Alone & Confused: A Gay Man's Story by R-Jay - HTML preview

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A few months later, I joined a gay football team. It was a no-brainer really. I wanted a new hobby and the exercise would be good for me. I've put on a bit weight during the 'coming out' ordeal and could do with losing half a stone to a stone. The main reason though was to broaden my social circle and when I found a gay football team online it was perfect fit. Football, as you know, means a lot to me and it always has. I'm sure I'm as big a fan as anybody and was a decent player in my younger days. I was confident I could get up to a good enough standard within a few months or so.

During my first training session, I was surprised that the standard of the players was so good. I still felt I could compete after several months of building on my fitness during the weekly training sessions. A lot of my nerves were put to bed during my introduction to the club. Were were all gathered in a circle warming up before my first session began.

“Right, everyone, this is Dominic,” said the manager.

There's was a lot of smiles and hellos and the odd whistle.

I enjoyed the whistling of course and got the impression it was usual banter when someone new joined.

“Dominic, are you single?” someone cute asked.

“Yes, I am,” I responded timidly.

“Nobody is allowed to try it on with Dominic,” the manager demanded. “Well not until he's settled in anyway. I don't want him thinking the football is some kind of cover-up for sordid sex sessions in the showers.”

The manager winked at me before continuing.. “Well welcome to the team, Dominic. Every one is very friendly. I'm sure you will settle in quickly. Anybody can come to the training sessions but around fifteen lads or so will be contacted, usually on Friday evenings, for the game that weekend.”

This seemed like a perfect fit for me.


Back at home later that evening, I reflected on the major developments in my life. I've gone from being unable to accept being gay to all the drama with Freddie and Tom. And now here I am much happier in my own skin, joining a gay football team, and being the centre of attention during my introduction to the team.

I could never have imagined that was possible a year ago. So much has happened this year. If feels like I've learnt more in one year than the twenty years before combined. It has been a real coming-of-age year. I feel like I know who I am now and I'm content with it. I'm still single but I'm happy gay man for the first time in my life.


My mum asked me about the football team soon after. She had really encouraged me to go. I was protesting due to nerves and not knowing anyone there but she told me to go for it. That it would be worth it in the end.

“So how did it go, Dominic,” my mum asked.

“Really good mum. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm definitely going again next week.”

“I'm glad to hear it, Dominic. I told you. What were the people like?”

“Yeah, everyone seems very nice and everyone was very welcoming. There was fun banter and the football was competitive.”

We headed out of the kitchen and into the front room. My dad was sat on the sofa watching a comedy and so was Max. Abbie was lying down on the other sofa. She had her phone out and looked like she was texting. They all looked up when we entered.

I presumed they had questions.

“OK. Fire away family?” I asked them.

“Can gays play football?” Abbie began.

I laughed.

Max was a bit annoyed in her response. “Of course they can, Abs. That's a silly question. You know Dominic's a good player and he's a gay. There's probably plenty of gay professional footballers and -”

“And they just hide it because they will probably get abuse from a lot of fans,” my dad agreed.

Abbie looked upset, “That's not fair. Who cares if people are gay?”

“Thanks, Abs,” I added. “But not everyone is as understanding as our family. Hopefully things will become better in the future.”

“So it was all gays there, Dom?” Max asked me.

“Yes Max all gays!”

“Oh, OK. Did you fancy of them?”

“Does that matter?” my dad chipped in.

He was obviously not comfortable listening to this.

I answered Max's question regardless. “I've only been there once. So I don't fancy anyone yet. There's plenty of good-looking lads though so we'll see. I'll keep you in the loop. And dad, you're going to have to deal with it sooner or later. I'll be bringing a guy round here at some point. You can't be freaking out then!”

“You're right, son. Ignore me!”

“You'll be fine, dad. Would it be weirder if I came home with a bloke and I was wearing one of mum's dresses?”

“Yes!” he snapped. “I don't think I could cope with -”

“Good,” I butted in. “Well be glad that I'm not going to be doing that then!”

The other three were laughing their heads off at my dad squirming.

It felt so nice having all of us together and extra nice having my dad squirm.

“That would be so funny seeing you in a dress, Dominic,” said Abbie.

“It's not going to happen,” I ensured. “It was a joke!”

“I can't wait for you to bring a guy home, Dominic,” added my mum.

“I can't wait too, mum. It will happen when it's supposed to though. I'm happy to just go with the flow and see what happens nowadays.”

I thought it was time to leave my love life in the hands of the gods of fate.


I've played a few matches for my football team now and even managed to score my first goal which was a left-footed shot coming in from the left-wing into the bottom right-hand corner of the net. Since that goal, I've often thought about my left-wing days at high school. I was such a happy kid with lots of friends with football at the centre of my universe. It feels like I'm back to that level of contentment. I can look back on my youth fondly now without wishing I was back there before all this gay stuff started happening to me.

I've made some good friends at the football team. The one I probably get on best with is Steven. We just seemed to click with each other from the start. We share a  lot of similar interests, most notably our obsession with football. I love a night out nowadays and Steven's usually not fair behind.

There's plenty of people in the team that I'm friendly with but don't know that well outside of playing football. Most people tend to focus on the football and socialise with a few others outside. We have the odd social drink after matches as a big group and I've got to know most people to a decent level. Steven is definitely the one I get on with best and it's great to have a close friend again.

A few of the lads on the team have slept with each other but that's not a major surprise. There must be a good thirty blokes at the club. There's bound to be stuff going on especially when the drinks and, for some, the drugs are flowing. I've never taken a drug in my life and I'm sure I never will. My mum and dad have always been very against them and it has stuck with me.

There isn't an official couple at the club. I've been told there used to be a few couples but either one or both of the people involved have left the club, or both are still here but have separated. Some of the lads like to tease me and Steven about us being a suitable love match; but I don't know. We're good friends and I'm not sure I want to potentially spoil what we have. I'm not sure I'm attracted to him in that way and I haven't got a clue what he thinks about me in that way. We're close friends and that's enough for me.