Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 13:


Now that the ceremony was over I finally got a good look at Brigit. And saw that she was of a decent height of six feet tall with dazzlingly bright hazel eyes that made all of the gems in the world seem worthless (this is the translators words) in comparison. Her hair was blonde it was more gold like than anything it fell in such a right way that it could not help but being beautiful and gold was dim in the light of her hair. I asked her "how did you turn my palace into this without my knowing?"

To which she said "It was simple really because you were focused on getting everyone ready for this and Geralyn actually came up with the idea as a birthday present." She said boredly but could barely hide the smile on her face that was so bright that it could have melted the polar ice caps ( translators words).

"Would you mind giving me and Geralyn a tour?" I asked.

"Sure thing but first sir you have to make a speech." she said.

When we got topside I went to the stage in front of the palace and said "First I would like to  thank you all for your Cooperation. Secondly I would like to introduce the newest Mage… She is the Science Mage. I chose her to become a Mage because she showed true devotion to us as a race when others would have given up and she made this all possible." as I said this I waved my hands around gesturing to the whole ship.

Everyone clapped and then I continued "Thirdly I would like to mention that the search is starting and I would like to ask for ten no wait twenty volunteers who are good at magic and good in combat to come to the palace tomorrow. Thank you again and have a great day."

"Well I already know the palace, so the hospital because Geralyn and I are expecting a child within a few days."  I said.

"okay then" She said.

Just then my comm beeped and I looked down and saw that it was Geralyn. So I clicked the answer button and asked "Is it time?"

"Yes" She panted.

"Where are you?" I Inquired.

"In our room in the palace." she said with a moan. And then a scream came through my comm that was so loud that it curdled my blood. So I turned the volume down and turned to Brigit and said "Send med droids there and have them bring her to the hospital and lead me to the hospital."

"Already sent sir, and ready when you are sir." Brigit said.

The hospital was abnormally quiet when we arrived so I went over to the reception droid's desk and Asked "Where is the Queen?"

"In room 777" the droid answered metallically. Then asked "Who are you?"

"Her husband the King" I answered angry that the droid would not let me see my wife.

"Okay go right in" It responded.