Facebook for Dollar a Day by Dennis - HTML preview

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Consider the Following


Have a clear goal driving your boost:

  • Audience engagement
  • Create awareness around a promotion (discount/coupons)
  • Get more page likes and followers (social proof)
  • Media Inception (get the press to write about you)


Good content is the only thing that nobody else can do for you because no one else knows about your company, personal brand, or niche better than you do. This is a critical piece of the amplification process.

The power of boosting is drawn from existing organic success driven by quality content.

Amplification is the multiplication of this existing success. Amplifying irrelevant, poor quality content is no different than putting lipstick on a pig.

Get your Strategy (GCT) Assessment here: https://blitzmetrics.com/GCT.

When you boost posts that already have good engagement (or social proof), you are amplifying word of mouth. When people react, comment on, and/or share your post, it’s as if they are endorsing your brand/message. Use this word of mouth by boosting it.

Think of the boost button as Facebook’s version of Amazon’s one-click shopping.

You can boost on other sites too: Twitter has Quick Promote, and LinkedIn has Sponsored Content. However, neither of the two have analytics as comprehensive as Facebook and, for Quick Promote, we discourage using it since we want to set our bids manually. Automatic bidding on Twitter leads to super high CPE.

Highlights by network

Facebook - has the smartest analytics and automatic optimization. Create saved audiences on highly specific interests to workplace targeting, allowing you to micro-target down to a single person for nearly free. Boost is available in a pop-up screen directly from the post. This means there’s no need to open up Ads Manager. Choose from multiple saved audiences and set a budget.

Twitter - has in-line boosting (no need to go to the ads tool) from analytics but lacks workplace targeting. Narrow audience by keywords, @handles, and even custom audiences. You can scrape handles to create custom audiences, in addition to web and email audiences, called “tailored audiences”-- no bidding to conversion.

LinkedIn - LinkedIn lets you boost right from the Timeline. Targeting covers occupations, companies, and any other details on profiles (e.g., degrees, skills, job titles). “Audience Expansion” is featured as an option that allows targeting similar audiences to the ones that you have targeted, but this wastes money since $10 clicks with no optimization will blow your budget quickly.