Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 5:


The race to finally find a new home planet had finally begun. With I as the new king I began a new reign that had an auspicious start. I had spent some time with the scientists trying to create a portal spell that could transport us across the vacuum of space. But when that failed I had all but 4 of my best spell scientists working on making the spaceships. The other reason that I gave up on the spell was because we did not have another break through on this project and by the end of the day the space ship scientists had finished the exoskeleton of the third space ship by the end of the day.

That second part of the night, I went to talk to Steve, but found the guards unconscious  on the floor in front of the door to the hallway that led to Steve's new prison. And the door normally was locked at this time, was unlocked so I cautiously pulled the heavy black as night door open and as I did that I pulled one of my silver swords out of my amulet with my right hand. To see if anyone was hiding in the dimly lit hallway I swung my sword to see if there was an ambush waiting. When I hit something I also heard a dull thud like a coin hitting the bottom of a pool and someone else hears it under water and after that I heard a clatter so I said "Lumata" and a bright light flew out of my amulet and lit the hallway and I saw with fearful eyes that what I hit was… only a wooden fencing dummy that I lobbed a limb off of  and the clatter was its limb hitting the stone floor. When what felt like an eternity later because of all of the adrenaline flowing through my veins I reached the cell door. After that scare I just had I pulled the other sword out of my amulet and pointed it at the lock of the cell and said "yoma catasi" and the sword that I pointed at the lock glowed and at the same time the lock glowed  and unlocked with a quite click. And then said "beka catasi" and the door opened with a subtle creak that in my ears sounded like it was so loud that it would wake the whole palace up. I chose to use that spell rather than open it myself because I was not trusting my hands because they were shaking too much and I was not taking chances of an ambush. Thankfully there was no ambush and Steve was still locked safely in his cell. And he was reading a book so I put my swords back into my amulet and cleared my throat after closing the door , and asked "Steve, do you know why the guards that I placed outside your cell to make sure you don’t  escape are unconscious?"

To which he looked up and calmly replied "I have two ideas but the first seems extremely unlikely so I am going to ask you to hide me."

"Why?" I answered confused because earlier today he was asking to leave and now he wants me to hide him.

"The guild knows I have been captured and think I have talked about the plot" He says with fear starting to creep in on his voice.

To which I replied equally fearful "Which you have."

" Yes I have and if they find me and find out I told you they will kill me!" Steve practically shouted.

"You are safe here," I said and then added "you will be moved to a much more secure cell in another part of the castle if you wish it."

"Yes I would like that." He answered starting to calm down now.

So I called more guards and told them to move him into the hidden part of the castle that was under the lake because it was the most secure part and no one but me and a chosen few could actually enter, Steve whispered " Thanks" as he was walking out with the guards.