Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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In Willshire, the capture notice spread like wildfire.

Everyone was out searching for them. Why not?

The ransom was a life’s fortune for most!

In Schillingburg, Amelia prepared for the meeting

with David. She had waited for this meeting for so

long. All was placed in position and she would

finally be returning home or so she thought.

Amelia and Sir Guillaume prepared the horses

early that evening so they would not be noticed

late that night. Amelia was very nervous, King

Erich acted very suspicious with her lately. She

reacted over and over what she would say to him

so he would not doubt her. She finally took a deep

breath and made her way to the throne room.


Amelia entered the room where King Erich was.

She entered slowly and bowed.

“My dear King, I shall retire early to my quarters,

my head aches. I will see you in the early morn.”

Amelia said.

“Your head aches? Are you sick?” King Erich

responded suspiciously.

“No not sick, just a normal headache, I have not

been able to relieve it. I think sleep will do

wonders for it.” Amelia responded.

“Ok my Lady, I hope the sleep will help you. I will

send in some pain relief tea for you” King Erich


Amelia hurried up to her quarters.

Guillaume was waiting near her door. They both

entered the room. Amelia automatically kissed him

with excitement. “Guillaume, it is almost time.”

She said joyfully.


“All is in place, we shall depart soon.” Guillaume

whispered. Minutes later there was a knock the

door. Amelia jumped in bed and Sir Guillaume took

his place by the door.

“Amelia? It is I. I have your tea.” King Erich said.

Sir Guillaume opened the door and bowed.

Amelia sat up slowly and said “Thank you so much

my grace, I am hoping this will help.” “I am sure it

will, drink it and rest.” King Erich said as he walked

towards the door.

He suddenly stopped and said to Sir Guillaume

“Keep an eye on her.”

To Sir Guillaume it seemed strange like a warning.

As soon as the King left the room, Amelia spit out

the tea.

“Oh my, that was awful!” Amelia said.


“Did you drink a lot of it? Here have some water.”

Sir Guillaume responded. “King Erich is being

suspicious, you never know what he may have put

in that tea.” Sir Guillaume ended.

King Erich felt anxious.

He went to his room but the edgy feeling would

not let him rest. He laid down but quickly rose. He

kept hearing strange noises and felt something

was terribly wrong.

He opened the door and looked down the dark

passage way.

He suddenly heard horses. He ran to his window

and looked out. He could see two horses but not

their riders. He ran over to Amelia’s room and

knocked loudly. When there was no response, he

pushed the door open to find no one inside. He ran

down the stairs yelling “Prepare my horse”.

Charles came out of his room and said “My Liege

what has happened?”


“I must followed them” King Erich yelled as he ran

and jump on his horse.

Charles had no idea what was going on.

Amelia and Guillaume rode fast towards Landford.

They did not know King Erich and every criminal

were on their heels. In the moors, they could see

David waiting for them. As they got closer,

Guillaume jumped off his horse and helped Amelia

off hers. They walked over to him. Amelia ran over

to David and hugged him. “My brother, how I have

missed you.” She said.

Sir Guillaume turned quickly to the sound of


Right behind King Erich rode up.

He stopped and yelled “How dare you betray me

like this?”

Amelia frightened turn towards King Erich and Sir

Guillaume pulled out his sword to protect her.


“There is no betrayal here, Amelia just wants to go

home.” David yelled.

“She is home” King Erich replied.

“My grace, Schillingburg is not my home, I

appreciate your hospitality but my home is

Landford.” Amelia replied.

Suddenly a voice from yonder yells “There are the

fugitives.” The moors were covered with men on


Sir Guillaume grabs Amelia around the neck and

puts a dagger to her chest.

“What are you doing, Guillaume?” Amelia asked.

“Stand back, all of you or I will kill her!” Guillaume


Amelia was terrified. She could not understand

what was happening.

“Sir Guillaume I command you to lower your

weapon” King Erich shouted.

“You are not my King, so keep your distance” Sir

Guillaume responded.

“David, remain there!” Guillaume shouted as he

moved closer.

“Amelia, I have a duty by my Kingdom to kill a

traitor.” Guillaume said as tears streamed down

his face. “Guillaume, what are you saying?”

Amelia asked.

“Please trust me my lady.” Sir Guillaume


“In the eyes of Willshire, you are envisioned as a

traitor for the release of the murderer of our King

Michael, so for my King Paul and Willshire, I will

pour your blood in these here moors. I am sorry,

my Lady.” Sir Guillaume said.

At that moment he pierced the dagger into her

side. Amelia screamed. He then picked her up and

put her on his horse. At that same moment the

men attacked King Erich’s men and David.


Sir Guillaume with Amelia rode off towards St.


She was screaming and wiggling to get loose. In

between short breaths Amelia said “What are you

doing Sir Guillaume, why did you do this, I love


“I am saving you, just be still my Lady,

explanations will follow, I promise.” Sir Guillaume

whispered. They rode fast. They could not do

anything but watch Sir Guillaume ride away with

her. David turned and yelled at Greyson, who was

riding towards them. “Follow him and if you catch

him, make his blood flow as he did Amelia’s.”

Greyson followed but lost them near Willshire.

As they approached St. Vangaltier, a mob of

people were making their way towards the castle.


Sir Guillaume covered his face and Amelia’s as he

rode towards them.


“What is going on, my man?” He asked.

“We plan on overthrowing the King, he has put out

a bounty for his own sisters head. She is in

Schillingburg and we do not want King Erich to

invade us because of a stupid decision.” Sir

Guillaume bowed his head and slowly rode away.

Amelia was terrified of this news and she knew

King Paul had no compassion for her without

protection she will be killed.

In the moors, the battle continued.

Schillingburg and Landford soldiers fought these

men. David grabbed one of the men and asked

who sent him. The man answered King Paul has a

bounty for Amelia’s head. David retreated back to

the castle in horror.

As David entered the castle, he bumped into



“What has happened to you, my brother?”

Thomas asked.

“I just fought 100 men who are out to kill Amelia.”

David replied as he wiped blood from his face.

“What?!” Thomas responded.

“King Paul has put out orders for her death.” David


“He must have gone mad, are you sure?” Thomas


“As we speak there is a battle going on in between

the moors of Schillingburg and Landford.” David


“Then to complete it all, Amelia’s guard injured her

and rode away. I sent Greyson, hopefully he

caught them.” David ended.

“Unfortunately they got away my Lord.” Greyson

added as he entered.


An angry King Erich entered his castle.

“I WANT HIS HEAD!!!!” King Erich yelled.

“My Liege, what has happened?” Charles asked.

“Sir Guillaume has taken Amelia, he was a hired

Knight ordered by King Paul to come get her and

kill her.” King Erich yelled.

Charles was confused.

“Therefore HIS HEAD IS MINE!!!! King Erich

shouted. Charles could not believe what was

happening. Sir Guillaume never seemed to be a


“Why would King Paul order a Knight to kill his

own sister?” Charles asked.

“Who knows? He’s an idiot!” King Erich responded.

In St. Vangaltier, Sir Guillaume and Amelia arrived

at his mother’s home. As they got off the horses,

his mother noticed he was injured.

“Guillaume, my son you are hurt, come inside.” His

mother said.

Amelia helped Guillaume indoors.

“Mother, this is Lady Amelia of Landford.”

Guillaume said in between moans.

His mother bowed and smiled.

“How did this happen?” His mother asked.

“Mother, I had to get Lady Amelia away from

Schillingburg, the only way was to make them

believe she was injured by injuring myself and

removing her from that situation.” Guillaume

answered while his mother cleaned his wound.

“My son, I have been worried, King Paul has set

forth an order for yours and Lady Amelia’s capture.

Why is that?” His mother asked.

“My brother is King Paul of Willshire. He claims I

betrayed him by releasing the murderer of my

other brother. It is such a big mess, my dear lady,

but Guillaume has nothing to do with it.” Amelia



“Oh my” His mother whispered concerned.

“I made an oath to protect her and I have grown

to love her, Mother.” Sir Guillaume said.

Amelia reached over and grabbed his hand and

said “I have grown to love you as well, Guillaume.”

While his mother bandaged his wound, she

commented “It is not as bad as it seems, it is just a

flesh wound.”

Sir Guillaume smiled and responded “Fleshy but

still painful Mother.

Sir Guillaume knew they could not stay there, it

could be dangerous for his mother.

Knowing that many were out to capture them

made it hard to know who were actually on their

side. Sir Guillaume had many friends but for

money those friends became scarce.


King Erich called his soldiers into formation. He

had decided to send a few of them into St.

Vangaltier. He knew Sir Guillaume’s mother live

somewhere in that small town.

“Sir Omaur, get together your best men and

prepare them for a trip to St. Vangaltier. They will

visit every house until Sir Guillaume is caught. I

don’t care if it takes days and I don’t care who gets

upset, I want him bought to me alive.”

“And Lady Amelia, my grace, what do we do with

her if found with him?” Sir Omaur asked.

“Kill her!” King Erich replied.

King Erich watched as Sir Omaur chose and

prepared his soldiers, they were all ruthless killers

and King Erich knew they would complete the task.

He tapped Sir Omaur on the shoulder and said

“Wonderful choices, let us have sport, we will give

Sir Guillaume and Lady Amelia a night to find a

good hiding spot then we shall surprise them.

Prepare to leave in the early morn.”


In Landford, things were a bit different. Thomas

showed no worries, as David was consumed by it

because he knew if they were found they would be


“So what are your plans?” David asked.

“My plans for what?” Thomas answered.

“Your plans about Amelia? What are we going to

do?” David asserted.

“We are not going to do anything. Brother, she

does not want to be here and I am not going to

force her to come back. She chose her destiny.”

Thomas responded.

“What the hell are you talking about, Thomas?

How did she chose what has happened to her. That

Knight took her.” David answered.

King Thomas walked towards the window and

looked out.


He turned to David and said “Those are my orders,

like it or not. No harm will come to her if she

returns to Landford but I, you or my soldiers will

not go for her.”

David could not understand Thomas’ change of


“Are you serious? You are just going to let her be

killed?” David asked.

Thomas shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

He knew his decision was harsh but what else

could he really do.

David yelled behind him “This is unacceptable

Thomas! You cannot do that to her!”

Thomas stopped and yelled back “I CANNOT DO

WHAT? Let Amelia die? WHAT!? What can I not



myself once again, she will find no harm in

Landford if she chooses to come back here but we

will not help her come back.”


“I cannot believe you are so cold. You know, yes I

can, I thought you had changed but as always it

was a farce.” David replied.

Thomas laughed and said “She chose this David,

she knows what she is doing, let her live with her

choice. Landford will not intervene.” Thomas


He began to walk away then stopped and warned

David “Oh and if you decided to go for her

remember you are not needed in Landford either, I

will dispose of you like tomorrows trash.”

David walked up to Thomas and said “You do not

scare me brother. You should be more afraid than

I.” Thomas laughed and shook his head.

David walked away angrily.


In St. Vangaltier, Guillaume and Amelia said their

goodbyes and went on their way. They were

fugitives so they had to travel at night. After a few

miles, they stopped near at the divide. There they

found a cave where they can have some shelter for

the time being.

“Amelia, you can rest in there, I will be at watch!”

Sir Guillaume said.

“My sweet man, we can both rest in there, we are

both alert enough to watch together.” Amelia


“Where shall we go? We can head east past

Willshire to Alistair or west to Wynnfrith. You

choose?” Guillaume said.

Amelia laughed “It does not matter, where will we

really be safe?”

Guillaume took a deep breath and responded

“Truth? I do not know.”

Amelia smiled and put her arms around him.


Morn had come quick.

The quiet town of St. Vangaltier was being taken

over by Schillingburg Soldier’s looking for Sir

Guillaume and Amelia. Guillaume’s mother was

returning from the bakery when she saw Soldier’s

setting her home on fire. She could not do

anything but watch in horror from a distance. As

they rode off a few townsmen came to her aid and

put the fire out but most of her home was

destroyed. The town looked like it had been

through a war. Dead bodies, burnt homes and all

for nothing because Guillaume and Amelia were

nowhere to be found. As Guillaume’s mother tried

to collect her things, Sir Omaur approached her.

“Who are you?” Sir Omaur shouted.

“This is my home, sir” Guillaume’s mother replied.

“Oh so you are Sir Guillaume of Schillingburg’s

mother ay?” He added.

She nodded her head in agreement. He jumped off

his horse and approached her.


“Where is he?” Sir Omaur asked.


Guillaume’s mother remained silent.

He grabbed her arm and shook her and whispered

“Your son? Where is he?”

She closed her eyes and said nothing.

“Do not make me hurt you old lady, where is he

and Amelia?” He whispered ominously.

“SPEAK” He yelled.

He threw her to the ground and slowly removed

his sword.

“Well since you will not speak, I will leave a

message for him that I am sure will make him

respond.” He stated.

He pierced her chest with his sword. He slowly

walked passed her and spit towards her and said

“Your son is a traitor and will die as one.”


King Erich was not happy with the news that they

had gotten away. He sent out his soldiers to patrol


into Landford. He was not giving up on finding


Guillaume and Amelia had decided on going to

Wynnfrith. It was a beautiful small town along the


In between St. Vangaltier and Wynnfrith were

miles of dense forest so their travels were going to

be treacherous. They knew they would probably

confront many perils.

David could not let this rest like it was. Amelia was

his sister and he felt he had to protect her no

matter what. Thomas had another idea though.

“David? DAVID!” Thomas said as he came

knocking on his room door. When no answer he

opened it and Landford guards pushed their way


“WHERE IS HE? Thomas yelled.


“Tear this castle apart until you find him and arrest

him!” Thomas ended.

Greyson ran in quick and asked “What is going on,

my Lord? What did David do?”

Thomas approached him and whispered

“Unfortunately, he was born.”

He then motioned to his guards to grab Greyson.

Greyson struggled against his guards. “What is

happening, why are you doing this, my Lord?”

Greyson requested.

Thomas laughed and said “You do not know? I am

charging you and my brother with treason, in

advance, of course. I am preparing myself for your

betrayal which would probably come in the next

few days. Knowing you both so well, I suspect you

have planned or will plan a way to help Amelia

and why wait for that. Makes my life so much



Thomas returned to his room as Greyson was led


“Where the hell is David?” He said to himself. As

he looked out his window he noticed the stables

doors were open. He quickly ran to the stables.

“Guard, where are these two horses?” Thomas

said as he pointed at two empty stables.

“Lord David and Lady Elizabeth went out for a ride,

they should be back shortly.” The Stable hand

answered. “Ughhhh” Thomas responded.

As Thomas exited the stables he yelled “Sir Jurian,

Sir Augustine prepare my soldiers, I will return

with your orders.”

Both Knights bowed. Thomas made his way to the

dungeon to speak with Greyson. Upon arriving he

saw Greyson’s cell door open and no one inside.

“Where is the prisoner?” Thomas asked.


“He has escaped my grace but we are in pursuit.”

The Guard replied.


“This is unacceptable! Must I do everything

myself!” Thomas shouted as he returned to the

yard where his soldiers were lined up.

“Men, I need you to retrieve David, Elizabeth and

Greyson.” Thomas yelled.

‘’They have betrayed your King, bring them to me

alive so I can remove their heads myself or if they

happen die in transit, so be it.” Thomas


David had sent Elizabeth to Alistair to be with

family. He knew his plan would enrage Thomas

and he would some after them. Upon reaching St.

Vangaltier, David came across all the destruction.

He could not believe King Erich had commanded

his soldiers to kill. As he rode, he heard a muffled

moan in the distance. He looked about and saw

nothing. He then heard it again. David got off his

horse and walked towards a burnt home, in the

distance he could see someone but they did not

look alive. As he got closer, the moans became

more apparent.

“My lady, are you in need of assistance?” He

asked. The lady was terrified and began crying


“I will not hurt you, I am here to help, if needed.”

David asserted. As he came up to her, he could see

she was wounded badly. He bent down to assist

her. She kept mumbling but David could not

understand. He wiped her face and asked “Who

did this?” She moved her mouth slowly so blood

would not fill it and whispered “Help my son and

Amelia.” David covered the injury with a piece of

cloth but it was too severe.


“Where are they?” David asked.

She looked in the opposite direction and repeated

“Help my son and Amelia.”

David nodded his head in agreement.

David grabbed her hand as she passed on.

In her hand was a small shield with Sir Guillaume’s

crest on it. David looked down at it as she had

pressed it against his hand. He then looked

around. He gently laid her head down and got up.

He noticed heavy hoof prints going towards

Schillingburg and a few in the other direction.

“They are going to the divide” David thought.

He ran to his horse and jumped on. He rode fast

towards the divide. “Please still be there” David

kept repeating to himself.


Guillaume and Amelia had decided to wait out a

few days then slowly make their way to Wynnfrith.


Moving out too fast could cause alarm and that

could cause them to be captured.

Extremely tired, David kept on riding.

He needed to find Amelia. After riding into the

night, he slowly made his way into the forest to

find an area to rest. He thought to himself “If I

were Amelia, were would I hide.” His eyes were so

tired but he made out an image in the darkness.

He jumped into a bush to hide.

“Is that Amelia?” He thought. “If that is her she

will recognize you girl.” He said to the horse.

He tapped his back and whispered “Go Princess,

get Amelia.” The horse slowly walked towards the

darkness. David suddenly heard a whisper “Oh my

Guillaume, this looks just like Princess, my brother

David’s horse.” Amelia said.

“Why would it be out here in the middle of

nowhere?” Guillaume asked.


At that time, David came out of the bush and just

collapsed. Amelia was startled but ran towards

him. “David!!!” She lifted his head as he laid on the


“Bring some water, Guillaume please.” She added.

She placed the water near his lips so he could

drink. “What are you doing here? How did you find

us?” Amelia asked.

He smiled and whispered “we have that

connection, remember?”

She giggled and replied “Rest, we can talk when

you are less tired.”

Guillaume helped David to their cave.

“Here, sit here David.” Guillaume requested.

“St. Vangaltier is in shambles. King Erich sent in his

soldier and they destroyed the whole town looking

for you both.” David said.

“Did you see my mother?” Guillaume asked.


David lowered his eyes and replied “I do not know

if she was your mother but she gave me this and

said to help her son and Amelia.”

“Was?” Guillaume asked solemnly.

“Yes, I am so sorry. She passed after she directed

me this way.” David responded.

Amelia put her arm around Guillaume and

whispered “This is all my fault.”

Guillaume nodded no and hugged her back.

“No, it is definitely King Erich and King Paul’s fault

for making such an unnecessary ruckus.” David


“You never said what you were doing here?”

Amelia asked.

“I am here to find you. Did you think I would just

let you deal with this alone?” David replied.

Amelia smiled.

“I just wish you would have told me you had

Guillaume on your side, here I am believing you

were his prisoner.” David added.

“I am sorry David, things just happened so fast

there was not time to do anything.” Amelia