Platinum Dust by K.C. Baylor - HTML preview

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Chapter Six:
Jamaican Me Crazy

Six weeks in Jamaica and I felt spoiled. Rah bought me a whole new wardrobe with no limits on brand names. I was told to get what I wanted and don’t worry about the price. I tried to tell myself not to get to used to this because it would only be for a minute. Needless to say, I bought a lot of maxi dresses to hide the growing lump. For now we were both cool and for some crazy reason, Raheim had been acting like he wanted to be my man. Last night he took me horseback riding and tonight he wants to go to a pajama party near one of the large resorts. We’ve eaten in almost every restaurant on the island and gone to numerous clubs. It must be something in the water having a nigga act in love. But whatever it was, I was ok with it. I heard a knock on the bathroom door while I was taking my bath and a second later, the door opened.

“Scuse me ma’am, Mr. Starz ah sey how long yuh ah gon tek?” it was the same pretty girl who walked in the first night me and Rah made love.

“Oh ok, tell him to give me another minute,” I replied.

“Ok ma’am I tell him yuh soon come,” she said. I wanted to tell her it’s a thing called knock and then wait for an answer but I bit my tongue. The party was supposed to start around ten and it was only nine forty-five. So him wanting to rush me meant he really wanted to be there. He bought me a sexy red teddy trimmed in black lace and a pair of red heels. When I stepped into the bedroom he was already there waiting, shirtless and patient.

“When you start rushing me?” I turned my back to him so I could slide the thin red lingerie over my head.

“When you start being shy?” He sounded curious and I had to think fast.

“I can be shy when I wanna be. Only my man can see me naked,” I teased but when I turned to see his face he wasn’t smiling and I suddenly felt the air shift in the room.

“Oh so you need to hear me say it? Why the fuck you think I brought you here? So we can play house. I been walking round here acting like a nut and your ass act like you didn’t get the damn memo,” he  said looking furious and I didn’t know what the hell just happened.

“Wait, what just happened?”

“Felicia, if you don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about then, I don’t have the energy to explain it,” he said and walked out of the room leaving me seriously confused. I wanted to follow after him, but I wasn’t that chick and never would be. I figured he would either go to the party without me or sulk like a big baby until I came after him. I took my time doing my makeup, making sure my hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail. I slipped on the red heels and headed out the bedroom down into the large living area. All eyes followed the sway of my hips as I went in search of Raheim. I found him on the wrap around porch.

“What’s up with you sexy?” I stood in front of him, staring eye to eye. His green eyes were enticing and the golden brown tint to his skin looked especially perfect under the glow of the Jamaican moon. His hands found their way to my waist and he pulled me into him.

“Your ass is mine, you need to start acting like you know better,” he said. For a moment my heart dropped in my chest. He was claiming me, I felt sick all of a sudden.

“Are you saying you’re my man?” I tried to play it cool, but I could feel my knees starting to buckle. Thoughts of the baby I was carrying flashed before me and then I felt guilty. Should I tell him or should I leave it alone.

“I’m saying that I think it’s time I started chillin. You already know I’m feeling you and at this point I know I don’t want anybody else. Is that what you want?” He asked.  My words caught in my throat, for as long as I knew Rah I’ve wanted to hear those words. Shit! His timing couldn’t be worse.

“I do want to be yours, but Rah, I think we should talk. I need to tell you something,” I took a deep breath, hoping that when I told him I was pregnant he wouldn’t release his grip cause I was sure I’d fall.

Before I could form the words, Lucius pulled the van around front and I couldn’t be more grateful. “We’ll talk later, but for now let’s go have fun,” he said before taking me by the hand leading me into the van. Fast beating reggae filled the night air the closer we got to the party. Soon I was able to see curvy women walking around in sheer and lace nighties and men wearing boxers, pajama bottoms and some even wore sweatpants. I watched Raheim’s chest swell with pride as we walked through the lounge area. I tried to act calm, but I really was seconds away from a panic attack.  I tried to focus on the soft blue glow coming from the large outdoor pool.

‘Just make it through tonight,’ I told myself.

***Raheim Starz***

I pulled Felicia into the center of the room allowing the rhythm of Elephant Man’s “Give Me the Whine” to take over. She went in full gear and started moving her hips in a slow whine speeding up and slowing down again. The party was filled with some of the finest girls on the planet, a few were eyein me hardcore, but I gave Felicia my full attention. Besides, the fastest way to get the pussy is to act like you don’t want it. Three songs in and Felicia said her feet were hurtin.

“You can still dance if you want, that chick in black been tryna get your attention all night,” she said. I looked over my shoulder at the tall brown girl in the corner. She had hips for days and tits the size of cantaloupes.

“Should I give it to her?” I started dancing in front of Felicia

“Yeah, go give it to her, but not too much. I don’t want to have to play anybody up in here tonight.” I kissed Felicia before walking over to the lady in black.

“Let’s dance,” I took her by her hand and watched her smile. She was determined to show me her inner freak on the dance floor as her hips gyrated in time to the Caribbean beat. She turned around wrapping her arms around my neck making sure I felt her body rubbing against mine.

“Is that your wife?”  She nodded her head in Felicia’s direction.

“My fiancé. Why?” I decided to play along for a moment.

“So that means you’re still a free man. Can I see you later?” She asked with no hesitation.

“Damn, you real direct huh?” She inched her face closer to mine still moving her hips to the music.

“I see what I want,” She said as she turned her head in Felicia’s direction and I knew that she was going to try to kiss me. Before she could, I pulled away.

“No thanks, you’re not really my type,” I said and walked back over to the table, leaving Miss Jamaica standing alone. The one thing I didn’t like was drama, I left Philly to get away from the nonsense and would be damned if I let another chick disrespect my girl.

“I see I have some competition tonight,” Felicia started to laugh. “See I told you not to give it to her too good babe. She looked like she wanted to freak you on the dance floor.”

“I’m good. I got the finest chick right here so I don’t go backwards. You want a drink?”

“Cranberry and Vodka and hold the Vodka.” I walked over to the bar to get our drinks when I came back Miss Jamaica was standing behind Felicia whispering in her ear.
“Yo, what you want over here?” I sat the glasses down on the table.

“I just thought your girl should know that you asked to see me later,” the words dripped from her full lips like poison.

“Get the fuck outta here; I wouldn’t fuck you if somebody paid me. Don’t fuck wit me tonight. Either you move your ass or I swear I will move it for you! ” Another crazy broad to deal with, she moved to the other side of the table and for a moment I saw how nervous Felicia looked.

“Rah, leave it alone. I know her ass is lying,” Felicia stood up and grabbed both drinks. “Come on boo,” she said and I followed behind her, happy nobody noticed the commotion.

“Yo, I’m ready to get the fuck outta here,” I reached for my phone to call Lucius around with the van and noticed I had six missed calls. My aunt called three times, Kelly my old Tuesday called twice and Dre called me too. I dialed my voicemail straining to hear over the music.

“Raheim, I don’t mean to bother you but I haven’t heard from your brother in a few days. Just wanted to know if he called you, call me when you get this message.” Each of her messages sounded like that so I knew she was worried. Kelly’s crazy ass went from screaming into the phone to talking softly.

“Why the fuck you keep ignoring my damn calls Raheim? I need to talk to you. I MISS You boo. Please forgive me. I want to see you tonight so if you interested my back door is unlocked” The last message came from Dre and he sounded a bit paranoid.

“Yo Rah, it’s your boy Dre. We need to talk a.s.a.p. hit me up nigga” There was a pause before he disconnected the call. Shit was getting crazy back at home. Lucius pulled around and we got into the van.

“Let me call my aunt real quick.” I dialed her number and she answered on the first ring.


“Yeah Ma, what’s going on?”

“Sorry to mess up your vacation, but the last time I heard from your brother he said he met a girl at church. Then he stopped coming over, calling and he don’t answer my calls. He never acted like this before so I’m worried about him. You know Amir ain’t as street smart as you.” She finally took a breath.

“When did he say he met the girl?” I didn’t think we needed to worry if he say he met her at church but then again church girls are the freakiest.

“About two weeks ago.” She answered.

“Hold up TWO WEEKS ago? So he ain’t answer your calls in over two weeks?” My heart started racing. Amir is more responsible than anybody I know.

“No, I thought he answered me once, but he never said anything and the phone went dead.”

“Shit! Ok let me get back to you in about an hour.”

Felicia leaned forward.

“Is everything ok?”

“Amir is missing and my aunt ain’t heard from em in two weeks.”

“Oh my God,” Felicia said as I dialed Amir’s number.

“Hello?” I asked into the receiver after I heard it pick up.

“About fucking time, Amir is a bit tied up right now so you may have to get back to him later,” a girl’s voice answered making my skin crawl.

“Who the fuck is this? Yo, where is Amir?” I felt my heart starting to race.

“What you thought I was joking? I’m not going to stop until I see blood muthafucka.”

“If you touch my brotha I swear I’m gonna find your ass and fuck you up.”

“Don’t worry the party won’t start without ya,” the mystery bitch promised. I could hear Amir scream in the background, his voice bouncing around like he was in a cave.

“Get me outta here, PLEASE, please!!!!”

“Ok, ok just tell me who you are and what the fuck have I done to you.” I was worried that this crazy bitch was torturing my brother.

“I’m the bitch you shoulda never fucked wit, if you don’t know me by now you will when this is all over wit.” The line went dead and I swear I felt my heart sink to the bottom of the van.

Felicia read my face and sat forward.

“What? What the fuck is happening?” her voice shook.

“I gotta go back home,” I looked Felicia directly in her eyes. “I need you to move faster than this dude. Damn,” I yelled at Lucius “I gotta leave tonight.”

“I’ll pack our stuff,” she said.

“No, I need you to stay here. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back ok. There’s money in the safe on the side of the bed and your plane ticket. If I need you back home, I’ll call to let you know.” I leaned in to kiss her so she could calm down even though my heart was beating a thousand beats a minute.

“The villa is paid for alright. So you don’t have to worry about that,” I kept giving her instructions while Lucius drove through the unpaved road.

“Raheim I’m nervous, I don’t wanna be here alone,” she said. I didn’t wanna leave her here by herself but I couldn’t have anything happen to her.

“It’s only for a week or two. Call up one of your girls and have one of them come up wit you.” I had to think fast because before the moon turned to the sun again I had to be in Philly. Some crazy broad had my brotha and this shit just got real serious.

The van parked in front of the door and we both got out jogging through the rooms until we reached the bedroom.

“I’m not packing shit, I just need to go,” I turned the dial of the safe to get my plane ticket and jotted the combination to the safe on a post-it beside the bed.

“Yo, keep this in a safe place it’s the numbers to the lock. Don’t worry I’m gonna come back in a week or so. Ok?” Tears welled in Felicia’s eyes causing me to freeze. She looked scared and I knew its cause she thought she might not see me again.

“Come on babe, don’t cry. It’s probably nothing. When I come back, I expect you to give it to me like you did the first night we got here,” I smiled at her and for a moment she looked ok.

“I gotta go. But I’ll call you when I get back ok.” I changed my clothes real quick and ran back to the front of the house where I had Lucius run me over to the airport. I didn’t know where to look and I needed Dre if I was gonna get a clue. I dialed his number from the back of the van.

“Yo Raheim, what took your ass so long dude?” Dre’s deep voice came through on the other end.

“I was wit Felicia, what’s good?”

“I found out the chick that put a hit out on you got Amir. I think I know the bitch, but I’m still working on it now.”

“I’m on my way back to Philly now. I should be there in a few hours. I called his phone and a broad answered talking about she wasn’t gonna stop until she see blood.”

“Yo, you need to figure this shit out before Amir’s ass is dead. I’ll meet you at the airport. I’m gonna let you talk to my man Gutta.” We hung up; it felt good knowing Dre still had my back. Amir was like his baby brother too and he liked that he wasn’t into the streets. Lucius couldn’t get me there fast enough.