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RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
Before you start, please check this blog post to have a deeper understanding about the RACI Model: https://blitzmetrics.com/how-to-be-responsible/
Since our team works together on many projects it is very important to establish clear responsibility for each task or deliverable.
To denote the roles of the various participants in a project, we use the RACI model. What is RACI?
RACI describes the participation by various roles in completing a task or creating a deliverable for a project.
R – Responsible: Those who do the actual work to achieve the task.
A – Accountable: : The person who makes the final decision and has ultimate ownership
C – Consulted: The person’s expert opinion may be sought.
I – Informed: The person who must be informed that a decision or action has been taken
Whenever you initiate communication, make sure that you consider the RACI roles for the task in question in order to communicate effectively.
Here’s our team mate Paul Sokol providing an in-depth look at the RACI model
With RACI, R is for task-level work, which means whoever is accountable (A in RACI) loads up SMART (see acronym) tasks into Basecamp, organized into to-do lists.
Dennis is usually C, but if not, then I– so he’s one of the two.
Anyone who is R, A, or C is by definition I generally in the project, but not necessarily I for every single thread.
A brief intro into project management, which is RACI:
By default, everyone should make sure that they subscribe or copy the account manager or project lead to every To-do thread for a particular client project and the To-Do threads in the Basecamp Project Queues e.g. 1. Onboarding & Plumbing Queue, 3.3 Content Publishing Queue (Blogs).
Account Managers and Project Leads are responsible for reporting a To-Do’s completion to the clients as it happens in a lightweight touch so we aren't just sending full reports every week - we are messaging every time something gets done which allows us to stay on top of their questions too.
1.) If Dave’s boss tells him to bake a cake for the party, who is accountable for making the cake?
His boss
His co-workers
His wife
2.) lan needs his plumbing fixed. He calls Michael, a plumbing expert who has a company called A+ Plumbing and asks him to do the work. Michael accepts the job, and delegates it to his field manager, Tim. Tim sends Rob out in a van to diagnose the issue.
For the task of fixing the plumbing, who is R - Responsible?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
3.) Alan needs his plumbing fixed. He calls Michael, a plumbing expert who has a company called A+ Plumbing and asks him to do the work. Michael accepts the job, and delegates it to his field manager, Tim. Tim sends Rob out in a van to diagnose the issue.
Who is I - Informed?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
4.) Alan needs his plumbing fixed. He calls Michael, a plumbing expert who has a company called A+ Plumbing and asks him to do the work. Michael accepts the job, and delegates it to his field manager, Tim. Tim sends Rob out in a van to diagnose the issue.
Who is A - Accountable?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
5.) Alan needs his plumbing fixed. He calls Michael, a plumbing expert who has a company called A+ Plumbing and asks him to do the work. Michael accepts the job, and delegates it to his field manager, Tim. Tim sends Rob out in a van to diagnose the issue.
Who is C - Consulted?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
6.) Tim breaks his wrench while trying to fix a pipe. Who does he communicate this information to?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
7.) When Rob completes the the task of fixing the plumbing, who does he inform?
a. Alan
b. Michael
c. Tim
d. Rob
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication
Communication can be broken down into two categories: synchronous (skype message, phone call, fb messenger, text message, etc.) and asynchronous (email, Basecamp, etc.)
There are proper applications for both synchronous/asynchronous communication. As a rule, unless there is an emergency, use asynchronous communication since you don't need a reply faster than an email reply.
Kolby Smith Synchronous vs Asynchronous Video:
Dennis explains why:
“The most common two phrases I hear from clients and team-mates seem to be:
“Hey, quick question: ...", and “Let’s hop on a quick call…” The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? Sometimes this is the right idea. But sometimes the squeaky wheel is the wrong wheel.
Obviously, some questions are appropriate and deserve attention, but these two requests are a Trojan horse sitting outside the gate of your productivity castle- unassuming, but harboring the potential to be wildly destructive to your process.
They can do more than hinder your productivity though. Their effect on personal efficiency can cripple your efforts to scale. One problematic person takes 10X the effort of managing one competent, productive person.
You’re a coach, not a babysitter. If your people aren’t on top of their work, you’ll dig yourself into an insurmountable hole if you try to do it for them.
Maybe a castle is the wrong analogy: Picture your productivity as 737, sipping fuel after burning hard to reach cruising altitude. One “quick question” and 4 hours of coaching later, you’re back on the runway.” - Dennis Yu
In general, call or use other channels if email is not working, such as Skype, Facebook, SMS, mobile, etc. Refrain from giving up after sending a couple emails with no response.
There are exceptions.
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication QUIZ
Which of the following is an asynchronous communication method?
a. Email
b. Skype
You’re wondering about the location of a youtube video that you can’t find. Which is the proper communication channel to utilize?
a. Skype
b. Email
You have a family emergency and aren’t going to be able to fulfill a deliverable for a client. Which is the proper communication channel to use?
a. Skype
b. Email
c. Phone
d. All of the above
How to Subscribe to Dennis Yu’s Google Calendar
How to subscribe to Dennis Yu’s Google calendar for anyone with active CoachYu email account.
You can subscribe to Dennis’ Google calendar by completing these steps without assistance from the Ops team:
1. Go to your Google Calendar app, https://calendar.google.com/
2. Click on the gear icon at top right corner
3. Click Settings
4. Click the dropdown Add to calendar
5. Click Subscribe to calendar
6. In the search box type in dennis@blitzmetrics.com and 668sierra@gmail.com
7. Click back and should see the events on Dennis’ calendar.
Weekly Goals
Let your your colleagues in the company know what you’re planning to accomplish this week. This is also a good way for yourself to be informed of WHO does WHAT project and WHEN tasks can be expected to complete.
1. Bookmark this BC thread: Answers to “What will you be working on this week?” – BlitzMetrics HQ
2. WHEN: Publish a post every Monday (at your time zone)
3. WHAT:
1. Follow the SMART methodology to create your weekly goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and related to a certain date or period of Time).
2. Whenever possible, for each goal, include a link to the relevant BC thread for continuity.
3. List out any dependencies (what and who) to your weekly goals, if applicable.
4. WHO: this is probably the only BC thread where you’ll be publishing your post to everyone in the company. Any other BC thread, please do remember to practice RACI.
5. HOW:
1. Go to this BC thread: Answers to “What will you be working on this week?” – BlitzMetrics HQ
2. Type in your answer in the text field “Add your answer…”
3. When finish, click Post my answer
FYI, after posting your weekly goals, be open to additional tasks as assigned through the week as your project priorities and the company’s priorities might change. Be sure to pick up the goals to next week so they don’t get abandoned.
Email Account
Never request for file access using your personal or business email account because this request is broadcasted to everyone in the company and ends up creating an unnecessary burden to everyone.