Metaverse is not only a virtual world to visit, people can Did You Know?
buy & sell properties, conduct meetings, showcase
The market size of the
brand products & so on.
metaverse is over
$38.5 billion
Interoperability is important because multiple metaverse platforms are developing, so multiple
Over $500 million
metaverse vendors will be there.
worth of real estate
was purchased in the
People will display their NFT or assets in every world. As metaverse so far.
Metaverse interoperability is the ability to share, exchange, and transact data and value in a
There are over 400
decentralized environment, users will have to depend million
on a single platform if there is any platform monthly active users.
51% of the metaverse
Interoperability in the metaverse is critical & vital, user base is 13 or
focusing on the consumer market, as consumers can younger.
retain their data, content, and avatars in all of their value even if they change platforms. For instance, if
By 2026, 25% of people
your avatars buy Nike sneakers & want to wear them on will spend an hour or
another virtual platform, there will be no restrictions on more in the metaverse
each day.
07 Online Magazine - Mobile Apps & E-Commerce : Issue 24 . November. 2022