIC) are three systems of symbols used in circuit

diagrams. This manual uses the USASI symbols shown in Figure 6-2, pages 6-2 and 6-3.

Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting



FM 5-499

Figure 6-2. USASI graphical symbols


Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting


FM 5-499

Figure 6-2. USASI graphical symbols (continued)

Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting




FM 5-499

a. Reservoir. The symbol for a reser-

voir is a rectangle; the horizontal side is

the longest side (see Figure 6-3). If a res-

ervoir is vented to the atmosphere, the

top of the symbol is open. If a reservoir





is pressurized, the top is closed. Lines

that connect to a reservoir usually are

Line terminating

drawn from the top, regardless of where

above fluid level

they connect. If the line terminates

below the fluid level, it is drawn to the

bottom of the symbol. A line connected

Line terminating

to the bottom of a reservoir may be

below fluid level

drawn from the bottom of the symbol, if

the bottom connection is essential to the

Figure 6-3. Reservoir symbols

system's operation. For example, when

the pump's inlet must be charged or flooded by a positive head of oil above the inlet's port, they would be positioned above the pump symbol and the suction line drawn out the bottom

of the symbol. Every reservoir has at least two hydraulic lines connected to it; some have

more. The reservoir is usually the only component pictured more than once so that compo-

nents and return or drain lines to and from the reservoir are represented correctly.

b. Lines. Figure 6-4 shows the symbols for hydraulic lines, which are as follows:

Working line: A solid line that represents a hydraulic pipe, tube, hose, or other

conductor that carries the liquid between components.

Pilot line: Long dashes that represent control lines.

Drain line: Short dashes that represent the drain lines for leaking oil.

Flexible line: A solid, arced line that is drawn between two dots which represents

a flexible line in the system.

Figure 6-5, diagram A, shows crossed lines

that are not connected. Systems 1 and 2 repre-

Working line

sent two ways to indicate an intersection, one

with a loop, one without a loop. Diagram B

Pilot line

shows lines that are connected. The lines in

system 1 use a dot at the crossing, indicating

that loops are used to designate the crossing.

Drain line

The lines in system 2 do not use a dot at the

crossing, indicating that loops are not used at

Flexible line

the crossing.

c. Pump. The basic symbol of a pump is a

Figure 6-4. Hydraulic line symbols

circle with a black triangle in the circle point-

ing outward (see Figure 6-6). The pressure line

from the pump is drawn from the tip of the triangle; the suction line is drawn opposite it.

The triangle indicates the flow direction. If a pump is reversible, it will have two triangles, one pointing out of each port. Port connections to the pump (or any other component except

the reservoir) are at the points where the lines touch the symbols. A variable (or adjustable) component is designated by an arrow drawn through the components at a 45-degree angle.


Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting



FM 5-499

d. Motor. Motor symbols are circles with

System 1

System 2

black triangles pointing inward, indicating that

to loop

not to loop

the motor receives pressure energy (see Figure

6-7, page 6-6). One triangle indicates a nonre-

versible motor; two triangles indicate a revers-

ible motor. Flow direction in a single triangle

is the way the triangle points. In the reversible

motor, studying the pump and valve symbols is

the way to trace the flow direction. The arrows

that are outside the lines show the flow direc-

Nonconnecting lines

tion, which is always away from the pump's


pressure port and into the motor port that is

connected to the pressure line. The opposite

port then discharges back to the tank.

System 1 to dot

e. Cylinder. The basic cylinder symbol is a

simple rectangle (a barrel) and a T-shaped fig-

ure (a piston and a rod). The symbol can be

System 2 not to dot

drawn in any position. The following describes

four different cylinder symbols (see Figure 6-8,

page 6-6):

• Single-acting cylinder: One hydraulic

Connecting lines

line drawn to the basic cylinder symbol;

the end opposite the port is open.


• Double-acting cylinder: Both ends of

the symbol are closed; two lines meet

Figure 6-5. Crossing lines A and B

the basic cylinder symbol at the port


• Double-end rod cylinder: A rod line

extends from each end of the basic cylin-

der symbol.

• Cushioned cylinder: Small rectangles

are placed against the piston line. If the


cushion has an adjustable orifice, a

Fixed displacement


slanted arrow is drawn across the sym-


bol. There is no symbol for flow direc-

tion, so lines must be watched to see

where they are connected, which should

help determine flow.

f. Pressure-Control Valves. The basic symbol

Reversible with

is a square with external port connections and

lever control

an arrow inside to show the flow direction (see

Figure 6-9, page 6-6). This valve operates by

Variable displacement

balancing the pump outlet to the reservoir.

pressure compensated


Figure 6-6. Pump symbols

Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting





FM 5-499
















Figure 6-9. Pressure-control-valve



(1) Relief Valve (Figure 6-10). The relief


valve's symbol goes between the pressure line and

the tank. The flow-direction arrow points away

from the pressure-line port and toward the tank

Figure 6-7. Motor symbols

port. When pressure in the system overcomes the

valve spring, flow is from the pressure port to the

tank port.


(2) Sequence Valve (Figure 6-11). A sequence

valve uses the relief valve. However, the inlet

port is connected to a primary cylinder line; the

outlet port is connected to the secondary cylinder


line. Pilot pressure from the primary cylinder

line sequences the flow to the outlet port when it



reaches the valve's setting. Since the sequence

valve is externally drained, a drain connection is


added to the symbol at the drain's location in the



(3) Check Valve (Figure 6-12, page 6-8). A

check valve uses a sequence valve for free return

flow when the cylinders are reversed. In Figure

Double end rod

6-12, diagram A shows the valves as separate

units. Diagram B shows the check valve built into



the sequence valve. The box around the valves is

an enclosure, which shows the limits of a compo-

nent or an assembly that contains more than one

component. The enclosure is an alternate long

and short dashed line. External ports are


assumed to be on the enclosure line and indicate

connections to the components.

Figure 6-8. Cylinder symbols


Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting

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