Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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King Erich was livid.

The idea of Thomas knowing Amelia’s existence

and coming so close to her infuriated him. He had

to keep his composure as not to scare Amelia.

“Amelia, are you well?” King Erich asked


“I am well my Lord, Thomas did not harm me?”

Amelia answered.

King Erich motioned to Lady Evelyn to approach


“My dear lady please tend to Amelia, make she a

tea to relax her.” He said.

Lady Evelyn bowed and dismissed herself.

“Oh my King, I am fine, there is really no need”


Amelia said.

“Just taking some precautions, I know how scared

you must have been.” He responded.

“I will have Sir Patrick tend to you until Sir

Guillaume is well.” He added.

Amelia nodded in agreement.

King Erich kissed her hand.

“Thank you my Lord, I will return to my room.”

Amelia whispered.

“I will check on you later” King Erich replied.

Amelia quickly entered her room and closed the

door. She was terrified that Thomas would return

in the darkness of night and kill her. Her thoughts

were different than Thomas’. But then how could

Thomas expect different with the treatment he

gave her. Anyone would have thought the same.


Amelia walked towards the window and looked



She felt uneasy. The day had so many events that

her mind could not come to ease. Amelia never

really knew how much she missed Thomas until

she saw him again.

For a time, she could not even remember what his

voice sounded like. But after today she was

convinced Thomas was only out to kill her.

As she stared off onto the horizon, thoughts of

another entered her head. A strange warm feeling

fill her body. “Guillaume” Amelia whispered.

Her lips turned into a sweet smile at the thought of

kissing him. It was so spontaneous she could not

believe she had done it.

“Did I kiss Sir Guillaume?” She whispered to


She grasped her shawl tightly and sighed.

“Oh my… How could I have been so brazen?” She



“Oh I must apologize immediately.” She


“I hope he is not upset with me, it was just an

impulse.” Amelia thought.

She could not help thinking about him and

visualizing them at the creek especially the sweet

look in his eyes.

King Erich organized all his advisors in the main

room. “How was this possible?” He asked.

All remained quiet.

He turned towards Charles.

“Charles what was said to Landford? Explain

yourself” King Erich asked.

Charles swallowed hard.

“My Grace, I created a plan that was fool-proof

unfortunately I did not think Thomas was smart

enough to go out of his way and investigate it.”

Charles responded.


“Are you mad? Why would you think that? The

King asked.

After hearing the whole story King Erich was more


“How could you think Landford was not going to

want to see Amelia’s lifeless body, she is there

Queen? You idiot!” King Erich yelled.

“I made a mistake, my Liege” Charles replied.

“A huge mistake that now I must correct, but how?

I refuse to give her up especially to Thomas.” King

Erich added.

In Landford, Greyson prepared their soldiers for

King Erich’s reprisal. Greyson knew King Erich very

well and knew that Thomas’ attack on one of his

soldiers affected Schillingburg and they would

come in full force.


“This is so unnecessary, Greyson.” David said.

“King Erich will not think twice of invading


Landford, to prove his point and we were at fault,

my Lord. If Thomas would not have taken things in

his own hands.” Greyson replied.

“Thomas has such a temper and it has ruin any

other plans we have create to retrieve Amelia”

David Interrupted.

“Maybe you and I should go to Schillingburg and

try to work this out” David added.

“We can, if King Erich allows us but with caution.”

Greyson responded.

“I think Thomas should be present to show his

shame and apology to the King.” Greyson added.

“Show my shame and apology to who?” Thomas

interjected as he walked in.

Greyson and David bowed their heads in respect.

“We are planning to go to Schillingburg and fix

what you have damaged and we feel you should

accompany us BUT you WILL NOT say a word!”

David exclaimed.


Thomas laughed and replied “And what exactly do

you think my presence will do?”

Greyson walked over and said “It will show your

regret and will convey that you want to mend

Landford’s relationship with Schillingburg.”

“As you wish but I really do not care what happens

to Schillingburg and their King.” Thomas

answered. “That is exactly why we are in this

predicament right now, your lack of caring and

respect.” David added.

Thomas nodded his head and rolled his eyes.

David nodded disapprovingly and walked away.

They did not waste any time, David, Thomas and

Greyson were on our way to Schillingburg


As we arrived at the castle gates the soldiers

stopped them.

“Sir please let your king know King Thomas of

Landford would like a visit with him” Greyson said.


The soldier bowed his head and went inside.

“Sir Charles, King Thomas of Landford and his

advisors would like to see King Erich.” The soldier


“Are you jesting?” Charles responded.

“No sir, they are at the gate as we speak.” The

soldier responded.

“Stall them, I will prepare King Erich” Charles


Charles quickly ran through the castle looking for

the King. He found him in the library with Amelia.

Charles walked in and bowed. “My liege, I must

have a word with you in private.” Charles said.

“Whatever you need to say can be said in front of

Amelia.” King Erich replied.

Charles looked troubled but scared.


“It is a private matter, my grace” Charles stated.

“Again, you may speak in front of Amelia.” King

Erich answered.


“King Thomas of Landford is here to meet with

you, my Lord” Charles blurted out.

“WHAT?” King Erich responded.

“Yes my Lord, he is at the gates and wishes to

speak with you immediately.” Charles added.

King Erich looked over at Amelia then Charles.

“Show him in, I will wait in the throne room.” King

Erich ordered.

He looked to Amelia and said “You can join us if

you wish my Lady”.

Amelia smiled and responded “I think I will stay

here, my King, I do not want to see him”.

King Erich bowed and made his way to the throne


As he sat, the doors opened and there stood David

and Greyson. I stood behind them.


King Erich motioned for them to enter.

They all bowed in respect.

“Welcome to Schillingburg, to what do I owe this

lovely visit?” King Erich said.

He was so arrogant, so pompous.

David approached the throne.

“King Erich, my grace, we are here because we are

very concerned about the events of this past day.”

David said.

King Erich just raised his eyebrows.

“Our King Thomas in protecting his life injured one

of your soldiers.” David added.

King Erich laughed.

“Oh is that what YOUR king has told you?” King

Erich replied.

David nodded in response.

“What was King Thomas doing on Schillingburg

territory?” King Erich asked.

Greyson began to answer.


“Shhhh” King Erich said loudly.

“I am asking your King.” King Erich added.

King Erich got up and walked towards Thomas.


“Why were you here, I ask?” said King Erich.

David looked concerned.

“You have something that belongs to me.” Thomas


King Erich laughed.

“Belongs to you?” King Erich asked.

“Yes” Thomas replied.

“I have nothing that is yours King Thomas!” King

Erich answered.

“My liege, if I may interrupt.” Greyson interjected.

“You may, Sir Greyson, what can you add to this

quip?” King Erich joked.

“Sir Charles informed us of Amelia’s death but we

were also informed she lives and lives here in your

castle. King Thomas came face to face with her,

thus the confrontation with her guard.” Greyson


“I do not know what Sir Charles would have told

you, he was not sent to Landford by me as for

Amelia, she does live here.” King Erich replied.

“You are holding her hostage” Thomas yelled.

“Hostage? My dear King Thomas, I have no one

captive here. Amelia is welcome to come and go as

she pleases.” King Erich added.

“I want to hear that directly from her” Thomas


King Erich nodded in response.

He then motioned to Sir Patrick to go for Amelia.

King Erich knew this could go wrong but he trusted


Amelia entered though another door and came up

by the throne.

King Erich bowed.

Then they all bowed.

“Amelia, my lady, King Thomas of Landford seems

to think you are a prisoner here at Schillingburg. If

you may can you clear things up for him?” King

Erich asked.


Amelia looked at King Erich then down at us.

She smiled at him then smiled at us.

“My King, King Thomas I am here on my own

accord. I have no wishes to return to Landford.”

Amelia said softly.

“Those are not her words” Thomas stated.

“May I approach my Lady” David asked.

“Of course, David.” Amelia replied.

David approached and hugged her. “How are you,

my beautiful sister?” David asked.

“I am well. How are Elizabeth and the baby?”

Amelia asked.

“They are well also. Amelia, you and I have a

different relationship. Tell me your truths and I will

acknowledge them.” David replied.

Amelia reached over and touched his face.


“David, my love, my brother, I am well here.

Landford is not my home anymore. Your King

made that a reality when he in his own way

banished me.” Amelia responded.

David did not know what to say.

“Who has fed you such lies, Amelia? I have never

banished you!” Thomas said aloud.

Amelia looked over to Thomas, she had anger in

her eyes.

“King Erich has brainwashed you, he had instilled

terror in you, in my name.” Thomas added.

“No your grace, you did that yourself and I cannot

forgive you for hurting me in such a manner.

Maybe someday in the future I can say different

but for now my home is Schillingburg” Amelia said.

“I have never hurt you, Amelia!” Thomas shouted.

“You have hurt me, in here.” Amelia said as she

touched her heart.

“Your words are not genuine, Amelia” Thomas said

as he approached her.

She quickly moved towards King Erich and he

stood up to protect her.


“Stop there, King Thomas” King Erich commanded.

“Or what? You are going to send another one of

your worthless Knights at me, please.” Thomas


“I do not need the aid of a Knight. I will be forced

to stop you myself.” King Erich said as he reached

towards his sword.

King Thomas walked right up to King Erich’s face.

“I would like you to try. I am prepared also, my

King” I replied smuggly.

Greyson quickly moved between them.

“This is not what we are here for, we are here for

Amelia.” Greyson said.

“She will never love you like she loves me” Thomas

whispered to him.

“Do not be so sure, as I see she has chosen me

over you.” King Erich whispered back.

“MY KINGS! ENOUGH!” Charles yelled.

Amelia became upset.


“If Amelia choses to stay here, we have to accept

her decision” David said.

Amelia looked at David and blew him a kiss.

“I am hoping Schillingburg will accept Landford’s

apology.” David ended.

“WHAT! What are you doing David?” Thomas said

as they quickly escorted him from the room.

“Apology accepted.” King Erich replied with a


“Thank you so much your highness. We will be on

our way.” David added.

They all bowed and exited the castle.

Outside the castle gates they stopped to converse.

“We cannot leave Amelia here? He has obviously

threatened her.” Thomas said angrily.

“Leave it be Thomas, we will talk at home.” David


Inside the castle, King Erich and Amelia remained

in the throne room.


“I apologize for all that my Lady” King Erich said.

Amelia smiled.

“It was eventually going to happen.” Amelia


“As long as you are fine, all is well” King Erich


Amelia began to walk away.

“I will be visiting Sir Guillaume, if you need of me.”

Amelia stated.

King Erich nodded.

“Charles, please remain?” King Erich asked.

“Yes, my liege” Charles replied.

Charles approached the King’s Throne.

“I do not trust King Thomas, I am positive he will

return. He is a sore loser.” King Erich stated.

“Please make the guards aware of this, and let

them know they have my permission to kill him, if

he returns.” King Erich commanded.

“Yes, my liege.” Charles replied.


At the infirmary, Sir Guillaume was going through

his daily physical therapy when Amelia arrived.

She stood in the doorway and watched.

As Sir Guillaume stretched, he saw Amelia.

“My Lady Amelia, to what do I owe this pleasant

surprise?” Sir Guillaume said.

Amelia smiled and entered shyly.

“Oh Sir Guillaume, first of all I must apologize for

the other day.” Amelia murmured.

“The other day?” Sir Guillaume asked.

“Yes, the kiss.” Amelia whispered.

“Oh” Sir Guillaume replied.

He smiled bashfully and said “Not a worry, my



“I thank you with all my heart, if not for you I could

have been harmed.” Amelia replied.


Sir Guillaume smiled and said “Come in My Lady,

join me for a bit.”

Amelia smiled and entered the room.

She touched his cheek and asked “How are you

coming along, dear sir?”

Sir Guillaume put his hand over hers then kissed it.

“I am doing as well as expected, my Lady. Soon I

will be at full health and back to protect you.” Sir

Guillaume replied.

“That is so exciting! I cannot wait to have you by

my side once again.” Amelia said.

“It will be my pleasure to protect and serve, my

Lady.” Sir Guillaume stated.

“Today has been very eventful, my Sir. Thomas was

here once again” Amelia whispered.

“Where? Here at Schillingburg? Is all well?” Sir

Guillaume asked.

“Oh everything is fine, he came to claim what was

his, to King Erich.” Amelia added.

“Claim what is his? Did he really say that?” Sir

Guillaume asked.

“Oh yes, and more. It became a battle of words

between the Kings. It was amusing and horrible at

the same time” Amelia answered.

“I could only imagine, my Lady.” Sir Guillaume


“The best part was getting to see my brother

David, though.” Amelia said as she walked towards

the window.

“I truly miss him” Amelia added.

Sir Guillaume smiled.

“Oh Sir Guillaume, let me not take up your time.

Have you eaten?” Amelia asked.

“You are never a bother, my Lady and yes I have

eaten.” Sir Guillaume replied.

“Then I will return to have dinner with you, if that

is to your liking.” Amelia said.

“It will be an honor, Lady Amelia.” Sir Guillaume


Amelia walked over to him and kissed his hand.

Sir Guillaume smiled and whispered “Your caring is

very much appreciated, my Lady.”

Amelia smiled and walked away.

Thomas was so angry at the thought that Amelia

chose Schillingburg over Landford but a part of

him knew it was his doing and he deserved her

rejection. Thomas did not believe she felt no love

for me anymore though.

“Amelia was angry and that caused a feeling of

dislike for me.” Thomas thought.

“There is no way she is in love with King Erich, it

appreciation she has than love.” Thomas

convinced himself.

“That was all an act! Amelia would not betray her

kingdom” Thomas said.

“Amelia has not betrayed anyone. She has made

up her mind, Thomas, we must respect that.”

David replied.

“David, you claim to know her best, do you really

believe she has chosen this?” Thomas asked.

“Unfortunately, I believe she has, my brother.”

David stated.

“How could you be so nonchalant about this?”

Thomas asked angrily.

“I am trying to absorb it all, brother as you. It

makes no sense, BUT WE MUST RESPECT HER

WISHES!” David shouted.

“LET IT BE, we waited this long, a little bit longer

for us to really think about everything will not hurt

us.” David ended.


He had reason and Thomas actually agreed with



David had other thoughts. He did know Amelia

and she did signal him something but he was not

sharing it with Thomas.

David and Greyson seemed to keep their distance

from Thomas after their visit to Schillingburg.

In the courtyard was where David and Greyson

always met.

Thomas often watched them through my window.

They had become very secretive. Thomas could

not blame them after all the ruckus he had caused.

David and Greyson walked towards the stables as

they spoke.

“Greyson, Amelia and I always had a strong

connection. We always knew how to improvise on

each other’s words and amazingly she did so on

this visit. Thomas must not know or he can destroy

any chances we have of bringing her home.” David



“I knew something was going on. Her eyes were

fixed on you deeply, my Lord” Greyson laughed.

“So what did she really say, my Lord” Greyson

asked excitedly.

“When she reached and touched my face, that told

me she was well, not to worry. And when she said

maybe in the future she can say differently she

actually said she will tell us what to do next please

wait for her word.” David shared.

Greyson laughed “That is brilliant, my Lord”.

David laughed and replied “Mother taught us how

to use words so Father would not be aware. It is

awful but useful.”

Amelia sat in the garden. It was a beautiful sunny

day. She could not help but think about Thomas

especially when he said King Erich was

manipulating her. King Erich did tell her Thomas

came to kill her.


“How could he have known that?” She thought to


She knew King Erich had foul feelings towards

Thomas but would he go as far as to create fear in

her to keep her in Schillingburg. She thought.

“Beautiful afternoon” King Erich said.

He startled Amelia. She remained quiet.

“Oh I am so sorry, I did not mean to frighten you,

my Lady.” King Erich continued.

She nodded and said “Your highness, may I ask you

something personal?”

He smiled and nodded.

“Tell me truthfully, Is Thomas really out to kill

me?” Amelia asked.

King Erich was surprised by her question.

“My dear girl, I do not know what Thomas carries

in his mind or what intention he has towards you.


All I know is that you are the center of my universe

and I will go out of my way to protect you.” He


Amelia seemed confused. “You did say he was

coming to kill me. How could you know that?”

Amelia asked.

“I did. If he tried to poison you in Landford. What

do you think he was coming to Schillingburg for, a

party?” King Erich replied.

“I had never told King Erich about Thomas

poisoning me and he was out of the castle when I

did speak about it. How did he know this?” Amelia


Amelia remained suspicious.

“My dear girl, do not worry yourself, you will not

find any harm here.” He replied.

She never thought King Erich would be so callous

and lie to her.

“Amelia, please know I do love you and you are

free to leave at any time. If that is your wish.” He


Amelia stood up and said “I wish to stay here for

now, my Lord, if you will have me.”

King Erich smiled and grabbed her hand. “That

makes me happy, my kingdom is yours.”

Charles just stood grim as usual.

He did not like the idea of the King letting his

guard down for a woman especially this woman.

As they walked through the garden, Amelia asked

“May I will have dinner in the infirmary today, I

promise Sir Guillaume I would accompany him, if

that is fine with you, my King.”

“That is absolutely fine” King Erich answered.

Amelia walked away and Charles stopped the King.

“She is not to be trusted, my liege.” Charles


“A nd why not? You are also not be to trusted, thus

you are here.” King Erich responded.

“I have not figured it out yet but when I do,

remember my words, my Lord” Charles added. “Oh

Yes, Charles, I always remember your deep words.”

King Erich said jokingly.

Amelia walked towards the kitchen passed the

infirmary. As she passed she could see Sir

Guillaume, he was dressing. She could not help but

think what a lovely body he had. So strong

“Oh my, what am I doing?” she asked to herself

and giggled.

“He is simply beautiful to look at though.” She

replied to herself.

As she entered the kitchen, she cleared her throat

to get the attention of the staff and said “May I

have a tray with food delivered to the infirmary for

myself and Sir Guillaume?

The kitchen staff bowed in agreement and began

preparing her tray.

Amelia returned towards her room.

She kept thinking about how King Erich knew what

she spoke with Shyanne about.

She knew Shyanne would never betray her.

No one else what there.

Amelia began to change for dinner. She changed

quickly but remained in her room.

She reached for some sweet flower perfume.

As she spritz herself she smiled.

She remember how Thomas always commented

how her hair smelled like a garden of roses.

As she pass the dining room she could see King

Erich was having a wonderful time.

He had dinner entertainment.

She waved at him and made her way to the


She began to enter slowly. Suddenly she became

nervous. She paused and took a deep breath.

Sir Guillaume turned and saw her.

He quickly stood up and bowed.

“My dear Sir Guillaume, there is no need for that.”

Amelia said.

He reached for her hand and kissed it.

He motioned for her to sit.

“So how was your day, my sweet Sir Guillaume?”

Amelia asked.

“Hard. My therapy is very painful.” Sir Guillaume


“I am so sorry you have to go through this because