A Story Narrated by an Amateur by Shivang - HTML preview

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Those were the best moments in his life when she would be around.

She was in the prime of her blossoming years of youthfulness. Was she beautiful…! A

definitional conundrum! Beauty, especially of a woman is a deterministic realism. It is as

localized or regional as weather preferences. Then, personal choices also create strong

benchmarks. Rather difficult to have a universal yardstick of beauty.

Mayank would remember

how Ashish had extended a rare concurrence with this idea of beauty and had philosophically

added, „That?s why I have never seen a poster of any Miss Universe or Miss World in the

bedroom of any boy.?

Mayank would call her the most beautiful enterprise in his life. That kept him in constant fear.

He knew most beautiful things in life were ephemeral. Strange though, he never thought beauty

was the best thing about her. He loved her vitality and valued as a huge complement to his own

personality for his own was rather low. When she would come close to him, he could feel the

pink of her health and vitality in the millions of specks of her heavily moist breath. He found it

strange but her breath would remind him of the moist and strangely aromatic air which he had

breathed in when sitting beneath a very old banyan tree in the backyard of his native village. He

related it to a clear sign of her superior health and took a lot of security and confidence from it.

He admired more the fact that she from her very presence would raise the bar of his potential and

possibilities as a person. Mayank would always be indebted to her for a strange realization which

dawned upon him only when she entered his life. She chiseled a man out of him; made him

understand the multi-dimensionality of roles a man is invested with by the almighty or the

nature. He could gain the importance of the pride of the burden of performances as well as the

joy of actually performing these multi-dimensional roles.

Almost a year back, when he first met her, the first feeling he had was that of the protectiveness

of a father. She looked so young and effervescent, almost like a college sophomore; capricious

and vulnerable. It was one of the reader interactive programs organized by his newspaper and she

was invited. There were other women in the program but she caught the attention of all men

because of her spiritedness. Men are men and anywhere they will be too willing to extend ample

proof of it. Men start speaking the language of their beneath the belt desire and even start picking

up commensurate signals which may not actually be there but their accentuated and conditioned

mind would see one. A bubbly woman, who does not wear a culturally self-imposed veil of

nonchalance and pretentious aura of pre-eminence, automatically draws an

„available? label in

the language of men. Mayank could see it happening with her. He promptly took her in his

authoritative custody as if he were her dad. She took proper notice of his gesture. Later, though

he got to know that she was no college girl but a professional, working for a private bank; his

dad-like feelings for her didn?t change.

She, by her enigmatic persona and inexplicable mannerism would set personality benchmarks for

him. Being with her opened such varied roles for him and he realized that doing them gave him

such satisfying feelings which he could not clearly understand and name.

One day, she would be

preparing to go out with him and suddenly she would complain lovingly to Mayank, „I?m

standing in front of the wardrobe for ten minutes….when would you decide which dress I should

wear?? He would smile and say, „the pink one…the color compliments you?.

She will feel elated

and wear the dress. He could never realize that she expected such a role from him which he

would usually consider intrusive and a no no…! The very feeling that he was trusted by her so

much that she actually delegated her right to make choices for herself to him, made him realize

how much responsible and correct he always needed to be to stand up to her trust. He realized

this was not a small thing. Often, men are trusted with loads of emotional gems by women they

love but they are so self-obsessed that they don?t even understand how quickly they squander

them. Men often pride and strive for what they give to their women but seldom value what they

get from them. He was not scared but felt very humbled by this. His discretion for goodness was

only sharpened. He was sure he would always cherish the wealth she entrusted to him and would

never waste a dime, let alone a gem.

One of the most amazing and cherished memories with her was of an evening with her in her

studio apartment flat. She was down with cold and as she lived alone, he visited her to enquire

about her health and be a support. She had trouble breathing and all of a sudden, she asked him

to rub the decongestant ointment on her chest and back. He unfastened the top two buttons of her

shirt and was thinking of looking the other way when she started a conversation and he had to

look in her eyes all the while he rubbed the ointment on her chest. He was very conscious that his

hands should remain confined to the upper region but still he would unintentionally get the touch

of the softness beneath. She turned back and half lifted her shirt to bare her back to him. He

could see the marble of white and feel the silk in his hands. He carefully buttoned her up and

tucked her in a thick blanket. He would clean her dripping nose with his hands as if she were a

baby. He would watch her sleep comfortably. He felt a strange sense of satisfaction. It emanated

out of his realization that childlike innocence and complete trust is the most potent and pious

emotion of humanity. He felt resplendently elated that he was worthy of such an emotion.

Nobody in his life had reposed such complete and colossal trust on him as she had, nor had he

experienced such immaculate innocence ever. However, what gave him greater contentment was

his internal knowledge that all throughout his physical intimacy with her; he had not for one

moment felt sensuousness. He was not sure why and how his being responded truly and mutually

to her childlike innocence and trust. He could actually feel the pride of paternal care still alive in

him as he watched her sleep well; her chest undulating to the rhythm of deep breathe. He felt

full…fulfilled…! He felt liberated…formless....infinite…!

It is because of her that he started doing things he never ever thought he would do. He started

watching cookery shows and bought recipe books as he enjoyed cooking for her. He found the

recipes too common and available in most restaurants he could visit. He added his imaginations

to the recipes and created fusion food which would make her so happy. He would mix the styles

and ingredients of south Indian recipes with Chinese, the Punjabi recipes with Italian and local

dishes with Mexican to create unique tastes and looks of his food. She will be so happy and fight

like a kid to reveal the recipes which he would protest naughtily and teasingly say, „the recipes

are fond memories of my former wife who fled away with my driver and that?s why I cannot

share them with anyone?.

He derived immense satisfaction in mothering her. He would feed her with his hands as she

would playfully refuse to take her hands out of the pocket of her jacket.

And, if she liked the

taste of the food, she would insist making him eat it by joining her lips to his lips and move half

of her munched morsel in his mouth. Keeping the lips entwined, she would ask him how the taste

was. He knew; humanity had not created a word and a language which could help in answering

her question. His moist eyes however would betray the gratitude to the almighty and the woman

in his life!

His emotional and physical intimacies with her, as their relationship grew, would leave him

exhausted, confused and even annoyed. For her, intimacy was as natural as for a child. When

with him, she would actually not like to behave like an adult. As a kid never thinks before saying

or demanding anything, she too would look least bothered about the practicality of it. She would

hug him and sleep in his arms and lap. He would try to put her in the bed but she would insist he

remained there with her in bed. She would clutch him, wrap herself around him and sleep for

hours. He could not keep her away from him. Her breasts would remain softly pressed against his

chest and she would wake up and groan complainingly if he tried to unlock himself. Once, he

used slight force of hands, in a determined attempted to separate her from his embrace and she

responded by crying like a baby. The tears would not stop despite thousand apologies and finally

he had to pull her back into a tighter embrace to restore her usual peaceful sleep.

Initially, he found himself precariously poised handling her intimacy language. He would

wonder how one could sleep when in such passionate proximity. He checked his doubts and

once, when she looked like in sleep in his cuddle, he squeezed her closer.

Her breast bones could

rub against his. First time, he could feel the velvety traces of her chubby stomach as he pulled

her close wrapping his arm around her waist. As he felt her abdomen neighborhood, he missed a

heartbeat. He planted his lips against her softly and gently massaged her back. He felt an

unexplainable buzz in his body; his muscles contracted, felt cold inside though he sweated and

finally he could not breathe anymore. He let out a groan and pulled himself away. She stirred and

opened her eyes in complete bewilderment. He could see a rather idiotic expression on her face

which is usual when someone is abruptly jolted out of his sleep. She didn?t say anything, locked

herself back in his hug and slept like a stupid.

He realized, not much to his amazement, that she actually slept in great peace in his embrace. To

her, he and his hug was like a teddy bear comfort. He returned her, her childhood days. She

would feel the teddy bear security and confidence when in his arms and would sleep well. That

was pure child act but she was not a kid trapped in an adult body. He would repeat the act on her

when he knew she was not sleeping and she would respond his groans, her body tweaking as her

muscles contracted too. Once, she kissed him unusually long and he asked her whether she knew

that a long and wet kiss like that was a sure sign of passion and sensuousness. She did not reply;

thought for a moment and then almost munched his mouth, leaving scar marks on his lower lip.

He spent lots of time with her and more on analyzing his relationship with her. He could realize

that affection was important...intimacy was important...more important was the person who

would share them but...most important however was the power of wide and deep knowledge

which makes realization of all goodness. A blind might throw a gold coin in his hand and a deaf

would not pick it up even if the coin fell behind him. A monkey passing by would pick up the

coin, try to chew it, find it tasteless and would throw it. A child playing nearby would pick up

and would be dejected to see it twisted and would toss it in the well.

It is individual knowledge of true joy, discretion of real goodness and the courage to pick up the

right and righteous option which is most important. A beautiful woman on the street is a

veritable goodness. Somebody goes out and molests her. He apparently gets some joy in it. In the

language of economics, this act is what Ashish called as the countable joy and short-term

operative goal. The same girl goes home and her father, seeing her pained huddles her in his

embrace and caresses her long hair gently. The girl forgets her pain, gets assured of her wellbeing

and turns the usual self. Both were touches, both had skin and flesh involved in the action

but sense of purpose and emotions differed as the knowledge of goodness was in utter contrast.

Life and its realism is like a beautiful woman but most humans in their stark ignorance opt the

enjoyment of molesting life, without even caring that it pains life no end.

Few geniuses pull life

in their laps, hold it in tight embrace, cuddle her gently with the pure emotion of a creator and

make her attain her true self. Unfortunate it is that there are only a few geniuses left and fewer

are those among the geniuses who have the courage to sustain it as the normal society would

either call them hypocrites, mad, idiots or a certain threat to a harmonious social order.

His realization landed him in trouble. He understood; she was important for him but only as a

catalyst; so was he for her. She unleashed the potential and possibilities which were already there

within him and he valued it more than she could realize. He even told her this but she would not

register it the way he put it. He wanted her to understand that she needed to diversify her

personality to derive better joy and satisfaction out of her love for him.

He wished she could

develop a better sense of reception, graduate to more meaningful roles in his life, as well as her


He knew in his relationship with her, both of them had reached a stage of mutual commitment.

Their relationship could not be open-ended for long. He even understood that problem was in his

side. He loved her truly and treasured her. He was sincerely indebted to her for lots of good her

presence opened up for him in a short period of less than a year. Her qualities and dedication to

him were unblemished. However, he stilled believed; she was not very receptive to some of the

key areas of their relationship which he felt was crucial for the completeness of their union. He

would hate to do it but he needed to objectively assess her as a complete person. He could not

accept the theory that love means acceptance of what it is and how it is.

He strongly believed that

if he would commit to her, she would be the most important person in his life. She would be such

a close and continuous presence in his life that she would have the power and potential to

influence him and his future a great deal. Such an important person would have to be a complete

person. She would have to be what it takes to perceive life in its entirety and enormity. She

would have to be open to evolving as a person as life itself is an evolving reality.

The reality, a troubling one, remained for him that she was not very receptive to newer and wider

things in life and would often be unwilling. More than often, she would be a single emotion

person and very true at it. He would talk with her about myriad of higher issues of life and

humanity and would ask her to share her views on them. At times, she would be patient and

listen to all he had to say but when her turn came to respond, she would say, „what you say is

absolutely right...just tell me what you want me to do. You know you won?t need a second call?.

He would caution her that life is not as simple as she took it. She could not always take an easy

ride of his perception and judgment and she would have to be geared up to make her own. She

would think for a while and then say in an affected earnestness, „I know that you know the

problems well and the solutions too...why do you think I am with you...you are my insurance

policy...and am I a bad premium?? He would ask her to be serious and would get a prompt

rejoinder, „you be with me...you hold me in your arms for eternity... kiss me so that my eyes are

closed in ecstasy and my being melts in your soul... let troubles come, am I there to feel what

comes and goes!...do I fear!...I?m safe and smiling in the heart of my braveheart...I can walk on

pebbles but I know for sure, your arms will take me to your embrace before my legs bleed…and

am I scared of the blood!...not till you are with me and if not, let them leave my veins...do I


He would wish she could also learn languages other than that of intimacy and affection, which

she spoke brilliantly. He wished to make her see the other side of life where emotions would not

provide solutions even though it would help keeping the bond stronger and would add pep to the

spirit of struggle against the odds. He could not do so as he could clearly see such persistence

with his viewpoint and efforts would make her insecure. He would immediately realize that she

would become unsettled and behave more childishly. She would perceive it as a sign of loss of

love and would promptly start doing things to replenish it. She would take his face in both her

hands and gently shove it to her soft breasts. As he would go breathless, she would kiss him

passionately and deeply. She would croon sweet sounding moans in his ears and encourage him

to hug her with all his might. She would accept the intensity and passion of his hug as the sign of

his continued love and affection for her. As he did it to assure her, she would calm down and fall

asleep in his lap.

He did not mind being a teddy bear for her, rather he loved being one for her but he wished, she

could accept and appreciate that life outside teddy bear security was tough. There were

attainments in life waiting for her attention outside the teddy bear fulfillment. And, the journeys

are not so short that she could be carried in the lap. Moreover, everyone has to go through the

individual pains. You cannot see the seven colors of rainbow through other?

s eyes. You need to

see it with your own eyes then only the beauty and joy of rainbow would be unraveled to you.

He regretted that she was a close door person on such matters. She would not receive and

appreciate the fact that it was his immense love for her which made him pursue her to reach

newer horizons and extend it every day. He wished she could understand that life; its beauties

and pleasures, the pains which broadens and deepens perceptions, are unraveled to individuals in

long and tedious journey of time and space. The journey has no meaning if you do not have the

endowed and cultivated faculties to pick up experiences and ideas unraveled en route.

Love consumed her completely. He knew; she had run a deficit of it since childhood, like most

girls and she prided it as ultimate virtue. Surrendering her being in all possible sense to him was

her first desire, an instinctive one and the last attainment. Beyond that everything was his trouble

and surely, his calling to deal with it. He had almost given up. Happy but not satisfied.

She was 28 and would remind him of her age whenever he would tease her that she still had baby

flab around her waist and inside her brain. In one year of relationship with her, he had reached

the level of intimacy with her which would have prompted any other girl to ask for the next best

thing to institutionalize it. His irritation stemmed out of the fact that he realized he had traveled

too far with her and it would not be easy for either of the two to go back.

He also realized that

she had gone beyond the level of doubts about his commitment for her. The question of

commitment ceased to exist for her. It was from his side that the question was in limbo; she had

not even realized that there could be such a question with him. He was irritated with himself as

he was truly in love with her and could never ever think of giving her pain. This suffocation of

optionlessness however irritated him.

He understood; he had to take a decision about her, that too very soon. His resignation provided

him the opportunity to do it. He had the leisure time and he wished to make the most out of it. He

understood it quite well that it would take the courage of a clear and resolute mind to carry his

decision vis-à-vis her as he knew the energy of her love and innocence was potent enough to

melt the staunchest of his resolves. He also understood it well that he would have to be very

meticulous and artistically dexterous in handling her and implementing his agenda on her as he

could not afford to distress her original and instinctive qualities of innocence, trust and intimacy.

The agenda was to add new dimensions to her personality without affecting the ones which made

her the angel she was. He was very sure in his mind that if there was a conflict and if he had to

choose between what she was and what more he wanted her to be, he would blindly choose her

with what she was. That truly was the challenge. He had to plan his ways which could not only

add the new personality traits in her but also enhance the intensity and range of her existing

qualities. He decided, he would have a go at it, see how she responded to it and then decide his

next course of action after assessing the first symptoms.

His love for her however would also try to make out a case against his own decision. „Don?t you

love her too much...should not you ensure that all that you do should enhance her joys and

satisfaction?, the lover inside him would ask him. It was not possible, he realized it. Calculating

life?s worth in terms of pleasure and pain was certainly not his preference. He accepted that any

decision that would help in making her a better person, more knowledgeable and more rec eptive

to wider and deeper aspirations and attainments of life would be a clear choice. Love cannot be

blind...being blind is never ideal…humans cannot be akin to puppy love.

Love is not only care,

protection, provision, intimacy and passion; it is a magical concoction of all pure human

emotions. And, this magic gives lovers the kick of their lives to clinch the attainable; expand the

confines of their potentials, stretch the horizons of possibilities and reach their not alone but

together, hands in hand...as one soul.

The decision made, he called her the next morning of his resignation, didn?

t tell about it and

simply asked her to come home in the evening. She jocularly asked him had he quit his job as

she knew his office hours started when her ended and that?s why they could meet only on

Saturdays. He smiled and told her that he had taken leave and would be at home. She asked him

to pick her up and as usual asked him to cook a nice and innovative dinner for her.
