Alone & Confused: A Gay Man's Story by R-Jay - HTML preview

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I've been at the football club about six months now and me and Steven decided to have a night out one evening after training and were joined by Jack and Andy. Jack had joined a few weeks earlier. He's a Londoner, the same age as me and works as a civil servant in the city centre of Newcastle. I thought he was a lovely lad pretty much from when he first joined the club. He's confident and friendly and has fit into the team like a glove. Andy has always got on well with me and Steve. He doesn't take himself seriously at all and is happiest when larking around and having a laugh.

We started drinking in a cosy gay bar. We were all relaxing on sofas. It was nice to do that after a two hour training session. My legs always ached badly straight after football.

“Welcome to your first football piss-up, Jack,” I began.

“Yeah, welcome, Jack,” added Andy.

Steven nodded in agreement.

“Thanks, lads. Anyway I'll go and get a round. What does everybody want?”

“A beer please,” said Andy licking his lips.

“Me too, mate,” added Steve with a charming smile.

I was away with the fairies thinking about how nice this was, sat around with some really cool gay lads. It felt really nice and really normal.

Jack knocked me out of my thoughts. “What about you, Dominic?”

“Oh, a cider please, mate. Thanks.”

Steven couldn't resist teasing me. “Yeah, Jack, Dom's the camp one of the group. He drinks cider. He can't handle beer.”

“Thanks for that, Steven,” I added sarcastically.

“I don't think you're camp,” stated Jack.

He looked at me like he meant it and then turned back to the bar to get the round of beers and cider.

“So tell us about this new boyfriend then, Steven?” I asked him.

“Yes, you dirty bitch!” Andy added jokingly.

I liked the forwardness and banter of the group.

“Well, he's called Joe.”

“Saucy,” I added. “Get to the good stuff, mate.”

He nodded. “OK, I was out with my mate the other night and he must have seen us dancing or something.”

Me and Andy were listening intently.

Jack had returned from the bar and handed out our drinks.

Steven carried on. “Well he was just came over and starting dancing near me and smiling at me. He was very forward about it.”

“I wish that would happen to me,” I couldn't help but add.

“Dom, if you got out more, it would happen,” said Andy, straight to the point.

“I agree,” agreed Steven.

Jack smiled but didn't say anything.

I guessed he felt he was too new to group to be dishing out advice.

“Anyway back to you, Steven,” I insisted. “We've not had any saucy details yet.”

“Yeah get to the filth,” demanded Andy. “I apologise in advance, Jack, for the vulgar language but -”

“You'll get used to it!” I told Jack.

Jack laughed. “It's fine guys. I can handle a bit of vulgar.”

Steven agreed. “Good, man.”

“So did he shag you?” Andy asked Steven.

Jack was sipping his pint at the time and on hearing the question choked a little.

We all noticed.

Steven spoke up. “Sorry, Jack, for having to listen to Andy. He's not a very classy lady, in fact he's a slut!”

Andy retaliated. “And you are you love! Spill the fucking beans!”

I nodded. “Come on Steven? No secrets here!

Steven was looking very embarrassed. “Yes he did.”

I did I little more teasing. “Yes, Jack, he's a nelly bottom. He loves taking it!”

Andy stuck his oar in. “So do you Dom! Yeah, Jack, they're both bottoms.”

“At least I'm getting some though,” Steven added.

I responded angrily. “Thanks for that, Steven.”

Nobody was willing to interrogate Jack on his love life just yet.

I could tell he was enjoying sitting back and taking it all in.


Later that evening, we splintered off into smaller groups. Andy and Steven were sat a bit away from us chatting and giggling. It would definitely be about men knowing them two and probably about sex to be more specific. They were looking more drunk by the second. It gave me more time to get to know Jack. He had joined me on the same sofa and was sat very close to me. I wanted to make him feel more welcome by getting to know him better.

“So, how are you finding Newcastle so far, Jack?!

He smiled and leaned in towards further towards me. “Yeah, it's good thanks. My job is going well, my flat is nice and I'm living with a couple of lads who I work with. They've also moved up to here from down south for work. We're all on the same graduate scheme and worked together in London before moving here.”

“Cool, what are the lads like?” I asked. “Are either of them gay?”

He responded. “One of them is gay and one of them isn't.”

“OK, are any of them fit?” I asked.

“No, not really to be honest,” he replied. They're nice enough guys. They're just not my type.”

I sensed an opening. “What is your type, Jack?”

“I'm not completely sure. But I like nice and friendly guys. And obviously they need to be good-looking and funny, you know?”

I smiled. “Yes I know!”

He directed a question at me. “What about you, Dominic? What do you go for in a guy?”

“I'm not too sure, mate. I've met a few people online. They don't seem to be a specific type. I just chat to people for awhile and if we get on, I tend to meet up with them.”

“So you've only met guys online then?” he asked me.

“Yes. A bit sad isn't it?” I asked.

“No, good for you for getting out there. I've never had sex with a man before so you're doing better than me. Do you like anybody at the football club?”

“I don't know,” I answered. “They all my mates now, you know? Things may become awkward if something happens with a guy in the club and then it goes wrong. I've heard some stories about people seeing each other, breaking up and it getting awkward. I'm happy at the club and don't want to rock the boat.”

“I understand,” he responded.

“There's plenty of good-looking lads at the club though, isn't here? I asked him.

Luckily he agreed. “Of course. There's plenty, but I understand what you said about things getting complicated but I believe that if you like each other though you can make it work though. I don't think everybody needs to know all your business.”

I nodded. “Do you like anyone at club?”

Jack left off a big smile before adding, “There is actually. But I can't tell you who, or I would have to kill you.”

I let out a big laugh.

Steven and Andy headed back towards us with a new round of drinks in tow.

“I'll tell you later, Dominic,” Jack whispered to me.


A few hours later, I was absolutely hammered and Jack looked even more so. Steven had left a while earlier; I assumed for sex with his new bloke as he mentioned he was staying over at his. Andy had also disappeared to chat with a gaggle of his friends he had bumped into. Me and Jack were on the dance floor. There was a typical camp dance track bursting out from the speakers. There was loads of revellers all around. We struggled to stay close together and it was hard to chat through sheer volume and navigating around drunken bodies.

Jack called me in close to stay something. “Can I tell you now?”

“What?” I responded.

“Can I tell you who I like at the football club?” he said.

“Oh yeah. Yes go for it.”

“Are you sure you want to know?

“Yes, tell me everything, mate. I pride myself on knowing who fancies who and who's shagging who. I've got a bit of reputation at the club for knowing all the gossip.”


“Yes, Jack?”

“It's you! I really fancy you!”

I was shocked. I wasn't expecting that.

Jack looked embarrassed but relieved he'd told me.


All the shit with Freddie and Tom had made me more sensible about guys. I tried not to get carried away and let my imagination run wild any more. I hadn't really thought of Jack like that before.

Jack continued. “Sorry for making things awkward.”

“Don't worry, Jack. It's not awkward.”

“OK, thanks for being fine about it. I've liked you since I joined the club and just wanted to tell you. I think you're great!”

Before I could respond, he leant in too kiss me.

I felt his lips touch mine. It felt really nice despite my inebriated state. But I pulled away before our lips could connect properly. “Sorry, Jack. I'm just going to go the toilet. I'll be back in a minute.”

I didn't look him in the eye. I just scurried away.


I needed to think. I found an empty cubicle and just sat on the loo with the seat down. I was happy with how things were at the club. I'd made some really good friends and I didn't want anything or anybody to spoil that. But on the flip side, I finally had an opportunity. Before now, I'd only hooked up with people online. That hadn't worked out for me. I had been hoping to develop a friendship with someone and take it from there. I had known Andy and Steven for quite awhile now. But they were mates and I didn't think of them like that.

Jack was different though. He was still new to the team. We were mates but not as close as with the others; maybe it could work. Or at least I could give it a try. I felt bad for leaving Jack alone. I needed to go and face the music. It was hard to make a decision as I was as pissed as a fart.


To hell with it was my conclusion a few minutes later. I charged out of the toilets and headed straight for Jack. He gave me a big smile. He looked nervous but happy to see me.

I leant into his ear for reassurance. “Did you mean it, Jack? You fancy me?”

I still couldn't quite believe it.

“Of course I do, Dom. I fancy you like mad!”

I lit up with his confession.


The last few moments of soul-searching in the toilet and I came to the following conclusion: he's gay, he's happy about it and he seems to like me plus he's good-looking, funny and a really nice guy. Just go for it, you're a long time dead.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked me.

“Of course not, you're so sweet, Jack.”

“I tell you what, Jack.”

“What Dominic?

“Why don't you try again?”

“What do you mean”

“Kiss me!”

Without hesitation, he grabbed me by the waist and gave me the most gentle but horny kiss I've ever had. It was sensational! We looked deep into each other's eyes for the next several minutes whilst sharing lots of kisses. We were completely oblivious to anybody else in the room, even the entire world. It was just the two of us and it felt fantastic!