Few Moments of Letting Go by Kavita - HTML preview

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“Drink your milk,” Mrs Dewan kept the glass of milk on the centre table.

“I'm not a baby.”

“Oh yes? You still need to finish the milk,” she shrugged.

They lived in a house in Saket, adequate enough for a small family.

Maya took the glass of milk and gulped it down. She noticed some of her mother's paintings on the wall.

“Drink slowly, Maya. Don't gulp it down,” her father said.

“Look at the dress you're wearing. You've no shame left in you, Maya?” Her stepmother was at it again.

“What's wrong with it?” Maya retorted, turning back. It was just another day in the Dewan household!

It was a striped red and black figure hugging T-shirt and a black skirt. No matter what she wore, her stepmother found some fault with it. Either it was too tight or too loose or too drab or too revealing or some damned thing or the other.

Maya sat down and thought about Kartik, who she was to meet in a while. They behaved like a couple. One thing puzzled her, though. Every time she asked him if he loved her he changed the topic.

She had been out for drives with him on his bike. She remembered the day it was raining. Water was pouring while she was sitting behind him, holding him tight. Their bodies rubbed against each other. Maya felt so excited that she could feel herself getting wet inside. She was embarrassed with the thought. Suddenly she felt Kartik's hand holding hers and rubbing against her palm. She reciprocated. The rubbing of palms was leading her to a state of intoxication. She felt she would go mad with desire. She didn't know what was happening to her. Kartik stopped his bike in a narrow lane.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked bluntly.

“Tell me if I can?” he repeated. “I won't kiss you till you say yes.”

The idiot wants me to write down my assent and give it to him.

She thought about it. Not saying no meant a yes.

“I guess, yes,” she finally uttered.

Her body shivered with the mix of cold water and warm tongue in her mouth. She felt his hand slide towards her side moving on to her breast. She quivered with excitement.

They grew closer and closer till one day she lost her virginity to him. It was a lazy afternoon and there was no one at Kartik's home. They were listening to music sitting together, kissing each other. Kartik suddenly took her by the hand and made her sit on his bed. He put on the television and that was the first time she saw a couple having sex.

“I don't want to watch all that,” she said embarrassed and red with shame.

“Relax. I wanted to show you how they do it.”

She was a little curious and was both excited and perplexed about watching a sex tape.

She felt his hand touch her thighs. A spark ran through her body. Maya never had a huge regard for her virginity and for her sex did not exist. It was just making love, giving in to the pleasures of love and letting the moment rule. His hand stroked her thigh. With every stroke it went more daring. She ached for him to touch her. Kartik's hand was brushing against her wetness. A groan left her mouth and her eyes closed. Kartik came closer and she sensed his breaths getting heavier. Her lips parted and she felt his tongue piercing inside with force. She felt her t shirt off her with the cool breeze touching her naked self. His mouth found her hard nipples ready to be kissed.

“Why don't you take off my shirt?” he whispered.

Maya blushed and fumbled with his buttons. His impatience made him unbutton it himself and throw it on the couch.

“I don't want to wait anymore?”

Are you going to have sex with him? Her mind panicked? Love is all I want.

She took a deep sigh in surrender and let him unbutton her jeans. He laid her on the bed and pulled them off. With her body bare and quivering it was getting too intense for her to stop. It was a strange, but wonderful moment.

“Have you done it before,” she suddenly asked him He paused for a moment. “Yes, I have.”


“Does it matter?”

“I don't know,” she replied.

She was too involved with the pleasure it was bestowing upon her. He took his pants off and grabbed her closer. He moved away from her for a second to be sure about the protection. She was glad to see he was responsible towards her. He thrust inside her bringing a delicious pain. Pain accompanies pleasure everywhere. She felt her own body clench as waves of desire shot out of her.

His movements went fierce and he started riding her with more force. Finally he stopped drowned in his own sweat, smelling of his own sex and spent for the day. She loved it. She loved the feeling. She liked the way her body seemed relaxed. A true Wiccan at heart she realised that making love was one of the biggest pleasures one can obtain from the body. Yet she missed floating across the stars. Nothing could match it.

The first sexual experience has its own beauty. It is like exploring the unknown pleasures of universe. It introduces you to a new set of emotions. The emotions that can either enslave you or set you free.