Mandingo Warrior Course by Mr. Mandingo - HTML preview

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Module 2


Welcome to Module 2 if you are still following along with everything, you should be seeing some good results. With these results, you should use them to help keep your momentum going, so you can see the best results possible.

Since there’s so much guesswork when it comes to looking down at your own dick, it's best to keep accurate records of your progress. It’s impossible to know if any growth has occurred, if you don't keep precise measurements and records of your efforts. This is the case because your dick can be sort of a mirage, as it can appear bigger at times, than others.

The best way to accurately measure your penis, is by measuring your ‘bone pressed erect length’ (BPEL). To get your BPEL, you want to watch some porn or whatever helps you achieve a full erection. Once you have a full erection, press the ruler all the way into your pubic area until it’s resting firmly against your pubic bone. Make sure it’s horizontal with the floor and that the ruler is at the top of your erect penile shaft.

Note: For those who have a curve in their penile shaft, you will want to straighten it out as much as possible, or use a tape measure to get the most accurate measurements.

Now you are going to record to a 16th of an inch, all the way to the tip of your erect penis. This is how you find your Bone Pressed Erect Length (BPEL) which represents the most accurate measurement of the size of your penis.

Then you are going to measure penile girth, and you want to measure the circumference of your erect penile shaft in the middle or midway down your penis. You should stay consistent in measuring at this part of your penis, since this is usually the widest point. You can use a strip of paper, wrap it around your penis, where the ends meet, mark it, then measure it.

When it comes to measuring, you don't want to measure any more than every other week. Since it's unlikely you’re going to achieve the levels of gains you were hoping for out the gates, then keeping the measuring down to a week or every other week, will help you recognize growth or any. It will help you also to tailor your workout techniques and exercises if something is not working for you.

That being said, constantly measuring your dick can only lead to frustration and thus a lack of motivation. Motivation and the determination is the only thing that will allow you to succeed in the Mandingo Warrior Course.

Don't let the fact that you don't see any gains at first discourage you. This is a training and just like you don't expect to be ripped after going to the gym a few times it's the same way with PE.

Now we will focus on Module 2 Training to take our techniques to a higher level. I want to make this book straight to the point as possible, so let's get straight into the first exercises.