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x[0]=4 x[1]=0 x[2]=0 x[3]=0

2. Sample DTFT. Using the same figure, Figure 3.34, we will take the DTFT of the signal and







get the following equations:


Our sample points will be:

where k={0, 1, 2, 3} (Figure 3.35).

Figure 3.35.

Periodicity of the DFT

DFT X[ k] consists of samples of DTFT, so X( ω) , a 2 π -periodic DTFT signal, can be converted to X[ k] , an N-periodic DFT.



is an N-periodic basis function (See Figure 3.36).

Figure 3.36.

Also, recall,




Example 3.14. Illustration

Figure 3.37.

When we deal with the DFT, we need to remember that, in effect, this treats the signal as

an N-periodic sequence.

A Sampling Perspective

Think of sampling the continuous function X( ω) , as depicted in Figure 3.38. S( ω) will represent the sampling function applied to X( ω) and is illustrated in Figure 3.38 as well. This will result in our discrete-time sequence, X[ k] .





Figure 3.38.


Remember the multiplication in the frequency domain is equal to convolution in the time


Inverse DTFT of S(ω)


Given the above equation, we can take the DTFT and get the following equation:


Exercise 8.

Why does Equation equal S[ n] ?

S[ n] is N-periodic, so it has the following Fourier Series:







where the DTFT of the exponential in the above equation is equal to


So, in the time-domain we have (Figure 3.39):

Figure 3.39.


Figure 3.40.

Combine signals in Figure 3.40 to get signals in Figure 3.41.



Figure 3.41.

3.14. Sampling Theorem*


With the introduction of the concept of signal sampling, which produces a discrete time signal by

selecting the values of the continuous time signal at evenly spaced points in time, it is now

possible to discuss one of the most important results in signal processing, the Nyquist-Shannon

sampling theorem. Often simply called the sampling theorem, this theorem concerns signals,

known as bandlimited signals, with spectra that are zero for all frequencies with absolute value

greater than or equal to a certain level. The theorem implies that there is a sufficiently high

sampling rate at which a bandlimited signal can be recovered exactly from its samples, which is

an important step in the processing of continuous time signals using the tools of discrete time

signal processing.

Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem

Statement of the Sampling Theorem

The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem concerns signals with continuous time Fourier transforms

that are only nonzero on the interval (– B, B) for some constant B. Such a function is said to be

bandlimited to (– B, B). Essentially, the sampling theorem has already been implicitly introduced in

the previous module concerning sampling. Given a continuous time signals x with continuous time

Fourier transform X, recall that the spectrum Xs of sampled signal xs with sampling period Ts is

given by







It had previously been noted that if x is bandlimited to

, the period of Xs centered

about the origin has the same form as X scaled in frequency since no aliasing occurs. This is

illustrated in Figure 3.42. Hence, if any two

bandlimited continuous time signals

sampled to the same signal, they would have the same continuous time Fourier transform and thus

be identical. Thus, for each discrete time signal there is a unique


continuous time signal that samples to the discrete time signal with sampling period Ts. Therefore,


bandlimited signal can be found from the samples by inverting this bijection.

This is the essence of the sampling theorem. More formally, the sampling theorem states the

following. If a signal x is bandlimited to (– B, B), it is completely determined by its samples with

sampling rate ωs=2 B. That is to say, x can be reconstructed exactly from its samples xs with

sampling rate ωs=2 B. The angular frequency 2 B is often called the angular Nyquist rate.

Equivalently, this can be stated in terms of the sampling period Ts=2 π/ ωs. If a signal x is

bandlimited to (– B, B), it is completely determined by its samples with sampling period Ts= π/ B.

That is to say, x can be reconstructed exactly from its samples xs with sampling period Ts.

Figure 3.42.

The spectrum of a bandlimited signals is shown as well as the spectra of its samples at rates above and below the Nyquist frequency.

As is shown, no aliasing occurs above the Nyquist frequency, and the period of the samples spectrum centered about the origin has the same form as the spectrum of the original signal scaled in frequency. Below the Nyquist frequency, aliasing can occur and causes the spectrum to take a different than the original spectrum.












Proof of the Sampling Theorem

The above discussion has already shown the sampling theorem in an informal and intuitive way

that could easily be refined into a formal proof. However, the original proof of the sampling

theorem, which will be given here, provides the interesting observation that the samples of a

signal with period Ts provide Fourier series coefficients for the original signal spectrum on


Let x be a

bandlimited signal and xs be its samples with sampling period Ts. We can

represent x in terms of its spectrum X using the inverse continuous time Fourier transfrom and the

fact that x is bandlimited. The result is


This representation of x may then be sampled with sampling period Ts to produce


Noticing that this indicates that xs( n) is the n th continuous time Fourier series coefficient for

X( ω) on the interval

, it is shown that the samples determine the original spectrum

X( ω) and, by extension, the original signal itself.

Perfect Reconstruction

Another way to show the sampling theorem is to derive the reconstruction formula that gives the

original signal

from its samples xs with sampling period Ts, provided x is bandlimited to

. This is done in the module on perfect reconstruction. However, the result, known as

the Whittaker-Shannon reconstruction formula, will be stated here. If the requisite conditions

hold, then the perfect reconstruction is given by


where the sinc function is defined as


From this, it is clear that the set


forms an orthogonal basis for the set of

bandlimited signals, where the coefficients of





signal in this basis are its samples with sampling period Ts.

Practical Implications

Discrete Time Processing of Continuous Time Signals

The Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem and the Whittaker-Shannon Reconstruction formula

enable discrete time processing of continuous time signals. Because any linear time invariant

filter performs a multiplication in the frequency domain, the result of applying a linear time

invariant filter to a bandlimited signal is an output signal with the same bandlimit. Since sampling

a bandlimited continuous time signal above the Nyquist rate produces a discrete time signal with a

spectrum of the same form as the original spectrum, a discrete time filter could modify the

samples spectrum and perfectly reconstruct the output to produce the same result as a continuous

time filter. This allows the use of digital computing power and flexibility to be leveraged in

continuous time signal processing as well. This is more thouroughly described in the final module

of this chapter.


The properties of human physiology and psychology often inform design choices in technologies

meant for interactin with people. For instance, digital devices dealing with sound use sampling

rates related to the frequency range of human vocalizations and the frequency range of human

auditory sensativity. Because most of the sounds in human speech concentrate most of their signal

energy between 5 Hz and 4 kHz, most telephone systems discard frequencies above 4 kHz and

sample at a rate of 8 kHz. Discarding the frequencies greater than or equal to 4 kHz through use of

an anti-aliasing filter is important to avoid aliasing, which would negatively impact the quality of

the output sound as is described in a later module. Similarly, human hearing is sensitive to

frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Therefore, sampling rates for general audio waveforms

placed on CDs were chosen to be greater than 40 kHz, and all frequency content greater than or

equal to some level is discarded. The particular value that was chosen, 44.1 kHz, was selected for

other reasons, but the sampling theorem and the range of human hearing provided a lower bound

for the range of choices.

Sampling Theorem Summary

The Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem states that a signal bandlimited to

can be

reconstructed exactly from its samples with sampling period Ts. The Whittaker-Shannon

interpolation formula, which will be further described in the section on perfect reconstruction,

provides the reconstruction of the unique

bandlimited continuous time signal that

samples to a given discrete time signal with sampling period Ts. This enables discrete time

processing of continuous time signals, which has many powerful applications.


Chapter 4. ECE 454/ECE 554 Supplemental Reading for

Chapter 4

4.1. Examples for Systems in the Time Domain*

Example 4.1.

Let's consider the simple system having p=1 and q=0 .


y( n) ay( n−1)+ bx( n)

To compute the output at some index, this difference equation says we need to know what the

previous output y( n−1) and what the input signal is at that moment of time. In more detail,

let's compute this system's output to a unit-sample input: x( n)= δ( n) . Because the input is zero

for negative indices, we start by trying to compute the output at n=0 .


y(0)= ay(-1)+ b

What is the value of y(-1) ? Because we have used an input that is zero for all negative indices,

it is reasonable to assume that the output is also zero. Certainly, the difference equation would

not describe a linear system if the input that is zero for all time did not produce a zero output.

With this assumption, y(-1)=0 , leaving y(0)= b . For n>0 , the input unit-sample is zero,

which leaves us with the difference equation y( n)= ay( n−1) , n>0 . We can envision how the filter responds to this input by making a table.


y( n)= ay( n−1)+ ( n)

Table 4.1.

n x(n) y(n)

-1 0


0 b


1 0


2 0

ba 2





n 0


Coefficient values determine how the output behaves. The parameter b can be any value, and

serves as a gain. The effect of the parameter a is more complicated (Table 4.1). If it equals

zero, the output simply equals the input times the gain b. For all non-zero values of a, the

output lasts forever; such systems are said to be IIR ( Infinite Impulse Response). The reason

for this terminology is that the unit sample also known as the impulse (especially in analog

situations), and the system's response to the "impulse" lasts forever. If a is positive and less

than one, the output is a decaying exponential. When a=1, the output is a unit step. If a is

negative and greater than –1, the output oscillates while decaying exponentially. When a=1 ,

the output changes sign forever, alternating between b and – b. More dramatic effects when

| a|>1 ; whether positive or negative, the output signal becomes larger and larger, growing


Figure 4.1.

The input to the simple example system, a unit sample, is shown at the top, with the outputs for several system parameter values

shown below.

Positive values of a are used in population models to describe how population size increases

over time. Here, n might correspond to generation. The difference equation says that the

number in the next generation is some multiple of the previous one. If this multiple is less

than one, the population becomes extinct; if greater than one, the population flourishes. The

same difference equation also describes the effect of compound interest on deposits. Here, n

indexes the times at which compounding occurs (daily, monthly, etc. ), a equals the compound

interest rate plus one, and b=1 (the bank provides no gain). In signal processing applications,

we typically require that the output remain bounded for any input. For our example, that

means that we restrict | a|=1 and chose values for it and the gain according to the application.

Exercise 1.

Note that the difference equation,


the difference equation





y( n)= a 1 y( n−1)+ + apy( np)+ b 0 x( n)+ b 1 x( n−1)+ + bqx( nq) does not involve terms like y( n+1) or x( n+1) on the equation's right side. Can such terms also be

included? Why or why not?

Such terms would require the system to know what future input or output values would be before

the current value was computed. Thus, such terms can cause difficulties.

Figure 4.2.

The plot shows the unit-sample response of a length-5 boxcar filter.

Example 4.2.

A somewhat different system has no "a" coefficients. Consider the difference equation


Because this system's output depends only on current and previous input values, we need not

be concerned with initial conditions. When the input is a unit-sample, the output equals for

n=[0, , q−1] , then equals zero thereafter. Such systems are said to be FIR (Finite Impulse

Response) because their unit sample responses have finite duration. Plotting this response

(Figure 4.2) shows that the unit-sample response is a pulse of width q and height . This

waveform is also known as a boxcar, hence the name boxcar filter given to this system.

(We'll derive its frequency response and develop its filtering interpretation in the next

section.) For now, note that the difference equation says that each output value equals the

average of the input's current and previous values. Thus, the output equals the running

average of input's previous q values. Such a system could be used to produce the average

weekly temperature ( q=7 ) that could be updated daily.

4.2. Discrete-Time Processing of CT Signals*

DT Processing of CT Signals








Figure 4.3. DSP System



Yc( Ω)= H LP( Ω) Y( ΩT)

where we know that Y( ω)= X( ω) G( ω) and G( ω) is the frequency response of the DT LTI system.

Also, remember that ωΩT So,


Yc( Ω)= H LP( Ω) G( ΩT)