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will be elaborated in chapter 8.

5.6. Discrete-Time Signals*

Although the discrete-time signal x( n) could be any ordered sequence of numbers, they are usually

samples of a continuous-time signal. In this case, the real or imaginary valued mathematical

function x( n) of the integer n is not used as an analogy of a physical signal, but as some

representation of it (such as samples). In some cases, the term digital signal is used

interchangeably with discrete-time signal, or the label digital signal may be use if the function is

not real valued but takes values consistent with some hardware system.

Indeed, our very use of the term “discrete-time" indicates the probable origin of the signals when,

in fact, the independent variable could be length or any other variable or simply an ordering index.

The term “digital" indicates the signal is probably going to be created, processed, or stored using

digital hardware. As in the continuous-time case, the Fourier transform will again be our primary

tool 20, 21, 5.

Notation has been an important element in mathematics. In some cases, discrete-time signals are

best denoted as a sequence of values, in other cases, a vector is created with elements which are

the sequence values. In still other cases, a polynomial is formed with the sequence values as

coefficients for a complex variable. The vector formulation allows the use of linear algebra and

the polynomial formulation allows the use of complex variable theory.

The Discrete Fourier Transform

The description of signals in terms of their sinusoidal frequency content has proven to be as

powerful and informative for discrete-time signals as it has for continuous-time signals. It is also

probably the most powerful computational tool we will use. We now develop the basic discrete-

time methods starting with the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) applied to finite length signals,

followed by the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) for infinitely long signals, and ending

with the z-transform which uses the powerful tools of complex variable theory.

Definition of the DFT

It is assumed that the signal x( n) to be analyzed is a sequence of N real or complex values which

are a function of the integer variable n. The DFT of x( n), also called the spectrum of x( n), is a length N sequence of complex numbers denoted C( k) and defined by










using the usual engineering notation:

. The inverse transform (IDFT) which retrieves x( n)

from C( k) is given by


which is easily verified by substitution into Equation 5.8. Indeed, this verification will require

using the orthogonality of the basis function of the DFT which is


The exponential basis functions,

, for k∈{0, N–1}, are the N values of the N th roots of unity

(the N zeros of the polynomial ( s–1) N). This property is what connects the DFT to convolution and

allows efficient algorithms for calculation to be developed 4. They are used so often that the

following notation is defined by


with the subscript being omitted if the sequence length is obvious from context. Using this

notation, the DFT becomes


One should notice that with the finite summation of the DFT, there is no question of convergence

or of the ability to interchange the order of summation. No “delta functions” are needed and the N

transform values can be calculated exactly (within the accuracy of the computer or calculator

used) from the N signal values with a finite number of arithmetic operations.

Matrix Formulation of the DFT

There are several advantages to using a matrix formulation of the DFT. This is given by writing

Equation 5.8 or Equation 5.12 in matrix operator form as








The orthogonality of the basis function in Equation 5.8 shows up in this matrix formulation by the

columns of F being orthogonal to each other as are the rows. This means that

, where k is

a scalar constant, and, therefore,

. This is called a unitary operator.

The definition of the DFT in Equation 5.8 emphasizes the fact that each of the N DFT values are the sum of N products. The matrix formulation in Equation 5.13 has two interpretations. Each k-th DFT term is the inner product of two vectors, k-th row of F and x; or, the DFT vector, C is a

weighted sum of the N columns of F with weights being the elements of the signal vector x. A

third view of the DFT is the operator view which is simply the single matrix equation

Equation 5.14.

It is instructive at this point to write a computer program to calculate the DFT of a signal. In

Matlab 18, there is a pre-programmed function to calculate the DFT, but that hides the scalar

operations. One should program the transform in the scalar interpretive language of Matlab or

some other lower level language such as FORTRAN, C, BASIC, Pascal, etc. This will illustrate

how many multiplications and additions and trigonometric evaluations are required and how much

memory is needed. Do not use a complex data type which also hides arithmetic, but use Euler's



to explicitly calculate the real and imaginary part of C( k).

If Matlab is available, first program the DFT using only scalar operations. It will require two

nested loops and will run rather slowly because the execution of loops is interpreted. Next,

program it using vector inner products to calculate each C( k) which will require only one loop and

will run faster. Finally, program it using a single matrix multiplication requiring no loops and

running much faster. Check the memory requirements of the three approaches.

The DFT and IDFT are a completely well-defined, legitimate transform pair with a sound

theoretical basis that do not need to be derived from or interpreted as an approximation to the

continuous-time Fourier series or integral. The discrete-time and continuous-time transforms and

other tools are related and have parallel properties, but neither depends on the other.

The notation used here is consistent with most of the literature and with the standards given in 9.

The independent index variable n of the signal x( n) is an integer, but it is usually interpreted as

time or, occasionally, as distance. The independent index variable k of the DFT C( k) is also an

integer, but it is generally considered as frequency. The DFT is called the spectrum of the signal

and the magnitude of the complex valued DFT is called the magnitude of that spectrum and the

angle or argument is called the phase.

Extensions of x(n)




Although the finite length signal x( n) is defined only over the interval {0≤ n≤( N–1)}, the IDFT of

C( k) can be evaluated outside this interval to give well defined values. Indeed, this process gives

the periodic property 4. There are two ways of formulating this phenomenon. One is to

periodically extend x( n) to –∞ and +∞ and work with this new signal. A second more general

way is evaluate all indices n and k modulo N. Rather than considering the periodic extension of

x( n) on the line of integers, the finite length line is formed into a circle or a line around a cylinder

so that after counting to N–1, the next number is zero, not a periodic replication of it. The periodic

extension is easier to visualize initially and is more commonly used for the definition of the DFT,

but the evaluation of the indices by residue reduction modulo N is a more general definition and

can be better utilized to develop efficient algorithms for calculating the DFT 4.

Since the indices are evaluated only over the basic interval, any values could be assigned x( n)

outside that interval. The periodic extension is the choice most consistent with the other properties

of the transform, however, it could be assigned to zero 20. An interesting possibility is to

artificially create a length 2 N sequence by appending x(– n) to the end of x( n). This would remove the discontinuities of periodic extensions of this new length 2 N signal and perhaps give a more

accurate measure of the frequency content of the signal with no artifacts caused by “end effects".

Indeed, this modification of the DFT gives what is called the discrete cosine transform (DCT) 15.

We will assume the implicit periodic extensions to x( n) with no special notation unless this

characteristic is important, then we will use the notation



Convolution is an important operation in signal processing that is in some ways more complicated

in discrete-time signal processing than in continuous-time signal processing and in other ways

easier. The basic input-output relation for a discrete-time system is given by so-called linear or

non-cyclic convolution defined and denoted by


where x( n) is the perhaps infinitely long input discrete-time signal, h( n) is the perhaps infinitely long impulse response of the system, and y( n) is the output. The DFT is, however, intimately

related to cyclic convolution, not non-cyclic convolution. Cyclic convolution is defined and

denoted by


where either all of the indices or independent integer variables are evaluated modulo N or all of

the signals are periodically extended outside their length N domains.

This cyclic (sometimes called circular) convolution can be expressed as a matrix operation by

converting the signal h( n) into a matrix operator as











The cyclic convolution can then be written in matrix notation as


where X and Y are column matrices or vectors of the input and output values respectively.

Because non-cyclic convolution is often what you want to do and cyclic convolution is what is

related to the powerful DFT, we want to develop a way of doing non-cyclic convolution by doing

cyclic convolution.

The convolution of a length N sequence with a length M sequence yields a length N+ M–1 output

sequence. The calculation of non-cyclic convolution by using cyclic convolution requires

modifying the signals by appending zeros to them. This will be developed later.

Properties of the DFT

The properties of the DFT are extremely important in applying it to signal analysis and to

interpreting it. The main properties are given here using the notation that the DFT of a length- N

complex sequence x( n) is


1. Linear Operator:

2. Unitary Operator:

3. Periodic Spectrum:

4. Periodic Extensions of x( n):

5. Properties of Even and Odd Parts:


Table 5.2.





| C|


even 0

even 0

even 0

odd 0



even π/2


even 0

even even π/2














odd 0

even 0

6. Cyclic Convolution:

7. Multiplication:

8. Parseval:

9. Shift:

10. Modulate:

11. Down Sample or Decimate:

where N= LK

12. Up Sample or Stretch: If

for integer n and zero otherwise, then

, for

k=0,1,2,...,2 N–1

13. N Roots of Unity:


14. Orthogonality:


15. Diagonalization of Convolution: If cyclic convolution is expressed as a matrix operation by

y=Hx with H given by Equation 5.18, the DFT operator diagonalizes the convolution operator H, or FTHF=Hd where Hd is a diagonal matrix with the N values of the DFT of h( n) on the diagonal. This is a matrix statement of Property 6. Note the columns of F are the N

eigenvectors of H, independent of the values of h( n).

One can show that any “kernel" of a transform that would support cyclic, length-N convolution

must be the N roots of unity. This says the DFT is the only transform over the complex number

field that will support convolution. However, if one considers various finite fields or rings, an

interesting transform, called the Number Theoretic Transform, can be defined and used because

the roots of unity are simply two raised to a powers which is a simple word shift for certain binary

number representations 1, 2.

Examples of the DFT

It is very important to develop insight and intuition into the DFT or spectral characteristics of

various standard signals. A few DFT's of standard signals together with the above properties will

give a fairly large set of results. They will also aid in quickly obtaining the DFT of new signals.

The discrete-time impulse δ( n) is defined by










The discrete-time pulse ⊓ M( n) is defined by


Several examples are:

, The DFT of an impulse is a constant.

, The DFT of a constant is an impulse.

These examples together with the properties can generate a still larger set of interesting and

enlightening examples. Matlab can be used to experiment with these results and to gain insight

and intuition.

The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

In addition to finite length signals, there are many practical problems where we must be able to

analyze and process essentially infinitely long sequences. For continuous-time signals, the Fourier

series is used for finite length signals and the Fourier transform or integral is used for infinitely

long signals. For discrete-time signals, we have the DFT for finite length signals and we now

present the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) for infinitely long signals or signals that are

longer than we want to specify 20. The DTFT can be developed as an extension of the DFT as N

goes to infinity or the DTFT can be independently defined and then the DFT shown to be a special

case of it. We will do the latter.

Definition of the DTFT

The DTFT of a possibly infinitely long real (or complex) valued sequence f( n) is defined to be


and its inverse denoted IDTFT is given by










Verification by substitution is more difficult than for the DFT. Here convergence and the

interchange of order of the sum and integral are serious questions and have been the topics of

research over many years. Discussions of the Fourier transform and series for engineering

applications can be found in 21, 5. It is necessary to allow distributions or delta functions to be used to gain the full benefit of the Fourier transform.

Note that the definition of the DTFT and IDTFT are the same as the definition of the IFS and FS

respectively. Since the DTFT is a continuous periodic function of ω, its Fourier series is a discrete

set of values which turn out to be the original signal. This duality can be helpful in developing

properties and gaining insight into various problems. The conditions on a function to determine if

it can be expanded in a FS are exactly the conditions on a desired frequency response or spectrum

that will determine if a signal exists to realize or approximate it.


The properties of the DTFT are similar to those for the DFT and are important in the analysis and

interpretation of long signals. The main properties are given here using the notation that the DTFT

of a complex sequence x( n) is


1. Linear Operator:

2. Periodic Spectrum:

3. Properties of Even and Odd Parts:


Table 5.3.





| X|


even 0

even 0

even 0





even 0


even 0

even even π/2





even π/2

4. Convolution: If non-cyclic or linear convolution is defined by:


5. Multiplication: If cyclic convolution is defined by:



