Online Magazine - Mobile App & eCommerce November 2022 Issue by Rajib Roy - HTML preview

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This approach helps generate sales that create a greater metaverse economy. An ideal example of metaverse interoperability that adds value to it’s economy- brands can share digital twins of a supply chain with trusted business partners that helps to plan collaboration projects.

Some key reasons for metaverse interoperability are

• It allows users to connect & interact with other metaverse platform users. It creates new opportunities & experiences in a wider range.

• Interoperable metaverse is more enjoyable as well as rewarding to explore

• Users don’t have to face any platform barriers like being blocked by other platforms.

• It increases the confidence of users to purchase across all platforms.

Though Metaverse is in its early stages of development, some projects are already working to create an interoperable Metaverse.

One of the projects is the Open Metaverse Foundation. It is working on creating an open-source platform where different virtual worlds can interoperate with each other.

Elements Of Interoperability In The Metaverse

Identity: It’s like the assets & rights of any individual in the virtual world. Identity creates the key chain of trust that helps to connect individuals for sharing assets & data across all the platforms.

In today’s world, we trust a brand that has a strong identity on social media, linked to Google and Apple. But in the metaverse world, trust will be built based on the brand’s identity over the IAM infrastructure.

Identities are not only the avatars representing the user. Every user can own multiple avatar representations in the same world. Identities connect the information to an avatar, including its wallet and history, preference, reputation, and abilities.

08 Online Magazine - Mobile Apps & E-Commerce : Issue 24 . November. 2022

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