ECE 454 and ECE 554 Supplemental reading by Don Johnson, et al - HTML preview

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A particular property of FIR filters that has proven to be very powerful is that a linear phase shift

for the frequency response is possible. This is especially important to time domain details of a

signal. The spectrum of a signal contains the individual frequency domain components separated

in frequency. The process of filtering usually involves passing some of these components and

rejecting others. This is done by multiplying the desired ones by one and the undesired ones by

zero. When they are recombined, it is important that the components have the same time domain

alignment as they originally did. That is exactly what linear phase insures. A phase response that

is linear with frequency keeps all of the frequency components properly registered with each

other. That is especially important in seismic, radar, and sonar signal analysis as well as for many

medical signals where the relative time locations of events contains the information of interest.

To develop the theory for linear phase FIR filters, a careful definition of phase shift is necessary.

If the real and imaginary parts of H( ω) are given by



and the magnitude is defined by


and the phase by


which gives


in terms of the magnitude and phase. Using the real and imaginary parts is using a rectangular

coordinate system and using the magnitude and phase is using a polar coordinate system. Often,






the polar system is easier to interpret.

Mathematical problems arise from using | H( ω)| and Φ( ω), because | H( ω)| is not analytic and Φ( ω) not continuous. This problem is solved by introducing an amplitude function A( ω) that is real

valued and may be positive or negative. The frequency response is written as


where A( ω) is called the amplitude in order to distinguish it from the magnitude | H( ω)|, and Θ( ω) is the continuous version of Φ( ω). A( ω) is a real, analytic function that is related to the magnitude by




With this definition, A( ω) can be made analytic and Θ( ω) continuous. These are much easier to

work with than | H( ω)| and Φ( ω). The relationship of A( ω) and | H( ω)|, and of Θ( ω) and Φ( ω) are shown in Figure 7.24.

Figure 7.24.

Magnitude and Amplitude Frequency Responses and Corresponding Phase Frequency Response of Example Filter

To develop the characteristics and properties of linear-phase filters, assume a general linear plus

constant form for the phase function as


This gives the frequency response function of a length-N FIR filter as














Equation 7.40 can be put in the form of


if M (not necessarily an integer) is defined by


or equivalently,


Equation 7.40 then becomes


There are two possibilities for putting this in the form of Equation 7.41 where A( ω) is real: K 1=0

or K 1= π/2. The first case requires a special even symmetry in h( n) of the form


which gives


where A( ω) is the amplitude, a real-valued function of ω and ejMω gives the linear phase with M

being the group delay. For the case where N is odd, using Equation 7.44, Equation 7.45, and

Equation 7.46, we have


or with a change of variables,











which becomes



is a shifted h( n). These formulas can be made simpler by defining new

coefficients so that Equation 7.47 becomes




and Equation 7.49 becomes




Notice from Equation 7.52 for N odd, A( ω) is an even function around ω=0 and ω= π, and is periodic with period 2 π.

For the case where N is even,


or with a change of variables,


These formulas can also be made simpler by defining new coefficients so that Equation 7.54














and Equation 7.55 becomes




Notice from Equation 7.58 for N even, A(ω) is an even function around ω=0, an odd function

around ω=π, and is periodic with period 4π. This requires A(π)=0.

For the case in Equation 7.41 where K 1= π/2, an odd symmetry is required of the form


which, for N odd, gives




and for N even


To calculate the frequency or amplitude response numerically, one must consider samples of the

continuous frequency response function above. L samples of the general complex frequency

response H( ω) in Equation 7.39 are calculated from


for k=0,1,2,⋯, L–1. This can be written with matrix notation as


where H is an L by 1 vector of the samples of the complex frequency response, F is the L by N

matrix of complex exponentials from Equation 7.64, and h is the N by 1 vector of real filter coefficients.





These equations are possibly redundant for equally spaced samples since A( ω) is an even function

and, if the phase response is linear, h( n) is symmetric. These redundancies are removed by

sampling Equation 7.50 over 0≤ ωkπ and by using a defined in Equation 7.51 rather than h. This can be written


where A is an L by 1 vector of the samples of the real valued amplitude frequency response, C is

the L by M real matrix of cosines from Equation 7.50, and a is the M by 1 vector of filter coefficients related to the impulse response by Equation 7.51. A similar set of equations can be

written from Equation 7.62 for N odd or from Equation 7.63 for N even.

This formulation becomes a filter design method by giving the samples of a desired amplitude

response as Ad( k) and solving Equation 7.66 for the filter coefficients a( n). If the number of independent frequency samples is equal to the number of independent filter coefficients and if C

is not singular, this is the frequency sampling filter design method and the frequency response of

the designed filter will interpolate the specified samples. If the number of frequency samples L is

larger than the number of filter coefficients N, Equation 7.66 may be solved approximately by

minimizing the norm ∥ A( ω)– Ad( ω)∥.

The Discrete Time Fourier Transform with Normalization

The discrete time Fourier transform of the impulse response of a digital filter is its frequency

response, therefore, it is an important tool. When the symmetry conditions of linear phase are

incorporated into the DTFT, it becomes similar to the discrete cosine or sine transform (DCT or

DST). It also has an arbitrary normalization possible for the odd length that needs to be


The discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) is defined in Equation 7.25 which, with the

conditions of an odd length-N symmetrical signal, becomes


where M=( N–1)/2. Its inverse as


for n=1,2,⋯, M and


where K is a parameter of normalization for the a(0) term with 0< K<∞. If K=1, the expansion


equation Equation 7.67 is one summation and doesn't have to have the separate term for a(0). If K=1/2, the equation for the coefficients Equation 7.68 will also calculate the a(0) term and the separate equation Equation 7.69 is not needed. If

, a symmetry results which simplifies

equations later in the notes.

Four Types of Linear-Phase FIR Filters

From the previous discussion, it is seen that there are four possible types of FIR filters 1 that lead

to the linear phase of Equation 7.38. These are summarized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1. The Four Types of Linear Phase FIR Filters

Type The impulse response has an odd length and is even symmetric about its midpoint of


n= M=( N–1)/2 which requires h( n)= h( Nn–1) and gives Equation 7.47 and Equation 7.48.

The impulse response has an even length and is even symmetric about M, but M is not an

Type integer. Therefore, there is no h( n) at the point of symmetry, but it satisfies Equation 7.54


and Equation 7.55.

The impulse response has an odd length as for Type 1 and has the odd symmetry of

Type Equation 7.60, giving an imaginary multiplier for the linear-phase form in Equation 7.61


with amplitude Equation 7.62.

Type The impulse response has an even length as for Type 2 and the odd symmetry of Type 3 in


Equation 7.60 and Equation 7.61 with amplitude Equation 7.63.

Examples of the four types of linear-phase FIR filters with the symmetries for odd and even

length are shown in Figure 7.25. Note that for N odd and h( n) odd symmetric, h( M)=0.


Figure 7.25.

Example of Impulse Responses for the Four Types of Linear Phase FIR Filters

For the analysis or design of linear-phase FIR filters, it is necessary to know the characteristics of

A( ω). The most important characteristics are shown in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2. Characteristics of A( ω) for Linear Phase

TYPE 1. Odd length, even symmetric h( n)

A( ω) is even about ω=0

A ( ω ) = A ( – ω )

A( ω) is even about ω= π

A ( π + ω ) = A ( πω )

A( ω) is periodic with period = 2 π A ( ω + 2 π ) = A ( ω )

TYPE 2. Even length, even symmetric h( n)

A( ω) is even about ω=0

A ( ω ) = A ( – ω )

A( ω) is odd about ω= π

A ( π + ω ) = – A ( πω )

A( ω) is periodic with period 4 π

A ( ω + 4 π ) = A ( ω )

TYPE 3. Odd length, odd symmetric h( n)

A( ω) is odd about ω=0

A ( ω ) = – A ( – ω )

A( ω) is odd about ω= π

A ( π + ω ) = – A ( πω )

A( ω) is periodic with period =2 π

A ( ω + 2 π ) = A ( ω )


TYPE 4. Even length, odd symmetric h( n)

A( ω) is odd about ω=0

A ( ω ) = – A ( – ω )

A( ω) is even about ω= π

A ( π + ω ) = A ( πω )

A( ω) is periodic with period =4 π

A ( ω + 4 π ) = A ( ω )

Examples of the amplitude function for odd and even length linear-phase filter A( ω) are shown in

Figure 7.26.

Figure 7.26.

Example of Amplitude Responses for the Four Types of Linear Phase FIR Filters

These characteristics reveal several inherent features that are extremely important to filter design.

For Types 3 and 4, A(0)=0 for any choice of filter coefficients h( n). This would not be desirable

for a lowpass filter. Types 2 and 3 always have A( π)=0 which is not desirable for a highpass filter.

In addition to the linear-phase characteristic that represents a time shift, Types 3 and 4 give a

constant 90-degree phase shift, desirable for a differentiator or Hilbert transformer. The first step

in the design of a linear-phase FIR filter is the choice of the type most compatible with the







It is possible to uses the formulas to express the frequency response of a general complex or non-

linear phase FIR filter by taking the even and odd parts of h( n) and calculating a real and

imaginary “amplitude" that would be added to give the actual frequency response.

Calculation of FIR Filter Frequency Response

As shown earlier, L equally spaced samples of H( ω) are easily calculated for L> N by appending LN zeros to h( n) for a length-L DFT. This appears as


This direct method of calculation is a straightforward and flexible approach. Only the samples of

H( ω) that are of interest need to be calculated. In fact, even nonuniform spacing of the frequency

samples can be achieved by sampling the DTFT defined in Equation 7.25. The direct use of the

DFT can be inefficient, and for linear-phase filters, it is A( ω), not H( ω), that is the most

informative. In addition to the direct application of the DFT, special formulas are developed in

Equation 5 from FIR Filter Design by Frequency Sampling or Interpolation for evaluating samples of A( ω) that exploit the fact that h( n) is real and has certain symmetries. For long filters, even these formulas are too inefficient, so the DFT is used, but implemented by a Fast Fourier

Transform (FFT) algorithm.

In the special case of Type 1 filters with L equally spaced sample points, the samples of the

frequency response are of the form


For Type 2 filters,


For Type 3 filters,


For Type 4 filters,


Although this section has primarily concentrated on linear-phase filters by taking their

