Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 82-Debrief


Sionn is in his usual place. Grenwer is beside him, and Deria’s 1 and 2 are also there. Dan is beside me. I think about the never ending war with the dark forces, and the ever changing worlds of God, but this little group of ours, is something which, I treasure beyond anything. Sionn started to speak:

‘The strategy used to trick the Brain, has worked a treat. We were able to neutralize his robots. Leaving Reeas, at the portal was an important part of our plans, as it allowed me, to follow her into the realm of the Brain; we then got him to compromise himself, by leaving his tank, that was the only way, to gain access to him. Dan was able to break his defenses, by simply acting silly! This is the reason why Dan, is so special to us. We Higher Entities, sometimes, can’t relate to mirth, I am still having problems with the Cinder Elephant joke, perhaps Dan can explain it to me, sometime. (People in the room, are now laughing,) all I can say is, thank you Dan, and Reeas, you are two people, who we treasure.’ Sionn is now, stood up, and looking around with a glassy gaze. I know Sionn well enough to know when something is about to happen of great consequence. Sionn continued:

‘The messaging system will shortly move back to Dan. Debra will also move back to Dan. She will make her appearance before us, in a short while. I can tell you, that she allowed herself to be used by me, and Reeas, simultaneously. This allowed me, to gain access to the Brains realm. Without Debra, I wouldn’t have been able to even get to the 30th level. Darian has also been invaluable to us. He was able to get right into the Brain’s center of operations. I cannot tell you what he managed to do exactly, because it is too secret. I can tell you though, that he managed to disable some of the robots, he will be a very useful member of our network; he has also been awarded ‘Master Guardian.’ (People are now clapping). ‘I am being informed, at this moment, that Mannus has neutralized the Brain, he will now move to Shobdera’s realm. The Super Robots will be reengineered to help people.’ Grenwer stands up. Sionn knows something special is about to happen, he sits down.

Grenwer started to speak…

‘We have, in Sionn, a very able, and loving Higher-Coordinator. He is not just that. He is something, most people can’t relate to. All I can say is, Thank God we have him. The meeting with the Brain, could have been catastrophic. Mannus has instructed me, to award Sionn with ‘The-Order-of-Space.’ (People are now clapping and cheering).

Sionn looks at Dan and said, ‘What exactly is Cinder Elephant?’

Everyone is now laughing. I know my time, with the messaging system, is coming to an end, but I also know that Dan is with me. This is all I want. Students will forgive me, if I got the student messages mixed up. There was a lot of pressure at the time. Dan and I are going for a holiday. You probably know where. This is Reeas, signing off for now. Onwards my friends, as Dan says.